massively parallel communication and query evaluation

Massively Parallel Communication and Query Evaluation Paul Beame - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Massively Parallel Communication and Query Evaluation Paul Beame U. of Washington Based on joint work with Paraschos Koutris and Dan Suciu [PODS 13], [PODS 14] 1 Massively Parallel Systems 2 MapReduce [Dean,Ghemawat 2004] Rounds of Map:

  1. Massively Parallel Communication and Query Evaluation Paul Beame U. of Washington Based on joint work with Paraschos Koutris and Dan Suciu [PODS 13], [PODS 14] 1

  2. Massively Parallel Systems 2

  3. MapReduce [Dean,Ghemawat 2004] Rounds of Map: Local and data parallel on (key, value) pairs creating (key 1 ,value 1 )… (key k ,value k ) pairs Shuffle: Groups or sorts (key, value) pairs by key • Local sorting plus global communication round Reduce: Local and data parallel on key s: (key,value 1 )… (key,value k ) reduces to (key,value) – Data fits jointly in main memory of 100’s/1000’s of parallel servers each with gigabyte + storage – Fault tolerance 3

  4. What can we do with MapReduce? Models & Algorithms • Massive Unordered Distributed Data (MUD) model [Feldman-Muthukrishnan-Sidiropoulos-Stein-Svitkina 2008] – 1 round can simulate data streams on symmetric functions, using Savitch- like small space simulation – Exact computation of frequency moments in 2 rounds of MapReduce • MRC model [Karloff, Suri, Vassilvitskii 2010] – For n 1-ε processors and n 1-ε storage per processor, O ( t ) rounds can simulate t PRAM steps so O (log k n ) rounds can simulate NC k – Minimum spanning trees and connectivity on dense graphs in 2 rounds of MapReduce – Generalization of parameters, sharper simulations, sorting and computational geometry applications [Goodrich, Sitchinava, Zhang 2011] 4

  5. What can we do with MapReduce? Models & Algorithms • Communication-processor tradeoffs for 1 round of MapReduce – Upper bounds for database join queries [Afrati,Ullman 2010] – Upper and lower bounds for finding triangles, matrix multiplication, finding neighboring strings [Afrati, Sarma, Salihoglu, Ullman 2012] 5

  6. More than just MapReduce What can we do with this? Are there limits? Lower bounds? A simple general model? 6

  7. MapReduce �(� ��� �) �(� ��� �) time [Dean,Ghemawat 2004] Rounds of Map: Local and data parallel on (key, value) pairs creating (key 1 ,value 1 )… (key k ,value k ) pairs Shuffle: Groups or sorts (key, value) pairs by key • Local sorting plus global communication round Reduce: Local and data parallel on key s: (key,value 1 )… (key,value m ) reduces to (key,value) unspecified time – Data fits jointly in main memory of 100’s/1000’s of parallel servers each with gigabyte + storage – Fault tolerance essential for efficiency 7

  8. Properties of a Simple General Model of Massively Parallel Computation • Organized in synchronous rounds • Local computation costs per round should be considered free, or nearly so – No reason to assume that sorting is special compared to other operations • Memory per processor is the fundamental constraint – This also limits # of bits a processor can send or receive in a single round 8

  9. Bulk Synchronous Parallel Model [Valiant 1990] Local computations separated by global synchronization barriers • Key notion: An h -relation, in which each processor sends and receives at most h bits • Parameters: – periodicity L : time interval between synchronization barriers ���� �� ������� �� ���������� – bandwidth g : ��� ��� � � 9

  10. Massively Parallel Communication (MPC) Model Input (size= N ) • Total size of the input = N • Number of processors = p Server 1 . . . . Server p • Each processor has: Step 1 – Unlimited computation Server 1 . . . . Server p power Step 2 – L ≥ N/p bits of memory Server 1 . . . . Server p • A round/step consists of: Step 3 – Local computation . . . . – Global communication of an L -relation • i.e., each processor sends/receives ≤ L bits • L stands for the communication/memory load 10

  11. MPC model continued • Wlog N/p ≤ L ≤ N – any processor with access to the whole input can compute any function • Communication – processors pay individually for receiving the L bits per round, total communication cost up to pL ≥ N per round. • Input distributed uniformly – Adversarially or random input distribution also • Access to random bits (possibly shared) 11

  12. Relation to other communication models • Message-passing (private messages) model – each costs per processor receiving it – wlog one player is a Coordinator who sends and receives every message • Many recent results improving Ω ( N / p ) lower bounds to Ω ( N ) [WZ 12], [PVZ12], WZ13], [BEOPV13],... • Complexity is never larger than N bits independent of rounds – No limit on bits per processor, unlike MPC model • CONGEST model – Total communication bounds > N possible but depends on network diameter and topology • MPC corresponds to a complete graph for which largest communication bound possible is ≤ N 12

  13. Complexity in the MPC model • Tradeoffs between rounds r , processors p , and load L • Try to minimize load L for each fixed r and p – Since N/p ≤ L ≤ N , the range of variation in L is a factor p ε for 0 ≤ ε ≤ 1 • 1 round – still interesting theoretical/practical questions – many open questions • Multi-round computation more difficult – e.g. PointerJumping, i.e., st-connectivity in out-degree 1 graphs. • Can achieve load O ( N/p ) in r =O(log 2 p ) rounds by pointer doubling 13

  14. Database Join Queries • Given input relations R 1 , R 2 , …, R m as tables of tuples, of possibly different arities, produce the table of all tuples answering the query Q ( x 1 , x 2 , …, x k ) = R 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ), R 2 ( x 2 , x 4 ),…, R m ( x 4 , x k ) – Known as full conjunctive queries since every variable in the RHS appears in the query (no variables projected out) • Our examples: Connected queries only 14

  15. The Query Hypergraph • One vertex per variable • One hyper-edge per relation Q ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 , x 5 ) = R ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ), S ( x 2 , x 4 ), T ( x 3 , x 5 ), U ( x 4 , x 5 ) R x 4 S x 2 x 1 U x 5 x 3 T 15

  16. k-partite data graph/hypergraph x 3 Query Hypergraph x 1 x 4 x 2 Data Hypergraph � possible values per variable �� vertices total 16

  17. k-partite data graph/hypergraph x 3 Query Hypergraph x 1 x 4 x 2 Query Data Hypergraph Answers � possible values per variable �� vertices total 17

  18. Some Hard Inputs • Matching Databases – Number of relations R 1 , R 2 , … and size of query is constant – Each R j is a perfect a j -dimensional matching on [ n ] a j where a j is the arity of R j • i.e. among all the a j -tuples ( k 1 ,..., k a j ) ∊ R j , each value k ∊ [ n ] appears exactly once in each coordinate. • No skew (all degrees are the same) • Number of output tuples is at most n – Total input size is N = O (log( n! ))= O ( n log n ) 18

  19. Example in two steps Algorithm 1: Find all triangles C 3 ( x , y , z ) = R 1 ( x , y ), R 2 ( y , z ), R 3 ( z , x ) For each server 1 ≤ u ≤ p : Input : n / p tuples from each of R 1 , R 2 , R 3 R 1 = R 2 = R 3 = Step 1 : send R 1 ( x , y ) to server ( y mod p ) X Y Y Z Z X send R 2 ( y , z ) to server ( y mod p ) a1 b3 b1 c2 c1 a2 a2 b1 b2 c3 c2 a1 Step 2 : join R 1 ( x , y ) with R 2 ( y , z ) send [ R 1 ( x , y ), R 2 ( y , z )] to server ( z mod p ) a3 b2 b3 c1 c3 a3 send R 3 ( z , x ) to server ( z mod p ) Output join [R 1 ( x , y ), R 2 ( y , z ) ] with R 3 ( z , x’) output all triangles R 1 ( x , y ), R 2 ( y , z ), R 3 ( z , x ) C 3 = Load: O ( n / p ) tuples (i.e. ε = 0 ) Number of rounds: r = 2 X Y Z a3 b2 c3 19

  20. [Ganguly’92, Afrati’10] ( i , j , k ) Example in one step j k k j p 1/3 i i Servers form a cube: [ p ] ≅ [ p 1/3 ] × [ p 1/3 ] × [ p 1/3 ] Find all triangles Algorithm 2: C 3 ( x , y , z ) = R 1 ( x , y ), R 2 ( y , z ), R 3 ( z , x ) For each server 1 ≤ u ≤ p : R 1 = R 2 = R 3 = Step 1 : Choose random hash functions h 1 ,h 2 ,h 3 X Y Y Z Z X send R 1 ( x , y ) to servers ( h 1 ( x ) mod p 1/3 , h 2 ( y ) mod p 1/3 , * ) a1 b3 b1 c2 c1 a2 send R 2 ( y , z ) to a2 b1 b2 c3 c2 a1 servers ( * , h 2 ( y ) mod p 1/3 , h 3 ( z ) mod p 1/3 ) a3 b2 b3 c1 c3 a3 send R 3 ( z , x ) to servers ( h 1 ( x ) mod p 1/3 , * , h 3 ( z ) mod p 1/3 ) Output all triangles R 1 ( x , y ), R 2 ( y , z ), R 3 ( z , x ) C 3 = Load: O( n / p × p 1/3 ) tuples ( ε = 1/3 ) X Y Z Number of rounds: r = 1 a3 b2 c3 20

  21. We Show Example Find all triangles C 3 ( x , y , z ) = R 1 ( x , y ), R 2 ( y , z ), R 3 ( z , x ) Load: O( n / p × p 1/3 ) tuples ( ε = 1/3 ) Number of rounds: r = 1 Above algorithm is optimal for any randomized 1 round MPC algorithm for the triangle query Based on general characterization of queries based on the fractional cover number of their associated hypergraph 21

  22. Fractional Cover Number τ* Vertex Cover LP : Edge Packing LP: τ* = min ∑ i v i τ* = max ∑ j u j Subject to: Subject to: ∑ x i ∈ vars ( Rj ) v i ≥ 1 ∀ j ∑ x i ∈ vars ( Rj ) u j ≤ 1 ∀ i v i ≥ 0 ∀ i u j ≥ 0 ∀ j ½ τ* ( L k )=  k / 2  τ* ( C k )= k / 2 ½ 0 1 1 0 ½ 22 ½ ½

  23. 1-Round No Skew Theorem: Any 1-round randomized MPC algorithm with p = ω ( 1 ) and load o ( N / p 1 / τ* ( Q ) ) will fail to compute connected query Q on some matching database input with probability Ω ( 1 ). τ* ( C 3 )= 3 / 2 so need Ω ( N/p 2/3 ) load, i.e. ε ≥ p 1/3 for C 3 … previous 1-round algorithm is optimal Can get a matching upper bound this for all databases without skew by setting parameters in randomized algorithm generalizing the triangle case • exponentially small failure probability 23


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