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Medical University of South Medical University of South Carolina - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Medical University of South Medical University of South Carolina Carolina Stand alone medical university Stand alone medical university 250 postdocs on average 250 postdocs on average - - in 4 in 4 colleges colleges

  1. Medical University of South Medical University of South Carolina Carolina • Stand alone medical university Stand alone medical university • • 250 postdocs on average 250 postdocs on average - - in 4 in 4 • colleges colleges • Two Two- -thirds of postdocs are internation thirds of postdocs are internation • representing 29 countries representing 29 countries • Administration Administration - - College of Graduate College of Graduate • Studies, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Studies, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs • Responsible Conduct of Research Responsible Conduct of Research • (RCR) retreat is mandatory for all (RCR) retreat is mandatory for all postdocs postdocs

  2. Problem - - low participation of low participation of Problem internationals in discussions at internationals in discussions at RCR retreat RCR retreat • Language Language - - listening and speaking listening and speaking • • Cultural norms of social and Cultural norms of social and • research environment research environment

  3. International Scholar International Scholar Orientation Program (ISOP) Orientation Program (ISOP) Program Goals: Program Goals: 1. Provide a primmer for internationals Provide a primmer for internationals 1. prior to full RCR retreat. prior to full RCR retreat. 2. Promote effective problem solving Promote effective problem solving 2. skills and communication with co- - skills and communication with co workers and mentor. workers and mentor.

  4. RCR Retreat Agenda RCR Retreat Agenda Day 1 Day 1 • Orientation to Research Resources at MUSC Orientation to Research Resources at MUSC • • Career Planning: Establishing an Effective IDP Career Planning: Establishing an Effective IDP • • Mentoring Mentoring • • Public Perceptions of Scientific Misconduct Public Perceptions of Scientific Misconduct • • Moral Reasoning in Resolving Conflicts Moral Reasoning in Resolving Conflicts • Day 2 Day 2 • Effective Communication Strategies Effective Communication Strategies • • Peer Review, Authorship and Plagiarism Peer Review, Authorship and Plagiarism • • Data Management and Record Keeping Data Management and Record Keeping • • Animal Use in Research Animal Use in Research • • Human Subjects Research Human Subjects Research • • Conflict of Interest Conflict of Interest • • Intellectual Property Intellectual Property • • Reporting Misconduct and Whistleblower Reporting Misconduct and Whistleblower • Protection Protection • Closing Comments and Exit Evaluation Closing Comments and Exit Evaluation •

  5. ISOP Objectives: ISOP Objectives: 1. Pre Pre- -Survey Survey - - assess differences in assess differences in 1. fundamental research practices between fundamental research practices between home country cultures and those in the US home country cultures and those in the US 2. Environment Environment - - small group size, low small group size, low 2. PD:facilitator ratio, facilitators experienced PD:facilitator ratio, facilitators experienced with internationals with internationals 3. Content Content - - RCR basics RCR basics - - “ “see conflict > see conflict > 3. describe conflict > approach conflict” ” describe conflict > approach conflict 4. Support Support - - introduction to key services at introduction to key services at 4. MUSC - - International Programs, ESL International Programs, ESL MUSC instruction, the Writing Center, and the Office instruction, the Writing Center, and the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs of Postdoctoral Affairs

  6. Participants: Participants: • Under 4 months at MUSC Under 4 months at MUSC • • No more than 10 No more than 10- -12 scholars per 12 scholars per • session session • Mentor cc Mentor cc’ ’d on registration e d on registration e- -mail mail • • Follow up e Follow up e- -mails closer to workshop mails closer to workshop • to confirm attendance to confirm attendance

  7. Facilitators: Facilitators: • International Programs Director International Programs Director • • Writing Center faculty member Writing Center faculty member • • ESL Instructor (private) ESL Instructor (private) • • Assistant Dean for Postdoctoral Affairs Assistant Dean for Postdoctoral Affairs • Facilitator Orientation: Facilitator Orientation: Discussion of Allegra Goodwin’ ’s book s book Discussion of Allegra Goodwin “Intuition Intuition” ” and the HBO video and the HBO video “ “And the And the “ Band Played On” ” Band Played On

  8. ISOP Agenda ISOP Agenda Day 1 AM Day 1 AM • Introductions and Assessment of Issues Introductions and Assessment of Issues • • Panel Discussion: Acclimating to the US Scientific Panel Discussion: Acclimating to the US Scientific • Culture Culture Day 2 AM Day 2 AM • Variations in Cultural Behavioral Norms Variations in Cultural Behavioral Norms • • Language of Moral Reasoning in Addressing Language of Moral Reasoning in Addressing • Scientific Issues Scientific Issues • Moral Reasoning Strategies Moral Reasoning Strategies • Day 3 AM Day 3 AM • Verbal and Non Verbal and Non- -Verbal Communication Cues Verbal Communication Cues • • Discussion of Written Assignment on Ethical Discussion of Written Assignment on Ethical • Dilemmas Dilemmas • Approaching Difficult Conversations Approaching Difficult Conversations • • Program Review and Exit Evaluations Program Review and Exit Evaluations •

  9. Epilogue: Epilogue: • More active participation in RCR discussion More active participation in RCR discussion • • “ “100% satisfaction 100% satisfaction” ” on post on post- -RCR retreat survey RCR retreat survey • • More confident in speaking More confident in speaking • • Understand the importance of participating Understand the importance of participating • • Easier to understand the issues being Easier to understand the issues being • discussed (familiarity) discussed (familiarity) • Introduction to the international community Introduction to the international community • • “ “US US” ” Communication skills Communication skills • • Having roundtable discussion with MUSC Having roundtable discussion with MUSC • international faculty first is essential international faculty first is essential • Facilitator orientation is critical Facilitator orientation is critical • ! Fun of all and easily portable ! • Fun of all and easily portable •

  10. Acknowledgements Acknowledgements Facilitators: Facilitators: • Rebeca Mueller Rebeca Mueller - - International Programs International Programs • • Tom Smith Tom Smith - - Writing Center Writing Center • • Bob Koepper Bob Koepper - - ESL instructor ESL instructor • • Jess Glasser & Ed Krug Jess Glasser & Ed Krug - - Postdoctoral Postdoctoral • Affairs Office Affairs Office Funding: Funding: • National Postdoctoral Association Seed Grant National Postdoctoral Association Seed Grant • • College of Graduate Studies College of Graduate Studies •

  11. ISOP Pre- -Survey Questions Survey Questions ISOP Pre • What are some of the characteristics of a productive laboratory What are some of the characteristics of a productive laboratory environment in your country? environment in your country? • What is the role of the Principal Investigator (i.e. head of the • What is the role of the Principal Investigator (i.e. head of the lab) in lab) in the career advancement of his/her trainees in your home country? the career advancement of his/her trainees in your home country? • How do Principal Investigators give positive feedback to trainee • How do Principal Investigators give positive feedback to trainees s in your home country? in your home country? • How does a Principal Investigator establish expectations of a • How does a Principal Investigator establish expectations of a trainee in your home country? trainee in your home country? • What are the customary authorship policies in your country, i.e. • What are the customary authorship policies in your country, i.e. how is it decided who is an author? how is it decided who is an author? • How do trainees express disagreement with their Principal • How do trainees express disagreement with their Principal Investigator in your home country? Investigator in your home country? • How are family responsibilities viewed in comparison to research • How are family responsibilities viewed in comparison to research responsibilities in your home country? responsibilities in your home country? • What is the source of salary support for scientists in your home • What is the source of salary support for scientists in your home country? country? • What do you think will be the biggest obstacle in achieving your • What do you think will be the biggest obstacle in achieving your postdoctoral training goals at MUSC? postdoctoral training goals at MUSC?


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