master programs eligible under the transfor m dual degree

Master Programs eligible under the TRANSFOR M dual degree program at - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Master Programs eligible under the TRANSFOR M dual degree program at the TRANSFOR M dual degree program at the University of Alberta Master of Science with an empahsis in the following subject areas: p g j Enhanced Forest Management

  1. Master Programs eligible under the TRANSFOR M dual degree program at the TRANSFOR ‐ M dual degree program at the University of Alberta • Master of Science with an empahsis in the following subject areas: p g j – Enhanced Forest Management – Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture – Land Reclamation, Remediation, and Restoration Land Reclamation Remediation and Restoration – Biodiversity Conservation • Master of Foresty • Master of Foresty More information about these programs at p g

  2. GRADUATE PROGRAMS IN RENEWABLE RESOURCES E n h a n c e d F o r e s t M a n a g e m e n t B i o d i v e r s i t y C o n s e r v a t i o n E n v i r o n m e n t a l l y S u s t a i n a b l e A g r i c u l t u r e L a n d R e c l a m a t i o n , R e m e d i a t i o n a n d R e s t o r a t i o n

  3. GRADUATE PROGRAMS IN RENEWABLE RESOURCES Overview Program Requirements Graduate studies in the Department of Renewable Resources encompass a broad spectrum of scientifjc Degree of MSc and management applications in natural and • Minimum requirements are two graduate managed landscapes which fall within 4 major research seminar courses, plus *12 in research themes:1) Enhanced Forest Management coursework acceptable for graduate credit, of 2) Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture 3) Land which *6 must be at the 500 level or above. Reclamation, Remediation, and Restoration and 4) • Candidates for the degree of MSc must prepare Biodiversity Conservation. an acceptable thesis presenting their research results. Each year we recruit approximately 20 new • The minimum period of residence is two, students into our graduate programs in Renewable 4-month terms; normally, at least 2 academic Resources. years are required to complete the MSc. Admission Requirements Degree of PhD • All students must take two graduate research • GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 in the last two years (60 seminar courses. Otherwise there is no fjxed units) of coursework. course requirement for students with a Master’s • Applicants are encouraged to correspond with degree. academic staff who may be suitable as a poten- • Students in the PhD program must complete an tial graduate research supervisor. See list on oral pre-candidacy assessment within 6 months other side. of registration and pass an oral candidacy exam • Application fees and instructions for submitting within 2 years of registration. applications from the web are available at • Candidates for the PhD must prepare an acceptable thesis presenting their research results. Financial Assistance • The minimum residence requirement is 3 academic years for a student with a Bachelor’s degree or 2 academic years for those with a • Most students are funded by research grants Master’s degree. Typically, a minimum of 3 held by academic staff serving as graduate years is normally required to complete the PhD. supervisors. • Historically, the Department has been able to offset the tuition differential assessed to Course based Programs international students. • Exceptional MSc and PhD applicants are nominated by the Department for FGSR The Department offers a number of non-thesis recruitment scholarships (course-based) programs including: MAg, MF, • Graduate students may apply for Departmental Joint MBA/MAg, Joint MBA/MF . Please see the specialized awards in August and FGSR- departmental website for more details: www.ales. sponsored General Awards in January of each year.

  4. Enhanced Forest Management A recognized area of excellence, enhanced forest management includes research on silvicultural practices, genetic improvements, stand dynamics, tree physiology and pest, landscape and biodiversity management. The aim is to provide a scientifjc basis for improvements to forest management practices which aim to ensure eco - nomic and ecological sustainability now and in the future. Landscape Forestry and Natural Resource Integrated Resource Politics & Governance, Management Environmental Risk, Research interests: forest activ- State Theory and Rural ity scheduling, forest economics, Sociology integrated resource manage- Research interests: social sus- ment, forest level optimization tainability in resource-based and simulation modeling; policy communities, vulnerability and analysis. resilience in the face of change, ARMSTRONG, Glen W aboriginal land & resource rights. (780) 492-8221 DAVIDSON, Debra J 807 General Services Building (780) 492-4598 543 General Services Building Forest Soils and Nutrient Dynamics Forest Entomology Research interests: Forest Lab in Chemical Ecol- soil processes, soil micro- ogy bial ecology, global change To understand roles of tree and soil acidifjcation, car - induced chemical defenses bon sequestration, forest mediating interactions be- fertilization, tree nutrition, forest ecophysiology, tween insects and fungal and silviculture-soil management interactions. pathogens and between CHANG, Scott herbivores and their natural enemies ERBILGIN, Nadir Phone (780) 492-6375 Offjce: 424 Earth Sciences Building (780) 492-8693 230A Earth Sciences Building Silviculture and Stand Dynamics Wildland Fire Research interests: Sil- Research interests: fjre viculture, Quantitative resilient fjre landscapes Silviculture, Mixedwood including landscape (aspen-spruce) Silviculture, fjre modeling, fjre and Vegetation Management, weather/climate interac- Intra- and inter-specifjc tions including the po- competition, Silvicultural Systems. tential impact of climatic COMEAU, Philip G change, lightning-ignited forest fjres and in stand weather and the infmuences (780) 492-1879 on fuel moisture. 426 Earth Sciences Building FLANNIGAN, Mike (780) 248-2033 713A General Services Building

  5. Plant Physiology Forest Ecology and Research interests: Plant physio- Plant Biodiversity logical ecology, especially subjects Research interests:Natural related to water transport and xy- regeneration of forests lem structure in woody plants. after natural disturbance or HACKE, Uwe harvesting; understanding natural stand dynamics as a (780) 492-8511 basis for mixedwood management; impacts of for- 251 Earth Sciences Building est management on understory plant communities. MACDONALD, S Ellen (780) 492-3070 743 General Services Building Hardwood Genetics Research interests: Effects of cli- mate change on ecosystems; con- Soil-Plant Relations servation and ecological genetics; breeding and deployment; tropical Research interests: Soil fertil- ecology ity, soil ecology, rhizosphere HAMANN, Andreas dynamics, carbon sequestra- tion (biochar), disturbance (780) 492-6429 ecology, land reclamation, 739 General Services Building silviculture, agroforestry MACKENZIE, M. Derek (780) 492-6388 Forest Regeneration 340C Earth Sciences Building & Seeding Ecology Research interests: Impact of nursery culture and mor- Forest Ecology and Wildlife phological characteristics on Management seedling quality and outplant- Research interests: Understanding the ing success. Mixed species, competition and vegeta- effects of forest disturbance (managed tion management. or natural) on wildlife populations and LANDHAUSSER, Simon biodiversity; wildlife habitat supply modelling (780) 492-6381 NIELSEN, Scott 426 Earth Sciences Building (780) 492-1656 741 General Services Building Silviculture & Forest Ecology Research interests: Dynam- Wildland Fire Science ics of boreal and mixedwood and Management forests; tree recruitment, Research interests: Effects of competitive relations and ecophysiology of trees, disturbances and processes shrubs and herbs; light transmission through mixed in forest ecosystems over canopies. various spatial and temporal LIEFFERS, Victor J scales, evaluation and quan- tifjcation of the effects of disturbance on ecological (780) 492-2852 processes in forest ecosystems, sustainable ecosys- 440 Earth Sciences Building tem management and urban landscapes. RYU, Soung (780) 492-2356 869 General Services Building


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