
Mission: As a united changed agent, we are commi3ed to building a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mission: As a united changed agent, we are commi3ed to building a sustainable community coali7on that champions fathers involvement and supports healthy adult rela7onships--- specifically effec7ve co-paren7ng---which in turn provides posi7ve

  1. Mission: As a united changed agent, we are commi3ed to building a sustainable community coali7on that champions fathers involvement and supports healthy adult rela7onships--- specifically effec7ve co-paren7ng---which in turn provides posi7ve outcomes for Delaware’s children and communi7es.

  2. Vision: The Delaware Fatherhood and Family Coali7on envisions healthy and resilient Delaware childre n whose fathers are involved and parents effec7vely work together.

  3. Our Strategic Priori7es The DFFC has iden7fied four key strategic priori7es: Priority 1 Promote Father Involvement as a Posi7ve Influence - Increase community awareness of the importance of and commitment to father involvement in the lives of their children. Priority 2 Build a Self-Sustaining, Self-Determining Coali7on - S7mulate a broad-based posi7ve social movement to combat father absence and promote father involvement. Priority 3 Provide DFFC Educa7on & T.A. Opportuni7es - Provided fatherhood and healthy adult rela7onship educa7onal opportuni7es and technical assistance to increase the capacity of the community to support father involvement. Priority 4 Promote Fatherhood & co-Paren7ng Services - Promote fatherhood and healthy adult rela7onship services and ac7vi7es by DFFC members.

  4. Event Calendar 2016 New Castle County Tea for You : May 7, 2016 Bri7sh Bell Tea Room 890 Peoples Plaza, Newark, DE 19702 Father's Breakfast (IHOP): June 18, 2016 240 Fox Hunt Drive, Bear, DE 19701 Awards Ceremony (Workshop Series) Dover Downs: July 9, 2016 * Father and Family Wellness Day : August 13, 2016 230 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801 Dads Take Your Child to School Day September 22, 2016 New Castle County Leadership CommiRee Recruitment and Reten+on Event: September 17, 2016.

  5. Event Calendar 2016 Kent County Tea at Two : May 7, 2016 Bring Dad To Breakfast : June 18, 2016 IHOP 21 S. Li3le Creek Road, Dover, DE 19901 Awards Ceremony (Workshop Series) Dover Downs: July 9, 2016 Father and Family Wellness Day : August 20, 2016 Bicentennial Park NE Front Street, Milford, DE 11963 Dads Take Your Child to School Day : September 22, 2016 Kent County Leadership CommiRee Recruitment and Reten+on Event: December 5, 2016

  6. Event Calendar 2016 Sussex County Workshop: Co-Paren7ng : February 20, 2016 Tea at Two : May 14, 2016 308 N. Railroad Avenue, Georgetown, DE 19973 Bring Dad To Breakfast : June 18, 2016 IHOP’S 22812 Sussex Highway, Seaford, DE 19973 Awards Ceremony (Workshop Series) Dover Downs: July 9, 2016 Father and Family Wellness Day : August, 27 2016 North Bedford Street Park: 203 N. Bedford Street, Georgetown, DE 19947 Dads Take Your Child to School Day : September 22, 2016 Sussex County Leadership CommiRee Recruitment and Reten+on Event: December 2, 2016: 308 N. Railroad Avenue, Georgetown, DE 19973

  7. DFFC LEADERSHIP Vickie Ar7s Kennon Mann Division of Preven7on & Behavioral Health Family Services Kent County President Program Manager Email: clckentcounty@dffcdads.org Email: v.ar7s@dffcdads.org Office: (302) 633-2618 Leroy Mann III Sussex County President Wade Jones Email: clcsussexcounty@dffcdads.org State Wide Community Coordinator Email: w.jones@dffcdads.org Office: 1-855-733-3232 Ext. 1 Gerald Hearne Administra7ve and Communica7on Coordinator George E. Gibson Email: admin@dffcdads.org New Castle County President Phone: 1-855-733-3232 Ext. 0 Email: clcnewcastle@dffcdads.org

  8. Our Website www.dffcdads.org Phone 1-855-733-3232 Follow us: Facebook: facebook.com/dffcdads | Twi3er: @dffc3 | Instagram: dffc

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