measuring the adequacy and equity of montana s wage loss

Measuring the Adequacy and Equity of Montanas Wage Loss Benefits - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Measuring the Adequacy and Equity of Montanas Wage Loss Benefits Study Approach and Expectations LMAC-September, 2010 Big Sky , Montana Frank Neuhauser UC Berkeley For LMAC/Employment Relations Division Policy Objectives Adequacy --

  1. Measuring the Adequacy and Equity of Montana’s Wage Loss Benefits Study Approach and Expectations LMAC-September, 2010 Big Sky , Montana Frank Neuhauser — UC Berkeley For LMAC/Employment Relations Division

  2. Policy Objectives • Adequacy -- Level of benefits – How much of workers’ lost wages are replaced by benefits? • Equity – Distribution of benefits across workers – Horizontal equity — similarly disabled workers get similar benefits – Vertical equity – more seriously disabled workers get higher benefits • Cost — employers and workers are concerned with impact of the cost of workers’ compensation on profits, jobs, and wage levels.

  3. Policy Objectives • Adequacy and equity are usually treated in a vacuum – Level of benefits is known but – Level of losses is unknown – Distribution of losses across workers is unknown So, – Adequacy of wage loss replacement is unknown – Equity across differently affected workers is unknown ERD study will fill in the missing pieces and allow LMAC, EAIC, and ultimately the Legislature to make informed decisions

  4. Estimating Wage Loss • Main challenge — we do not observe the injured workers wages if they had not been injured — need to estimate future wages • Wages at-injury are a poor proxy for future wage path – Age – Unemployment – School-family-children

  5. Estimating Wage Loss Uninjured Injured Wages Time Injury Return to Work

  6. Matching Injured Workers to “Controls” • Identify two groups of workers – Disabling injuries including permanent impairments – Medical-only claims — generally minor injuries with little expected long-term impact on earnings • Medical-only claimants are pool of potential matched controls. We use their wages as a proxy for injured worker wages, in the absence of an injury

  7. Matching Injured Workers to “Controls” • Matching Criteria – Gender – Age – Wage, 4 quarters prior to injury quarter – Employer size – Occupation (class code)

  8. Hypothetical Example 10,000 7,500 Control workers Quarterly earnings, 5,000 $ 2,500 Wage loss Injured workers 0 – 20 – 10 0 10 20 Quarters before and after injury

  9. Hypothetical Example 10,000 Quarterly 7,500 Control workers earnings and WC 5,000 benefits, Uncompensated 2,500 Injured wage loss workers Benefits 0 – 20 – 10 0 10 20 Quarters before and after injury

  10. Proportional Wage Loss, Replacement Rate wages Benefits $120,000 3year post injury earnings $100,000 uncompen wage sated $80,000 loss $60,000 Benefits $40,000 $20,000 $0 Control Injured

  11. Measures • Wage Loss Control Earnings – Injured Worker Earnings • Proportional wage loss (Wage Loss)/(Control Earnings) • Replacement Rate — after tax (Benefits)/(Wage Loss*(1-tax rate))

  12. ERD Study • 17,000 Permanent Disability Claims • 230,000 Medical-Only Claims • Injury dates: 1999-2007 • UI Earnings data 1997-2009

  13. ERD Study • For each PD claim – Define impairment rating percent – Split claims into 5 groups based on impairment • 1% - 2% • 3% - 5% • 6% - 10% • 11% - 15% • 16%+ – Estimate wage loss for each group

  14. Wages of Sample Groups relative to Quarter Prior to Injury --FY1999 to FY2007 120% 100% % of Q-1 80% 60% IR: 0.01-2.99 IR:3-5.99 IR:6-10.99 40% IR:11-15.99 IR:16+ MO 20% 0% Q_10 Q_9 Q_8 Q_7 Q_6 Q_5 Q_4 Q_3 Q_2 Q_1 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Quarters

  15. Wages of Sample Groups relative to Quarter Prior to Injury 1999-2007 120% 100% % of Q-1 80% 60% 40% IR: 0.01-2.99 IR:3-5.99 IR:6-10.99 20% IR:11-15.99 IR:16+ MO 0% Q_4 Q_3 Q_2 Q_1 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 Quarter s

  16. Wages of Sample Groups relative to Quarter Prior to Injury 1999-2007 $7,000 Average Quarterly Wage($) $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 IR: 0.01-2.99 IR:3-5.99 IR:6-10.99 $1,000 IR:11-15.99 IR:16+ MO $0 Q_4 Q_3 Q_2 Q_1 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 Quarters

  17. Four year post MMI wage loss % wage loss % cases 1% to 2% 21.9% 22.2% 3% to 5% 17.7% 30.7% 6% to 10% 25.6% 27.7% 11% to 15% 34.1% 9.5% 16%+ 48.5% 9.9% All 25.4%

  18. Benefit Adequacy Study--Timetable Over next several weeks • Refine Impairment vs. PPD grouping • Determine wage loss for each group • Determine benefits for each group • Determine “Replacement Rates” for each group Next month, further define matching to measure impact of age, gender, employer size, occupational risk


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