matrix and matrix detoxification

Matrix and Matrix Detoxification Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky, MA, ND - PDF document

11/21/2017 Matrix and Matrix Detoxification Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky, MA, ND Evolutionary Biology of the Matrix Single cell organisms have a direct contact with their external environment Multi-cellular organisms have a cell protective

  1. 11/21/2017 Matrix and Matrix Detoxification Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky, MA, ND Evolutionary Biology of the Matrix • Single cell organisms have a direct contact with their external environment • Multi-cellular organisms have a cell protective area between the external environment and their cells • This protective area is an extracellular space and is now called the extracellular matrix. It is the filter between the cell and the external environment 1

  2. 11/21/2017 Original Concept of the Matrix New Concept of the Matrix 2

  3. 11/21/2017 Extra Cellular Matrix or Matrix • The matrix is a 3-dimensional fine-structured biophysical filter that controls the transmission of cell nutrition and waste products, mediators • Any substance from the cell or external environment must pass through this matrix ECM: 3 Classes of Molecules • Structural Proteins: Collagen and Elastins • Gel proteins: ProteoGlycans • Adhesive Glycoproteins: Fibronectins and Laminins 3

  4. 11/21/2017 Functions of the Matrix Collagen • Makes up 30 % of total body protein content • Secreted by Fibroblasts • Triple Helix Structure 4

  5. 11/21/2017 Collagen has a Crystal Structure Collagen- Water Complex 5

  6. 11/21/2017 Proteoglycans Organize water molecules Forms space between cells and collagen Gel- increases viscosity Cell anchoring, migration and adhesion Links with collagen to form a network Fine structure of the GAGs at the end of a PG creates a narrow 3-D web that functions as a biophysical filter Collagen - Proteoglycans 6

  7. 11/21/2017 Intercellular or Interstitial Fluid Consists of a water carrier containing fatty acids, sugars, coenzymes, hormones, neuropeptides, salts, minerals, and wastes Indispensable medium that makes it possible to maintain homeostasis between the intra and extracellular zones Nutrition Waste disposal Communication Histology of the ECM Middle of the picture = cell surrounded by BM and to the right a network of PGs and GAGs Under E is the rough structure of collagen fibres and web structure of the PGs and GAGs Insert = fine mesh structure of PGs and GAGs 7

  8. 11/21/2017 Extracellular Matrix Extracellular Matrix: a Functional Unit • Capillary  Connective Tissue  Cell Membrane • ECM is bathed in the Extracellular Fluid • Connected to the endocrine system via capillaries • Connected to the CNS by peripheral nerves and neuropeptides • Communication system of the body through prostaglandins, cytokines, lymphokines, neuropeptides, proteases: all producing an interactive feedback system with the entire body • Forms the basis for the Mind-Body Connection 8

  9. 11/21/2017 Matrix Energetics • Collagen is a hydrated semi- conductor • Electrons are semi conducted through the helical protein • Protons (H+) and Hydroxyls (OH-) migrate through the hydration shell • Charge transfers are vital to life • Electrons from the matrix can neutralize free radicals Matrix has Electric Properties • Hydrated liquid crystals • Semiconductor • Piezoelectric • Pyroelectric • Thermoelectric • Electrets 9

  10. 11/21/2017 Cell Communication = Cell Regulation Historical Development of Matrix Physiology • Claude Bernard • Wilhem Schuessler • Alfred Pischinger • Harmut Heine • Mae-Wan Ho • James Oschman 10

  11. 11/21/2017 Claude Bernard 1813-1878 Father of experimental physiology in France Discovered the function of the Pancreas, glycogenic function of the Liver and the Vasomotor System Developed the term “ Le milieu interieur”........... the interior terrain/ environment The cell is influenced by it direct environment Only in dysfunction of homeostasis , diseases appear Wilhem Schuessler 1821 – 1898 1874 “An Abridged Therapy based on Physiology and Cellular Pathology” The connective tissue is: Influenced by Virchow to develop a homeopathic based therapy “ the matrix where the most Biochemic Therapy: secret currents pass “ “ restoration of the body and thereby the cell, will result from restoration of the deficit of the inorganic salts” 11

  12. 11/21/2017 Alfred Pischenger 1899 - 1983 Head of Anatomical Institute at the University of Vienna Developed concept of the Ground Substance or Matrix and the Ground Regulation System or GRS Described it as a amorphous gel-like substance filling the whole extracellular environment Morpho-Functional Unit = Matrix • Capillary • Matrix • Membrane •The Matrix is the Basic Regulation System 12

  13. 11/21/2017 A Pischinger 1975 Matrix and Matrix Regulation: Basis for a Holistic Theory of Medicine Pischenger: The Base of the Iceberg “ understand the leading role of the function of the ground system in the pathogenesis of chronic disease and degenerative diseases, it has to be emphasized that the ground system is not only the starter for information at cells, the humoral system and the nervous system, but that the function of the system itself can be altered by every functional disturbance of the tissues “ 13

  14. 11/21/2017 • System of Homeostasis: the capacity of an organism to regulate its internal environment • 20 % of the body mass Ground • Electric potential set point : 240 uV which System or is reactive to changes in ph, stress, inflammation, toxins etc. ECM • Field of most regulatory processes in the body • Self-regeneration occurs through Fibroblasts • Battlefield of the non-specific defence system of the immune system • Direct environment of the cell • Self-renewing every 120 days if physiology is balanced Harmut Heine b. 1941 Histologist Defined the Acupuncture point as a cylinder of ECM projecting to the surface of the skin: Heine Cylinder  areas where nerve fibres and capillaries emerge from the ground substance to penetrate the skin at specific points Did basis research on autoregulatory processes in the ECM and on PGs and GAGs 14

  15. 11/21/2017 Mae-Wan Ho James Oschman b 1940 … PhD Biophysics/Biology, University of Pittsburgh Worked in many research labs around the world Has researched and written about the peculiarities of the matrix and specifically on the energetic aspects 2000 “ Energy Medicine: the Scientific Basis” 2003 “ Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance” 15

  16. 11/21/2017 James Oschman “ The Living Matrix” Extracellular Matrix Intra-cellular Matrix Nuclear Matrix Most toxins are stored in the ECM, but influence directly on the Intra- cellular Matrix and Nuclear Matrix Living Matrix 16

  17. 11/21/2017 Books by James Oschman Synonyms of the ECM • Le Terrain...Claude Bernard • Mesenchyme...old medical terminology • Connective Tissue...histological terminology • Ground Regulating Substance..Pischinger • Basic Bio-Regulating System..Lamers • Extra-cellular Matrix... Current terminology • Living Matrix...Oschman 17

  18. 11/21/2017 Matrix Summary • ECM regulation is a functional unit that includes the vascular pathway, the connective tissue cells, lymphatic system and the autonomic-nervous system • ECM is the nexus for mediators to act both centrally and peripherally • ECM regulates substances entering the system at the cellular level, it regulates the cell milieu itself and removes by-products of cellular activity • Its regulatory capacity is involved in all inflammatory reactions and is responsible for all vital activity of the organism Matrix Summary 2 • The ECM determines the quality of the life of the cell and is therefore crucial for healthy organ function • Dysfunction of the ECM will result in dysfunction of the cell • Health and the patient’s quality of life is directly related to the purity and efficient regulating processes in the living matrix • Chronic diseases are the consequence of the inability to effectively deal with toxins in the ECM 18

  19. 11/21/2017 Matrix Diagnosis • TCM: Acupuncture Meridians • EAV: Voll, Vega, Bio-Meridian, Mora, Prognos, Asyra • BTA: Biological Terrain Analysis pH, redox, resistance • pH Assessesment • Thermography Matrix Detoxification 19

  20. 11/21/2017 Toxin Accumulation according to Oschman A  mechanical trapping B  ionic binding to charges on the matrix surface-+ cation toxin binds to a –charged hyaluronan C  hydrophobic and hydrophilic binding pH and the Matrix • In an acidic environment the matrix regulation is disturbed • This affects cellular metabolism by increasing the % of anaerobic respiration thus increasing the production of lactic acid and further increasing the acidity • The ECM acts as a store of toxins, • Acidity prevents toxins from being removed into the matrix and hence preventing cell damage 20

  21. 11/21/2017 pH and the Matrix 2 • The ECM stores toxins in the acidic state and eliminates them in the alkaline state • Abnormal ph is indication of a disruption in the gut • The acidity induces a loss of flexibility in the matrix as the proteoglycans become more rigid Diagnose Acidity in the Matrix using Saliva and Urine 21

  22. 11/21/2017 Restore Alkaline Balance Restore Alkaline Balance 22

  23. 11/21/2017 Oxidative Stress and the Matrix • In the presence of increased oxidative stress in the extracellular matrix, the free radicals can cause non-enzymatic breakdown of the GAGs. • This can be a major factor in the developmental pathology of certain chronic diseases such as cancer Vitamin C and the Matrix 23

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