Ze Zeshan an Qu Qureshi hi BM BM BS BSc MSc MR MRCPCH Paediatrician MENTAL HEALTH: Author Publisher PERSONAL Researcher Advocate EXPERIENCES, GLOBAL HEALTH, AND PAEDIATRICS
CHILDHOOD PSYCHOSIS ¡ Ps Psychosis. Disruptions in thinking, accompanied by delusions or hallucinations, along with an alteration in the thought processes . ¡ De Delusions. . Fixed, false, idiosyncratic beliefs that the child cannot be deterred from with logical reasoning. ¡ Ha Hallucina nati tions ons. Perceptions that arise in the absence of external sensory stimulus.
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS ¡ Ps Psychia iatric ic. Schizophrenia, mania, depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, speech/language disorder, developmental disorders. ¡ Ne Neurologi gical. Brain tumour, head trauma, congenital malformation, temporal lobe epilepsy. Wilsons disease, huntingtons chorea, strike. ¡ Au Autoimmmune di disease. SLE. ¡ En Endocrin ine. Adrenal (insuffiency/excess), thyroid (hyper/hypo), parathyroid (hyper/hypocalcemia), hypoglycaemia. Hypo/hypernatremia. ¡ Me Meta tabolic. Urea cycle defects, acute intermittent porphyria. ¡ In Infection. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Meningoencephalitis. ¡ Dr Drugs. s. Stimulants (e.g. amphetamine), steroids, anticholinergics, alcohol, amphetamines (Speed cocaine), hallucinogenic (LSD), solvent, cannabis, heavy metal ¡ Ot Other. . Chronic liver disease, chronic kidney disease.
STAY IN TOUCH Ze Zeshan.u.qureshi@gmail.com @Dr DrZes eshan anQu Qures eshi Ze Zeshan Qu Qureshi hi
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