maize stored pests control by pics bags technological and

Maize Stored Pests Control by PICS-Bags: Technological and Economic - PDF document

10/6/2010 Maize Stored Pests Control by PICS-Bags: Technological and Economic Evaluation Kerstin Hell, Kukom Edoh Ognakossan , Agbeko Kodjo Tonou, Yendouban Lamboni, Kokou Edoh Adabe and Ousmane Coulibaly 5th World Cowpea Conference in Saly,

  1. 10/6/2010 Maize Stored Pests Control by PICS-Bags: Technological and Economic Evaluation Kerstin Hell, Kukom Edoh Ognakossan , Agbeko Kodjo Tonou, Yendouban Lamboni, Kokou Edoh Adabe and Ousmane Coulibaly 5th World Cowpea Conference in Saly, Senegal 27 September - 1 October 2010 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Traditional storage system 3. PICS bag trial 4. Key Results 5. Conclusion 6. Acknowledgements 1

  2. 10/6/2010 Traditional storage system • Environmental conditions, traditional farming methods and improper grain drying and storage practices facilitate quality reduction and insect infestation • Grain losses due to Insects – >30% in maize stores infested with Prostephanus truncatus – 10-12 % in maize infested with Sitophilus zeamais • Several African staple commodities are affected by high losses due to insects – maize, millet, groundnut, cassava, sorghum and processed yam and cassava products • Post-harvest Loss Network determined losses for cereals to range between 17.4% to 14.3% (2003 till 2008) 2

  3. 10/6/2010 PICS bag trial • Storage of 25 kg of maize variety QPM in PICS bags and woven polypropylene bags as control • HALF the bags artificially infested with 25 adults of P. truncatus • Destructive sampling after 3 and 6 months • Moisture content, insect species, grain losses, holes on bags determined • Cost/benefit analysis to determine financial profitability PICS bag Moisture content in PICS bags (PsB) and Polypropylene Bags (PPB) 3

  4. 10/6/2010 Means numbers of holes on PICS Bag (PsB) and PPB PsB PPB Treatment 3 months 6 months PsB (natural) 0.75 ± 0.75 0.50 ± 0.50 PsB (artificial) 0.00 ± 0.00 1.25 ± 0.75 PPB (natural) 308.50 ± 36.39 322.25 ± 19.74 PPB (artificial) 344.25 ± 40.53 350.75 ± 25.38 Effect of PICS Bag (PsB) on maize post-harvest pest after 3- and 6-month Average density of insects /Kg P. truncatus S. zeamais C. quadricolis Tribolium sp . Treatments 3 months of 6 months of 3 months of 6 months of 3 months of 6 months of 3 months of 6 months of storage storage storage storage storage storage storage storage PsB 0.75 0.30 2.47 1.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ± 0.38 Aa ± 0.11 Aa ± 0.69 Aa ± 0.41 Aa ± 0.00 Aa ± 0.00 Aa ± 0.00 Aa ± 0.00 Aa PPB (Control) 0.62 0.96 234.37 238.75 147.05 355.05 44.77 191.65 ±0.27 Aa ± 0.12 Ba ± 33.28 Ba ± 2.38 Ba ± 7.82 Ba ± 14.26 Bb ± 5.18 Ba ± 6.83 Bb • Both bags significantly reduced maize post-harvest insect densities when compared to the control polypropylene Bags (PPB) (P = 0.018), except for P. truncatus after 3 months of storage (P > 0.05). • While the pest densities remained statistically identical in PsB and ISB, densities of C. quadricolis and Tribolium sp. increased significantly with sampling date (P <0.0001). 4

  5. 10/6/2010 Effect of PICS Bag (PsB) on maize post-harvest pest after 3- and 6-month • Pest densities was significantly reduced in PsB compared to PPB in 3- and 6-month storage period for S. zeamais, C. quadricollis and Tribolium spp. and 6-month storage period for P. truncatus (P = 0.018). • Storage time did not affect insect densities in PsB (P = 0.111) however, in control bag except for P. truncates and S. zeamais, C. quadricollis and Tribolium spp. densities increased significantly with storage time (P < 0.0001). • In PsB, P. truncatus was recorded during storage when maize was artificially infested with this species whereas in PPB, it was recorded in all bags with no difference between artificial and natural infestation. Effect of PICS Bag (PsB) on insect mortality. Mortality rate (%) /Kg P. truncatus S. zeamais C. quadricolis Tribolium sp . Treatments 3 months of 6 months of 3 months of 6 months of 3 months of 6 months 3 months 6 months storage storage storage storage storage of storage of storage of storage PsB 100 Aa 100 Aa 95.83 100 Aa - - - - ± 4.16 Aa PPB (Control) 100 Aa 96.43 11.35 34.05 7.38 10.50 4.87 7.60 ± 2.33 Aa ± 1.71 Bb ± 2.69 Ba ± 0.51 a ± 0.73 b ± 0.56 a ± 0.29 b • In PsB 100 % mortality of P. truncatus was obtained during the 6 months of storage • S. zeamais mortality was significantly lower in PPB than in PsB at each sampling with 100% mortality in PsB after 6 months of storage. • Mortality rate of C. quadricollis and Tribolium spp in PPB also increased with storage time. 5

  6. 10/6/2010 Effects of PICS Bag (PsB) on maize grain losses after 3- and 6-months Months after storage Treatments 3 months 6 months PsB 0.28±0.01 Aa 0.31 ± 0.01 Aa PPB 9.56± 0.34 Ba 17.95± 0.51 Bb • Losses were significantly lower in PsB . • No increase of losses in PsB. • In control bag losses increased significantly with storage time reaching nearly 18%. Maize prices in three local markets Financial benefits of PICS Benefit Cost Ratio of the use of PICS bags If bags would be reused for a second storage season the benefit/cost ratio would increase to 3.7, 5.0 and 6.3 6

  7. 10/6/2010 What R&D is missing • High moisture content of grains in PICS bags could reduce germinability and lead to quality loss • Need for low-cost energy efficient dryers to improve grain drying • Potentially increase effectiveness of PICS bags by including another technology to reduce insect attack • Test PICS bags for other commodities and include further quality parameters • All stakeholders need to address the persistent high post-harvest losses Acknowledgements • PICS TEAM • IITA • NARS Partners • Farmers Associations • Women Associations • Enumerators 7

  8. 10/6/2010 THANK YOU 8


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