mars detector technology and the solid experiment

MARS detector technology and the SOLiD experiment A. Vacheret, A. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MARS detector technology and the SOLiD experiment A. Vacheret, A. Weber, Y. Shitov, P . Scovell University of Oxford Talk overview Introduction to the MARS technology MARS neutron portal project MARS antineutrino detector system

  1. MARS detector technology and the SOLiD experiment A. Vacheret, A. Weber, Y. Shitov, P . Scovell University of Oxford

  2. Talk overview • Introduction to the MARS technology • MARS neutron portal project • MARS antineutrino detector system • Search for Oscillation with Lithium-6 detector : The SOLiD experiment 2

  3. Introduction to the MARS project • MARS technology is being developed as an alternative for neutron and antineutrino detection • high performance replacement to Helium-3 tubes used in various applications (border security, nonproliferation, Science, dosimetry, etc...) • Novelty in how (old and new) components are combined to give better capability • handheld to very large area of detector surface • MARS IP is protected : patent GB2012052097 (PCT phase) • One of main goals is also applications of antineutrino detection at reactors • Develop whole solution with electronics and data processing • technology can be extended with new materials and components (choice of neutron absorber, progress in organic and inorganic scintillators, photosensors, electronics etc...) 3

  4. Where it all started • Confidence in technology come from successful large scale use of plastic scintillator based detectors with embedded WLS fibre read out by solid state photosensors • design, construction and assembly is simplified and system has very good uniformity. System is reliable and requires low maintenance. • Combined high performance required by Science with easier operation (strong point for applications). • Long experience in calibration and operation accumulated in MINOS and T2K experiments MINOS detector plane Construction of T2K calorimeter module (~ 3000 channels) 2.54 cm Fe Extruded PS scint. 4.1 x 1 cm PS planes WLS fiber 4m 0.5m U V planes MPPC Clear Fiber cables Multi-anode 4 PMT

  5. Photosensors: compact readout solution Multi-Pixel Photon counters MPPC 50 μ m 1.3mm 50 um pixel pitch 60-65% active area 1.3 mm x 1.3 mm (T2K device) 667 pixels (50um pitch) Connector design for P0D/ECAL/MRD Nominal gain : 7.5x10E5 WLS Fibre Ferrule PDE (500 nm) ~ 30% MPPC Timing resolution ~ 200-600 ps spring foam Noise 1 MHz/mm 2 at 25ºC connector Cross-talk and after-pulsing ~ 15% PCB board 70 V operation voltage Larger area possible Shroud Recent improvement on noise level and crosstalk 5

  6. MPPC characterisation and model development Characterization of the 1.3 mm x 1.3 mm MPPC for the T2K near detectors. A. Vacheret et al. NIM.A, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.02.195 70.59 V @ T=22C • Characterisation of MPPC response • Use data from measurements to predict behaviour Response to photon signal 70.81 V @ T=22C 71.06 V @ T=22C 6

  7. Electronics development for T2K The front end readout system for the T2K-ND280 detectors Vacheret, A.; Greenwood, S.; Noy, M.; Raymond, M.; Weber, A. LV POWER HV MINIATURE COAX CALIBRATION CHARGE doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2007.4436543 REGULATORS SWITCH CONNECTORS INJECTION SWITCHES MPPC connection and channel 5V division MPPC Bias voltage ~ 70 V EXTERNAL Channel cal. I 2 C DATA test pulse ADC 3.3V 9 cm ADC POWER TRIG 2.5v 1.2V Voltage trim +5V range 16 cm High Voltage trim GAIN SPLITTING COMPONENTS PROM DACs (8 altogether) • 64 Hi/Lo gain ADC channel timestamping TEMPERATURE AND VOLTAGE MONITORING Trip-t Trip-t • Individual MPPC HV trim (8 bit, 5V range) Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA • On board charge injection circuit Trip-t Trip-t • Temperature sensors 7

  8. MARS neutron portal project

  9. MARS technology : neutron portal project • Large scale neutron portal system based on solid scintillator technology • Active element : transparent bars with embedded WLS fibres with 6 LiF:ZnS layers • 6 months project completed this summer • Develop optimised and compact system with in-house electronics front-end data readout to digitiser active detector stack with 16 bars HV, LV in electronics electronics 1600.0 mm boards 1 boards 2 1700.0 mm 2000.0 mm 9

  10. Neutron detector construction • Easy construction and assembly 10

  11. MARS neutron system performance • We demonstrated cost-effective replacement of 3He tubes in portal • validated performance at NPL • > 70% neutron detection efficiency • Meet security industry standards • gamma rejection better than 1:1,000,000 level MIX - PSD comparison MIX - PSD comparison • efficiency of neutron not Entries affected by large gamma flux 5 10 7 Neutron Loss (%) Loss in Effn (%) 6 5 4 10 • First neutron detector based on read 4 3 60 Co out with solid state photosensors 2 3 10 1 (publication in preparation) 0 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 10 10 -6 Discrimination 2 10 • Development of other type of neutron system under investigation 10 252 Cf 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Integrated Signal (PE) 11

  12. MARS antineutrino detector

  13. MARS antineutrino detector • Based on requirement to develop compact and low maintenance detector system for reactor monitoring • rate and spectral measurement towards use in safeguards applications • robust to backgrounds by design • Clear signature for neutron : Use of 6 LiF:ZnS(Ag) • good level of segmentation for accurate determination of interaction point • fully active : target detector used as veto • flexible and scalable design • compact system with photosensor read out 13

  14. MARS antineutrino detector element X read out 5 cm 5 cm Y read out Cast scintillator cubes (PVT EJ-200) cosmics muon light yield in 5cm cube htot htot Entries Entries Entries 1000 1000 • large scintillator signal to increase sensitivity Mean Mean 34.18 34.18 200 RMS RMS 15.46 15.46 2 2 and good energy resolution χ χ / ndf / ndf 2.901 / 1 2.901 / 1 180 Constant Constant 199.1 199.1 ± ± 11.6 11.6 Mean Mean 29.77 29.77 ± ± 0.55 0.55 Sigma Sigma 8.575 8.575 ± ± 1.007 1.007 160 ~ 60 PE (both ends) • threshold energy down to around 100 keV 140 120 Ethres 150 keV 100 • σ (E)/E ~ 0.25 @ 2 MeV Eres 0.13 80 60 • Easy to manufacture in large quantity 40 20 LiF:Zns(Ag) 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 NPE • 6 Li has large cross-section on thermal neutrons 14

  15. Principle of antineutrino detection × 10 e+ Energy / MeV MC 0.4 9 8 0.35 7 0.3 6 0.25 5 e + 0.2 4 0.15 3 0.1 2 n 0.05 1 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 e+ track length / mm × 0.1 Tn / MeV 0.09 MC 1 0.08 0.07 0.8 0.06 0.6 0.05 0.04 0.4 0.03 Detect antineutrino via well known 0.02 0.2 0.01 inverse neutron decay 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 n track length /mm ν e + p → e + + n ¯ MC Detect neutron via reaction on Lithium-6 n + 6 Li → 3 H + α + 4 . 78 MeV e + n Time coincidence and 3D localisation of interaction 15 Δ t ~ 1-150 us

  16. Detector layout ν e ν e ν e Y view ν e Detector active stack : 1m x 1m x 1m Active volume stack • 1 ton fiducial mass • 20 x 20 cells per plane ~ 10k cells and 2k read out channels • 3D position reconstruction using X and Y coordinates Detector footprint ~ 1.5m 16

  17. 17 Neutron detection AmBe X channel Y channel High capture efficiency on Lithium-6 • signal detection efficiency > 70% • comparable to Helium-3 • localised signal Very high discrimination between neutron and γ Integrated Charge - All events + Neutron events Integrated Charge - All events + Neutron events 30 Number Of Peaks AmBe 4 10 # Entries 3 • simple charge cut and pulse properties 25 10 neutron signal 3 10 • very good handle on background γ 20 ε γ < 10 -4 2 10 2 15 10 • Use neutron signal to trigger detector read out (simple charge trigger or via 10 digital pulse processing) 10 10 EM signal 5 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 Summed Integrated Charge (NPE) 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Summed Integrated Charge (NPE)

  18. Samples 18

  19. Electronics development 10-20 us signal out LV HV Main features Digitiser Board • signal sampling : 80MS/s 12 ADC bit cADC • dead-timeless • on board digital processing : pedestal suppression, readout threshold, PSD etc.. FPGA • 32 Channels per board virtec 6 • charge injection system • MPPC HV fine control per channel • Use neutron signal features to trigger on IBD event 19

  20. Development of digital pulse processing methods • Use current Mars neutron system to study various methods to be implemented in front-end electronics • first studies made by student • charge based • template matching (Normalised cross- correlation) • Development and validation to be done • robustness and reliability is key 20

  21. 21 Positron imaging capability Positron - Face 1 Positron - Face 2 14 14 Cubes Y Cubes Y MC MC 13 13 γ 5 γ 2 12 12 e+ 2 1 11 11 e+ 78 37 1 γ 10 10 1 9 9 1 2 8 8 7 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Cubes X Cubes X Large E deposit with additional activity from annihilation γ s • signal within 15 cm around high hit • topology cut to increase selection purity


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