Miriam’s Vision: A Response to the 2005 London Bombings History Personal Consequences of 7/7 (2)
Martine Wright Receiving the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Helen Rollason award 2012 http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/sports-personality/20691586 Giving the 7/7 Tavistock Square Memorial Trust Lecture 2014 http://www.tavistocksquarememorialtrust.org/news/7-7- memorial-lecture-2014-martine-wright
Six years on 7/7 bombings: Victims' families and survivors reflect on inquest – Guardian video http://www.theguardian.com/uk/video/2011/may/06/7-7- bombings-victims-survivors-inquest-video • What happened in the days immediately after the bombings? • Do the people being interviewed blame anyone for what happened? • What sorts of positive things have happened as a result of 7/7?
How has the Hyman family responded to the events of 7/7? Miriam Hyman Memorial Trust http://www.miriam-hyman.com/
Mimento: Paintings & Pastels by Miriam (Mim) Hyman http://www.miriam- hyman.com/merchandise.html
The Miriam Hyman Children’s Eye Care Centre http://www.miriam-hyman.com/mhcecc- partnership.html
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