
Management Corporate Presentation Q1-2020 Disclaimer The forward- - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SURA Asset Management Corporate Presentation Q1-2020 Disclaimer The forward- looking statements contained herein are based on Managements current forecasts and outlook. For better illustration and decision-making, figures for SURA Asset

  1. SURA Asset Management Corporate Presentation Q1-2020

  2. Disclaimer The forward- looking statements contained herein are based on Management’s current forecasts and outlook. For better illustration and decision-making, figures for SURA Asset Management and its subsidiaries are administrative rather than accountant, and therefore may differ from those presented to official entities. Thus, SURA Asset Management assumes no obligation to update or correct the information contained in this presentation.

  3. Q1-2020 RESULTS

  4. SURA AM: RESILIENT GROWTH IN COMMISSION INCOME Mitigated by encaje returns and its effect on the equity method 4% UIM TOTAL NET INCOME BEFORE INSTITUTIONAL 4% El Salvador CLIENTS DISC OP. CLIENTS USD USD 304 20.5 million -36.7 million 30% Chile 24% Protección TOTAL AUM USD USD 3.7% NA 117 bn PRODUCTS EMPLOYEES 2.1% 22% México 2% Uruguay +482 9,189 14% Perú Solutions and products for our clients 187 funds 7% Cash 295 mandates and others 6% Alternatives MANDATORY VOLUNTARY LOCA CAL AUM Revenues Revenues AUM 68 % 28% Equity 58% Fix Income 4.0% 0.3% 2.4% -71.7% FOREIGN REIGN Op. Income Op. Income 32 % NA 90.0% % Evolutions in constant Exchange rates *Institutional clients and Products as of December 2019

  5. RESILIENT GROWTH IN COMMISSION INCOME Mitigated by encaje returns and its effect on the equity method OPERATING Var%: NA +55.6% +27.4% +2.9% +113.6% REVENUES + INSURANCE MARGIN 92.4 Million USD -136.2 M -59.6% REVENUES EQUITY LEGAL REVENUES COMISSION INSURANCE OTHER 2020 2019 INCOME METHOD RESERVE MARGIN OPERATING EXPENSES ADMIN EXPENSE: OP. INCOME: SALES EXPENSE: RETURN LEGAL RESERVE: % Income % Income % Income 111,2 94,0 35,0 36,4 125.5 28,6 Million USD 85,7 39.4% 101.7% 48.6% 12.5% -8.1 M 37.5% -35.8% 6.9% -73,7 -33,1 NA NA +9.7% +27.3% Figures in millions of USD as of March 2020. 2019 2020 *% Evolutions in constant Exchange rates

  6. MANDATORY PENSION: RETURN ON LEGAL RESERVE AND PRESSURE ON LOWER FEES IMPACT REVENUES AUM OPERATING REVENUES MÉXICO USD 54.8 M M 6.9% USD 102.9 bn -71.7% CHILE 2.4% 2.6% OPERATING INCOME WITHOUT LEGAL RESERVE WITH LEGAL RESERVE USD -22.8 MM USD 49.5 MM COLOMBIA SALARY BASE 6.7% NA -43.8% CHILE URUGUAY 5.6% 6.3% ADMIN. EXPENSE COMMISSION INCOME INCOME LEGAL RESERVE SALES EXPENSE 34,5 142,4 26,5 55,8 140,7 18,8 49,2 -72,3 NA +13.3% +41.2% +1.3% 2019 2020 Figures in millions of USD as of March 2020 *% Evolutions in constant Exchange rates

  7. VOLUNTARY SEGMENT WITH REVENUES GROWTH DUE TO THE EXPANSION OF CLIENTS AND AUM • AUM SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT Operating revenues increasing 19,1% in the quarter, due to an increase of 12.2% in the number of clients and an expansion in the OPERATING REVENUES AUM. USD 8.7 bn USD 26.1 bn • The AUM performance is explained by an increase in the AUM of the Saving and Investment business, which reflects a positive commercial Management. 4.0% AUM INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT USD 8.7 bn 50% Investment ADMIN. EXPENSES OPERATING REVENUES SALES EXPENSE Management Unit 21% Chile AUM 21,0 USD USD 9,0 9,2 6% México 18,0 26,1 25,1 13.9 bn 8% Perú 1% Uruguay 0.3% 14% Colombia +4.0% 17.0% 1.9% 2019 2020 Figures in millions of USD as of March 2020 *% Evolutions in constant Exchange rates

  8. PORTFOLIO SUITED TO REGULATORY AND MARKET PERFORMANCE Total Mandatory Voluntary Insurance and annuities 8 Figures as of March 2020.


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