Organised by: Co-Sponsored: Malaysian Healthy Ageing Society
The Importance Of Evidence Based Herbal Medicine For Health Rajen. M Holista Colltech Limited
Modern Medicine – Strengths Excels at emergency Superior diagnostic Investigative System driven
Modern Medicine – Weaknesses Chronic disease Cost Symptom suppression Side effects
Gaps For Complementary Medicine Preventive Proactive Cost
Ground Realities Movement back to Nature - food - dress - health - beauty Away from synthetics Self care
Ground Realties Eisenberg study - 1997 - repeated in 2002 - more visits to alternative practitioners - out of pocket - 75% do not tell
Situation In The United States Office of unorthodox medicine National Health Institute Orin Hatch Act National Center for Natural Product Research
Global Scene United States Europe Australia China India Japan Korea Taiwan
“ Oushadiam Bahunan Kshemam ” “ Plants are the ultimate source of safety ” Chara Samhita & Sushrutha Samhita 250BC 500AD
From Traditional Medicine Aspirin (Willow bark) Morphine (Opium) Penicillin (mould) Cocaine (Coca tree) Statins (Red rice yeast) Taxol (Yew tree bark) Tamiflu (Star Anise)
Coming From Tradition Ashwaganda (immune modulator) Pepper derivatives Quin Hau Su (Artemesin) Curcimin Cinnamon
Going Back To Tradition High cost of drug discovery Inefficiencies of drug discovery Challenges of new categories High profile failure of New Chemical Entities in late stage trials Innovation deficit Re-look on highly regulated drug discovery and approval route
New Millennium Medicine Personalized Preventive Predictive Holistic – system biology approach
Complementing With Tradition New ideas New molecules Fresh concepts
New Opportunities New drugs Drug modifiers (vehicles) Supplements Food ingredients Cosmetics Perfumery
The Possibilities Armentarium Augmentation Adjuvant Accessory
Areas In Need Diabetes Hypertension Arthritis Immunity disorder
Case Study: Pepper Traditional use: spice Rationale: increases digestibility of food Lead: “ hot ” on skin Hint: enhance absorption Patents on red chilli peppers
Piperine Derivative – Tuberculosis Based on blood levels and Area Under Curve Rimfampicin – 50 dose needed Duration of multi drug treatment – down from 3 to six month Better patient acceptance and compliance
Piperine Derivative – Topical Antifungal Treatment Dose reduced by 75% Kill ratio – more than 100% In clinical setting – better patient acceptance
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