malaysian healthy ageing society the importance of

Malaysian Healthy Ageing Society The Importance Of Evidence Based - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Organised by: Co-Sponsored: Malaysian Healthy Ageing Society The Importance Of Evidence Based Herbal Medicine For Health Rajen. M Holista Colltech Limited Modern Medicine Strengths Excels at emergency Superior diagnostic

  1. Organised by: Co-Sponsored: Malaysian Healthy Ageing Society

  2. The Importance Of Evidence Based Herbal Medicine For Health Rajen. M Holista Colltech Limited

  3. Modern Medicine – Strengths  Excels at emergency  Superior diagnostic  Investigative  System driven

  4. Modern Medicine – Weaknesses  Chronic disease  Cost  Symptom suppression  Side effects

  5. Gaps For Complementary Medicine  Preventive  Proactive  Cost

  6. Ground Realities  Movement back to Nature - food - dress - health - beauty  Away from synthetics  Self care

  7. Ground Realties  Eisenberg study - 1997 - repeated in 2002 - more visits to alternative practitioners - out of pocket - 75% do not tell

  8. Situation In The United States  Office of unorthodox medicine  National Health Institute  Orin Hatch Act  National Center for Natural Product Research

  9. Global Scene  United States  Europe  Australia  China  India  Japan  Korea  Taiwan

  10. “ Oushadiam Bahunan Kshemam ” “ Plants are the ultimate source of safety ” Chara Samhita & Sushrutha Samhita 250BC 500AD

  11. From Traditional Medicine  Aspirin (Willow bark)  Morphine (Opium)  Penicillin (mould)  Cocaine (Coca tree)  Statins (Red rice yeast)  Taxol (Yew tree bark)  Tamiflu (Star Anise)

  12. Coming From Tradition  Ashwaganda (immune modulator)  Pepper derivatives  Quin Hau Su (Artemesin)  Curcimin  Cinnamon

  13. Going Back To Tradition  High cost of drug discovery  Inefficiencies of drug discovery  Challenges of new categories  High profile failure of New Chemical Entities in late stage trials  Innovation deficit  Re-look on highly regulated drug discovery and approval route

  14. New Millennium Medicine  Personalized  Preventive  Predictive  Holistic – system biology approach

  15. Complementing With Tradition  New ideas  New molecules  Fresh concepts

  16. New Opportunities  New drugs  Drug modifiers (vehicles)  Supplements  Food ingredients  Cosmetics  Perfumery

  17. The Possibilities  Armentarium  Augmentation  Adjuvant  Accessory

  18. Areas In Need  Diabetes  Hypertension  Arthritis  Immunity disorder

  19. Case Study: Pepper  Traditional use: spice  Rationale: increases digestibility of food  Lead: “ hot ” on skin  Hint: enhance absorption  Patents on red chilli peppers

  20. Piperine Derivative – Tuberculosis  Based on blood levels and Area Under Curve  Rimfampicin – 50 dose needed  Duration of multi drug treatment – down from 3 to six month  Better patient acceptance and compliance

  21. Piperine Derivative – Topical Antifungal Treatment  Dose reduced by 75%  Kill ratio – more than 100%  In clinical setting – better patient acceptance


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