MAKING T HE CASE F OR WHY HIGHE R E DUCAT ION MAT T E RS Aaron Thom Aar on Thompson, Ph.D., President pson, Ph.D., President Council on Postsecondar Council on P ostsecondary Education y Education
Hig he r E Hig he r E duc a tion duc a tion L L iste ning T iste ning T our our
Is Colle g e Worth It? Is Colle g e Worth It?
Build broad understanding that higher education is the key to personal opportunity and Kentucky’s economic growth. 4
Hig he r E Hig he r E duc a tion’s duc a tion’s Re turn on Inve stme nt Re turn on Inve stme nt
Hig he r E Hig he r E duc a tion’s duc a tion’s Re turn on Inve stme nt Re turn on Inve stme nt Ave ra g e T ota l Cost of Cre de ntia l for KY Hig h Sc hool Cla ss of 2010 $26,000 $7,700 $3,400 Ba c he lor’s Ce rtific a te Assoc ia te
Hig he r E Hig he r E duc a tion’s duc a tion’s Re turn on Inve stme nt Re turn on Inve stme nt Pe rc e nta g e of T ota l Cost Subsidize d by Aid 52% Financial Aid Net Cost 66% 69% Ce rtific a te Assoc ia te Ba c he lor’s
Hig he r E Hig he r E duc a tion’s duc a tion’s Re turn on Inve stme nt Re turn on Inve stme nt Ave ra g e Annua l T uition a nd F e e Inc re a se s a t Public Institutions
Hig he r E Hig he r E duc a tion’s duc a tion’s Re turn on Inve stme nt Re turn on Inve stme nt Me dian L oan De bt plus Inte r e st $29,742 Bachelor's $14,211 Associate $8,819 Certificate Median Loan Debt Median Interest
Hig he r E Hig he r E duc a tion’s duc a tion’s Re turn on Inve stme nt Re turn on Inve stme nt $2.9M $2.2M $1.4M $1.2M $978K
Hig he r E Hig he r E duc a tion’s duc a tion’s Re turn on Inve stme nt Re turn on Inve stme nt Medicaid SNAP SSI Unemployed 6% 5% 12% 14% 86% 88% 94% 85% No Colle g e Colle g e
Make higher education affordable for all Kentuckians. 12
Priority T Priority T wo: Afforda bility wo: Afforda bility Ke e p tuition a nd fe e inc re a se s low. He lp stude nts finish on time . Improve fina nc ia l lite ra c y & “c olle g e knowle dg e .”
Ensure more students earn degrees or certificates regardless of race, income, age or geography. 14
Priority T Priority T hre e : Suc c e ss hre e : Suc c e ss Close a c hie ve me nt g a ps. Inc e ntivize c omple tion. We lc ome & support a dult stude nts.
Meet Kentucky’s current & future workforce needs through high-quality, innovative programs. 16
Priority F Priority F our: Qua lity & our: Qua lity & Innova tion Innova tion Re va mp a c a de mic prog ra m re vie w. Imple me nt QA Commons initia tive . Inc re a se work- ba se d le a rning .
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