management of

Management of Kubernetes/OpenShift Clusters Ulrike Klusik, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Metric Storage for Capacity Management of Kubernetes/OpenShift Clusters Ulrike Klusik, PromCon Europe 2019-11-08 Motivation Capacity Management needs aggregated node capacity, quota and resource usage metrics for

  1. Metric Storage for Capacity Management of Kubernetes/OpenShift Clusters Ulrike Klusik, PromCon Europe 2019-11-08

  2. Motivation • Capacity Management needs aggregated node capacity, quota and resource usage metrics for several month and years. • Prometheus has only one retention for all metrics • Conflict: • Detailed metrics for post mortem analysis (days or upto a month) • Highly aggregated data for capacity management. E.g. one value of CPU Quota per per cluster and application_type (infrastructure vs. application) Metrics wanted for years. • Prometheus Remote write feature: selected metrics can be stored in an external time series database with longer retention policies. • Thanos ( provides a remote write target and PromQL interface ConSol 2

  3. Metric Collection and Storage Architecture central storage and visualization Kubernetes/OpenShift Cluster Project prometheus-infra-mon PromQL Thanos Query Grafana PROMETHEUS Thanos TSDB Receiver Thanos Store • KSM (Kube state metrics)/ OSM (OpenShift state metrics): KSM/OSM Minio S3 for running Pods per Namespace, Thanos Compactor bucket ResourceQuotas and ClusterResourceQuotas • Node-Exporter for operating system metrics of resource usage Nodes Thanos Kubernetes Kubelet + container api-servers metric target cAdvisor Container NODE- EXPORTER namespace host ConSol 3

  4. Dashboard: Capacity Management Overview ConSol 4

  5. Computing Effective Quotas per Namespace - record: namespace:kube_resourcequota:effective expr: min by(namespace,namespace_type,resource_base,type) (label_replace({__name__=~"^(kube_resourcequota)$",namespace=~".+", resource=~"(requests.)?(memory|cpu)",resource!~"limit.*",type="hard"},"resource_base","requests.$2", "resource","(requests.)?(.+)")) - record: namespace:kube_resourcequota:effective expr: max by(namespace,namespace_type,resource_base,type) (label_replace({__name__=~"^(kube_resourcequota)$",namespace=~".+", resource=~"(requests.)?(memory|cpu)",resource!~"limit.*",type="used"},"resource_base","requests.$2", "resource","(requests.)?(.+)")) … - record: namespace:kube_resourcequota:effective expr: min by(namespace,namespace_type,resource_base,type) (label_replace({__name__=~"^(kube_resourcequota)$",namespace=~".+",resource=~"limits.+",type="hard"} ,"resource_base","$1","resource","(.+)")) - record: namespace:kube_resourcequota:effective expr: max by(namespace,namespace_type,resource_base,type) (label_replace({__name__=~"^(kube_resourcequota)$",namespace=~".+",resource=~"limits.+",type="used"} ,"resource_base","$1","resource","(.+)")) ConSol 5

  6. Thank you!

  7. ConSol Consulting & Solutions Software GmbH St.-Cajetan-Straße 43 D-81669 München Tel.: +49-89-45841-100 Twitter: @consol_ de


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