Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry … steers the policy on sustainable use of [renewable] natural resources. Legislative work is carried out as part of the Finnish Government and the EU institutions and decision-making.
Departments and units of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry MINISTER Kimmo Tiilikainen INTERNAL AUDIT Sari Anttila SPECIAL ADVISER TO THE MINISTER PERMANENT SECRETARY Jukka-Pekka Kataja Jaana Husu-Kallio FOOD DEPARTMENT NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING Risto Artjoki Juha S. Niemelä DEPARTMENT Pentti Lähteenoja Finance Team Finance Team Esa Hiiva Heikki Piiparinen Bioeconomy and Research Team Food Safety Fisheries Industry Marjatta Rahkio Human Resources and Administration Risto Lampinen Animal and Plant Health Eeva Pystynen Recreational Use of Nature Taina Aaltonen International Affairs Christian Krogell Rural Development Aulikki Hulmi Natural Resources and Water Taina Vesanto Steering and Information Management Management Agriculture Raimo Vajavaara Kai Kaatra Arja-Leena Kirvesniemi Finances Forests and Bioenergy Markets Jukka Nummikoski Marja Kokkonen Veli-Pekka Talvela Media and Communications Legal Affairs Legal Affairs Pekka Väisänen Vilppu Talvitie Tanja Viljanen Bioeconomy Liisa Saarenmaa EU Coordination 2 Kari Valonen Research Mikko Peltonen
Mission statement and vision • Mission statement: We will secure domestic food production and sustainable use of renewable natural resources and create the preconditions for economic activities and well-being derived from these. • Vision: Finland is a pioneer and competitive pacemaker of a responsible food chain and sustainable bioeconomy .
Main policy sectors • Rural development • Agriculture and food • Natural resources management – incl. forest, game, fisheries, water • Land survey and spatial information – incl. coordinate system, mapping, cadastral system
Organizations in the administrative sector Agencies and institutes • Finnish Agency for Rural Affairs Mavi • Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira • The Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke • National Land Survey of Finland • Finnish Wildlife Agency • Metsähallitus (State Forest Enterprise) • Finnish Forestry Centre • Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
Implementation of the Government Programme (2015-2018) – Key Projects • Employment and competitivenes • Knowledge and education • Wellbeing and health • Bioeconomy and clean solutions • Digitalisation, experimentation and deregulation • Structural reforms 6
Implementation of the Government Programme (2015-2018) – Key Projects Bioeconomy and clean solutions 1. Towards carbon-free, clean and renewable energy cost- efficiently 2. Wood on the move and new products from forests 3. Breakthrough of a circular economy, getting waters into good condition 4. Finnish food production will be profitable, trade balance on the rise 5. Nature policy based on trust and fair means 7
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