
meeting 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands Agenda 12:30 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Working Group II meeting 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands Agenda 12:30 Opening of the meeting by the chairman 12:35 Adoption of the agenda 12:40 Follow-up on action items 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Fishing opportunities for 2019:

  1. Working Group II meeting 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  2. Agenda 12:30 Opening of the meeting by the chairman 12:35 Adoption of the agenda 12:40 Follow-up on action items 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Fishing opportunities for 2019: presentation of ICES advice Northeast Atlantic mackerel 14:45 Western horse mackerel 15:00 Southern horse mackerel 15:45 Coffee break 16:00 Boarfish 16:15 Herring 6a and 7b,c 16:30 Celtic Sea herring 17:10 Update on the landing obligation 17:20 Commission’s proposal on revising the control system 17:40 AOB 17:50 End of meeting 18:00 Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  3. Follow-up on action items General • Follow-up with the ICES secretariat on publishing the last MIACO report (Eskild Kirkegaard) - ongoing • At the next MIACO meeting list and agree the action items during the meeting (MIACO participants) - ongoing • Clarify that moving the sentence about protection of spawning grounds in the ICES herring advice has only been done for logistical reasons and that this does not present a downgrading of the importance of protecting spawning grounds (Eskild Kirkegaard, ICES) - ongoing • Draft internal guidelines on management strategies and rebuilding plans (Goncalo Carvalho, Martin Pastoors) • Reiterate previous recommendation to the regional groups on demersal bycatch in pelagic fisheries and boarfish closure (chairman, secretariat) Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  4. Follow-up on action items Irish Sea herring • Develop management strategy (Ian Gatt, Steven Mackinson, Alan McCulla) - ongoing • Recommend to ExCom to follow ICES MSY advice (chairman) ✓ Celtic Sea herring • Develop recovery plan (Working Group members) - ongoing • Recommend to ExCom to follow ICES MSY advice (chairman) ✓ • Find out whether year classes seem to have disappeared from the assessment (Eskild Kirkegaard) - ongoing Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  5. Follow-up on action items Herring in 6a and 7b,c • Continue genetic, acoustic and morphometric research - ongoing • Ask Member States and Commission to include genetic sampling in Data Collection Framework once a protocol has been developed (Pelagic AC) - ongoing • Provide TAC advice for 2019 – today • Draft briefing paper to DG RESEARCH on genetics research (Ken Whelan, Edward Farrell, Jens Carlsson) - ongoing Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  6. Follow-up on action items Boarfish • Provide TAC advice for 2019 (Working Group members) - today • Continue work on the assessment model (Marine Institute, Working Group members) – ongoing Northeast Atlantic Mackerel • Provide TAC advice for 2019 (Working Group members) - today • Follow up on choke mitigation measures (Working Group members, chairman) – ongoing • Look into the logistics of including the North Sea in the mackerel egg survey (Martin Pastoors) Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  7. Follow-up on action items Southern horse mackerel • Provide TAC advice for 2019 (Working Group members) – today Western horse mackerel • Develop recovery plan and MSE and submit outcomes to the Commission for review by ICES (Focus Group) – ongoing • Seek mandate from EXCOM for the FG to develop and submit to the Commission the recovery plan and MSE for evaluation. ✓ • Continue stock ID project (Focus Group) – ongoing • Continue PFA research project (PFA) – ongoing • Provide TAC advice for 2019 (Working Group members) – today Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  8. Follow-up on action items Control Focus Group • Set- up a meeting in September or October to discuss the Commission’s proposal on revising the Control Regulation. Invite Commission and EFCA (chairman, secretariat) – ongoing Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  9. Fishing opportunities 2018 Presentation of ICES advice by Colm Lordan Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  10. Northeast Atlantic mackerel • TAC 2018 = 816 797 tonnes (management strategy) • ICES MSY advice 2019 = 318 403 t Management Catch in % Catch SSB in 2019 % SSB Objectives 2019 in t change in t change Fmsy = 0.173 (for 318 403 - 68.2 2 117 257 + 10.2 F 4-8 ) Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  11. Northeast Atlantic mackerel PELAC advice? Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  12. Northeast Atlantic mackerel Recommendations • Call for immediate Inter Bench Mark re RFID tagging • Request Coastal States to ask ICES to re-evaluate assessment by removing RFID tagging • Use Agreed Three Parties Management Strategy once re-evaluation completed. • Support egg survey next year and seek inclusion of North Sea • Follow up on choke mitigation measures Working Group II, 4 October 2017, Den Haag, Netherlands

  13. Western horse mackerel Update on the focus group Martin Pastoors Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  14. Western horse mackerel PFA self-sampling program Martin Pastoors Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  15. Western horse mackerel Update on genetics program Edward Farrell Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  16. Western horse mackerel • TAC 2018 = 117 070 t • Assumed catch in 2018 = 115 470 t • ICES MSY Advice 2019 = 145 237 t Management Catch in % Advice SSB in 2020 % SSB Objectives 2019 in t change in t at change spawning time Fmsy 145 237 + 24 987 878 + 5 Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  17. Western horse mackerel PELAC advice? Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  18. Western horse mackerel Recommendations ▪ Follow ICES MSY Advice 2019 = 145,237 t ▪ Note PelAC lack of confidence in assessment ▪ Continue to Develop Management Strategy for evaluation in 2019 ▪ Continue Genetics work ▪ Follow up on choke mitigation measures Working Group II, 4 October 2017, Den Haag, Netherlands

  19. Southern horse mackerel • TAC 2018 = 55 555 t • Assumed catch in 2018 = 39 016 t • ICES MSY Advice 2019 = 94 017 t Management Catch in % Catch SSB in 2019 % SSB Objectives 2019 in t change in t change Fmsy = 0.11 94 017 + 154 849 635 - 5.71 Management 46 368 + 26 851 646 - 0.23 strategy Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  20. Southern horse mackerel PELAC advice? Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  21. Southern horse mackerel Recommendations ▪ Follow Management Strategy ▪ TAC 2019 = 46,368 ▪ Object Commission’s use of MSY ▪ Follow up on choke mitigation measures Working Group II, 4 October 2017, Den Haag, Netherlands

  22. Boarfish 2 Years Advice 2018 & 2019 • TAC 2018 = 21,830 t • ICES PA advice 2018/2019 = 21 830 t • 20% uncertainty cap applied • Discard ratio 2016: 6.6% Working Group II, 4 October 2017, Den Haag, Netherlands

  23. Boarfish 2 Years Advice 2018 & 2019 PELAC advice? Working Group II, 4 October 2017, Den Haag, Netherlands

  24. Boarfish 2 Years Advice 2018 & 2019 Recommendations ▪ Follow ICES Advice 2018/2019 = 21 830 t ▪ Query TAC 2018 = 20,380 t ▪ Continue work on analytical assessment ▪ Resolve issue with NWWMSs Group around PelAC Management Strategy ▪ Follow up on choke mitigation measures Working Group II, 4 October 2017, Den Haag, Netherlands

  25. Herring in 6a and 7b,c Update on genetics study Edward Farrell Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  26. Herring in 6a and 7b,c Update on industry surveys Martin Pastoors Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  27. Herring in 6a and 7b,c • ICES advises zero catch in 2018 (MSY) & develop stock recovery plan • 2018 Advice scientific monitoring 4 840 tonnes • TAC 2018: 5800 tonnes (4170 t 6a north & 1630 t 6a south 7bc (monitoring fishery) Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  28. Herring in 6a and 7b,c PELAC advice? Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  29. Herring in 6a and 7b,c Recommendations • Immediate Evaluation Rebuilding plan • Continue Scientific Monitoring TAC 2019 • Continue Genetics project • Continue Industry Acoustic Surveys • Seek Benchmark once genetic information available • Follow up on choke mitigation measures Working Group II, 4 October 2017, Den Haag, Netherlands

  30. Celtic Sea herring Update on recovery plan Andy Campbell Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  31. Update on the landing obligation Scheveningen Member State Group and NWW Member State Group Maarten van Wegen SWW Member State Group Marta García Merchán by Webex Working Group II, 2 October 2018, Den Haag, Netherlands

  32. Landing Obligation Demersal bycatch in pelagic fisheries High Risk – catches exceed the TAC with multiple Member States impacted 1. Haddock VIIb-k 2. Whiting VIIb-k 3. Whiting VI 4. Hake II and IV 5. Whiting II and IV 6. Saithe II and IV 7. Whiting IIIa Working Group II, 12 April 2018, Den Haag, The Netherlands

  33. Landing Obligation Pelagic bycatch in demersal fisheries High Risk – catches exceed the TAC with multiple Member States impacted 1. Horse mackerel IVb,c and VIId 2. Herring VIA. VIIbc Working Group II, 12 April 2018, Den Haag, The Netherlands


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