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Meeting Presentation Sacramento International Airport Master Plan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Meeting Presentation Sacramento International Airport Master Plan Update October 30, 2012 Agenda We encourage open discussion during todays meeting Team Goals Background (Airport Master Plans) Areas of Emphasis Schedule

  1. Meeting Presentation Sacramento International Airport Master Plan Update October 30, 2012

  2. Agenda We encourage open discussion during today’s meeting  Team  Goals  Background (Airport Master Plans)  Areas of Emphasis  Schedule  Special Concerns SMF637 2 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  3. Team Our team has significant experience at Sacramento International Airport (SMF)  LeighFisher —prime consultant, airport  Hatch Mott MacDonald —Civil engineers planning for the Big Build Program  Corgan Associates —Architects and  MXD Development Strategists —A designer of the recently opened commercial development consulting Terminal B firm specializing in all forms of real estate development planning  Environmental Science Associates  Katz & Associates —A full ‐ service (ESA) —SCAS’s environmental consultant communication firm specializing in  Flight Engineering —A firm specializing in public outreach aircraft performance as it relates to  Seabury APG —SCAS’s air service runway length requirements consultant  GRA, Incorporated —Providing strategic aviation advisory services and economic analysis SMF637 3 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  4. SMF637 4 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  5. Goals The following goals were identified by SCAS Establish the Optimal Airport Plan: Provide airport plans that are effective and can be implemented to continue to meet regional needs and enhance both SMF’s and the community’s status. Maintain Affordability: Develop cost effective airport improvements that will assist in meeting projected growth through the year 2035. Identify methods to increase non ‐ aviation related revenue generation, thereby reducing costs to airlines operating at SMF. Enhance Customer Service: Recommend changes and improvements that will enhance and improve the customer experience (in a cost effective manner). “We create a superior customer experience through collaboration and continuous improvement” SMF637 5 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  6. The Way Forward Overarching issue – Identifying and realizing opportunities for air service growth and revenue enhancement in a period of slow economic growth  Vision: Northern California’s Gateway to the World  Challenges – Balance achievement of vision with economic realities – Develop a rational plan – Communicate plan and rationale to stakeholders  The Way Forward – Define the market – Enhance SMF's role as economic catalyst – Emphasize non ‐ aviation revenue – Fine tune and integrate existing plans – Prepare a sustainable, affordable, and flexible long ‐ range plan SMF637 6 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  7. Background An Airport Master Plan is a concept for long ‐ term development  Airport master plans are prepared to support the modernization or expansion of existing airports or the creation of a new airport  The master plan is the sponsor’s strategy for the development of the airport  The goal is to guide future airport development that will cost ‐ effectively satisfy aviation demand, while considering potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts SMF637 7 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  8. Background (continued) The master plan process SMF637 8 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  9. Background (continued) Master plan products and outcomes PRODUCTS OUTCOMES  Ultimate land use plan for the  Stakeholder / community consensus airport  Coordination with regional plans  Sound and comprehensive  Foundation for ensuing efforts (FAA development plan approvals, NEPA, etc.) – Schedule – Capital improvement plan  Business and financial plan  Airport layout plan SMF637 9 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  10. Areas of Emphasis – Forecasts Sound rationale exists for forecast growth outside the allowed variance from the FAA TAF  FAA 2011 Terminal Area Forecasts (TAF) underestimate demand for SMF’s international service – No growth forecast in international passengers – Mexicana bankruptcy and national economic recession temporarily disrupted international service development – Hispanic population is 25% of SMF's service region (1.2 million); strong ties to Mexico – New service to Mexico by AeroMexico and Volaris – Southwest (major carrier at SMF) now providing international service  SMF's catchment area is expected to expand  Sacramento business community has global connections and long ‐ term demand for international service SMF637 10 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  11. Areas of Emphasis – Airfield Planning Two key elements to be evaluated  Potential Extension to Runway 16L/34R – Length – Geometry – Purpose and need to satisfy NEPA – Challenges: environmental to the north, light rail/roadway/environmental to the south  Review Taxiway System – Capacity – Geometric standards SMF637 11 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  12. Areas of Emphasis – Passenger Terminal Capacity is adequate for the near ‐ term and possibly well into the long ‐ term future  SCAS has already identified expansion options – Conversion of Terminal A to an airside concourse (and closure of its landside components) – Expansion of Concourse A to construct additional aircraft parking positions and holdrooms – Expansion of Terminal B to the south  Focus will be on identifying the triggers that will drive the timing and sequencing of expansion projects SMF637 12 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  13. Areas of Emphasis – Ground Transportation  Timing and financial plan for the development of Garage B  Implementation of the long ‐ range roadway plan  Assess and provide guidance for maximizing parking revenue  We will also consider other current ground transportation planning efforts – Recent closure of Economy Lot sections 43 and 44 – Consolidation of Hourly B and Surface B exit plazas – Modifications to Economy Lot busing operations – Parking revenue control improvements SMF637 13 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  14. Areas of Emphasis – Airport Support Facilities We will develop and evaluate the approximate sizes and locations for support facilities  Air Cargo  General Aviation  Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting  Fuel  Aircraft Maintenance  Airport Maintenance SMF637 14 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  15. Areas of Emphasis – Commercial Development Leveraging the airport asset AIRPORTS are MULTIMODAL & MULTIFUNCTIONAL ENTERPRISES generating considerable commercial development in and beyond their boundaries The Physical Internet: Connecting People, High Value Products & Information Leveraging Airport Connectivity for Economic Development Leveraging Airport Land Assets Generates Major Non ‐ Aeronautical Revenue Streams Shifting the traditional ratio of aeronautical to non ‐ aeronautical revenues from 70/30 to 30/70. SMF637 15 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  16. Areas of Emphasis – Environmental & Land Use Environmental trade ‐ offs will involve overlapping resource concerns  Many sensitive environmental attributes on and around SMF  Focus on the analysis of impacts of proposed improvements and potential mitigation requirements and costs  Evaluate the SMF’s opportunities and challenges for potential commercial development  Consistency with the County’s and City’s development plans SMF637 16 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport

  17. Areas of Emphasis – Business Planning The financial success of SMF is a high priority Forecasting Revenue Enhancement CIP & Implementation • Market-based forecasts • Review tenant rates and • 20-year CIP inclusive of an charges and recommend assessment of the ability to • Robust analysis of the air changes needed to fund it. service market to determine increase revenues potential future demand • Phasing plan with demand • Explore market conditions triggers for proposed • Catchment area study will for commercial improvements, sources and be conducted to determine development opportunities uses of funds needed to overlap with Bay Area on SMF’s existing property implement discreet projects, airports not needed for aeronautical regulatory requirements and purposes and for under- implementation • Opportunities for new or performing and/or vacant responsibilities. expanded route terminal space development SMF637 17 Master Plan Update Master Plan Update Sacramento International Airport Sacramento International Airport


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