management and supervision spring 2015

Management and Supervision Spring 2015 Cost Reporting Management - PDF document

Management and Supervision Spring 2015 Cost Reporting Management and Supervision Spring 2015 New Cost Report Cost reported by Discipline Activity Actual Daily Time Reporting for Nurses, SW, Nutritionists, and Health Educators

  1. Management and Supervision Spring 2015 Cost Reporting Management and Supervision Spring 2015  New Cost Report • Cost reported by Discipline Activity • Actual Daily Time Reporting for Nurses, SW, Nutritionists, and Health Educators • Settlement by Clinical Summary Activity • Individual Settlement  Standard Chart of Accounts  Medicaid Population Identifier (encounter for this year) ◦ Unduplicated Count of Clients Served ◦ Medicaid Charges (next year) ◦ Service Activity Reports (HIS)  Actual Time Reporting 1

  2. Management and Supervision Spring 2015  Defined: • Allocation of Cost using a standard method for each LHD • A standard chart of account is applied to both Personnel and Operating cost independently  Personnel rsonnel Cost – ost – 3 Categor tegories es • 100% C 00% Clinica inical A Activity C vity Cost (No Time Reporting)  Physicians, PE, Billing, Dental, etc. • Actual D al Daily y Time R me Reporting rting  Nurses, SW, Health Education, Nutritionist  Must account for 100% of time, clinical and non. • 100% 00% Non C Clinical A inical Activity vity Cost (No Time Reporting)  Environmental Health, Home Health/CAP, etc.  Ope Operating Cost ost Gro Groupings • Supplies lies – Medical and Office • Capi pital Expen Expenditures es – Capitalized equipment that will be depreciated • Contrac ract S Services rvices – Physician or interpreter • All Othe ll Other Op Oper erat ating Co Cost st – – Employee Travel, Insurance, non-Capitalized Equipment, etc. 2

  3. Management and Supervision Spring 2015  Lab Laboratory Cost Cost • Medicaid will no longer allow us to settle Laboratory cost. All Laboratory operating cost must be maintained separately either in a separate line item in the various program budgets or in an individual program budget  Personnel R rsonnel Report port • A personnel report (check register) which identifies ALL employees, their job title, yearly salary, and benefits must be made available  In order to determine the Medicaid population, CMS considers charges to be the most appropriate methodology  If your charge is less than cost, Medicaid may cap the settlement at the lesser of charge or cost  It is essential that you set your charges at full cost. Or evaluate the reasons why not.  Importance of Entering Services 1. Productivity reports from HIS is used by many programmatic staff within the Division of Public Health. 2. Percentage of allowable Medicaid cost is based on encounter reports from HIS. 3. The calculation used to establish your charge is based on service reports from HIS.  Determining a Charge Schedule Please continue to use your current charge schedule. 3

  4. Management and Supervision Spring 2015  SPA  Future Contact info: Danny Staley Office- 919-707-5024 9c 4


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