mentoring engineers and humans

Mentoring Engineers and Humans Daniel Doubrovkine @dblockdotorg - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NY 2014 Mentoring Engineers and Humans Daniel Doubrovkine @dblockdotorg 3 Designers 3 Art Liaisons 5 Engineers Fellowship Program Full Time Program Manager Outside of Career Services Campus Visits Princeton,

  1. NY 2014 Mentoring Engineers and Humans Daniel Doubrovkine @dblockdotorg �

  2. 3 Designers 3 Art Liaisons 5 Engineers

  3. • Fellowship Program • Full Time Program Manager • Outside of Career Services

  4. Campus Visits � Princeton, Harvard, MIT, CMU, Stanford � CS Data Set from PeopleCo � Berkeley, University of Washington, Yale, Cornell, UCLA, USCD, Duke, Dartmouth � Data Set from Resume Books � Arts : Harvard, Columbia, Brown Design : Hyper Island, CMU, School for Visual Arts � Artsy HQ Event � Columbia, Barnard, SVA, NYU, Hunter

  5. Tell the Story

  6. Purpose Investment Paid Internship Experience Selection Outcome Schedule

  7. Go Get Them

  8. “Getting the strongest people at any level and keeping them is the single hardest thing in any organization.”

  9. * actual interns not pictured

  10. Pick mentors amongst experienced, pragmatic & patient people.

  11. Teach them mentorship.

  12. Teach them responsibility.

  13. Unlike management, mentorship is putting people’s goals first, before their work.

  14. Mentees have some domain knowledge, but have no idea what to do or how to behave.

  15. Create an environment for success.

  16. Set expectations.

  17. Set goals.

  18. Foster ownership and trust.

  19. Make them a priority.

  20. Advertise your mentee.

  21. Praise your mentee.

  22. Learn from your mentee.

  23. Create long-lasting relationships.

  24. “My favorite mentee was a student in a formal program many years ago. He is now my manager and we have an amazing working relationship.”

  25. Mentoring is not for everyone.

  26. Coach - Teacher - Student "Be the worst guy in every band you're in." –Pat Metheny

  27. Questions? Daniel Doubrovkine @dblockdotorg � �


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