magnetic reconnection a key self organization process in

Magnetic reconnection, a key self-organization process in laboratory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Magnetic reconnection, a key self-organization process in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas Masaaki Yamada In collaboration with MRX staff and CMSO members Princeton Plasma Physics laboratory Princeton University Kyoto Conference on

  1. Magnetic reconnection, a key self-organization process in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas Masaaki Yamada In collaboration with MRX staff and CMSO members Princeton Plasma Physics laboratory Princeton University Kyoto Conference on Non-Equilibrium Dynamics In Astrophysics and Material Science October 31-November 3, 2011

  2. Outline • Magnetic reconnection – Why does it occur so fast compared with the classical MHD theory? • Classical MHD (magneto-hydrodynamic) analysis – Sweet-Parker model for reconnection layer and its generalization – Fast reconnection <=> Resistivity enhancement • Local analysis based on two-fluid physics – Lower collisionality => faster reconnection – Collision-free reconnection => an X-shaped neutral sheet – Hall effect and experimental verification – Identification of fluctuations (EM-LHDW) • Global reconnection issues Magnetic self-organization – Sawtooth phenomena in tokamak • A new scaling in transition from MHD to 2-fluid regime ⇒ M. Yamada, R. Kulsrud, H.Ji, Rev. Mod. Phys. v.82, 603 (2010) E. Zweibel & M. Yamada, Ann. Rev. AA, AA47-8, 291 (2009)

  3. Plenty of B Field in the Universe <= Dynamos • Self-generation of magnetic field • Kinetic Energy => Magnetic Energy • How is magnetic field generated throughout the universe? (Earth, sun, stars, accretion disks, galaxies; lab plasmas) Fields in Polarization of 6cm emission. M51; Beck Indicates direction of B field. 2000

  4. Magnetic Reconnection: B 2 => W p X-ray intensity Solar flare time(hour) Magnetic Magnetospheric Field strength Aurora-substorm time(hour) Protostellar X-ray flare intensity Tokamak Electron temperature disruption time(sec) Reconnection occurs very fast ( τ reconn << τ SP )

  5. Magnetic Self-organization in Laboratory and Astrophysical plasmas Global Plasma in Equilibrium State Magnetic Self-organization Processes External Energy Source Dynamo Magnetic reconnection Magnetic chaos & waves Angular momentum transport Unstable Plasma State

  6. Magnetic Reconnection • Topological rearrangement of magnetic field lines • Magnetic energy => Kinetic energy • Key to stellar flares, coronal heating, particle acceleration, star formation, energy loss in lab plasmas Before reconnection After reconnection

  7. Reconnection in Coronal Mass Ejection Shibata Unified model

  8. 太陽風と地磁気の相互作用

  9. 地球磁気圏 : Magnetosphere

  10. Magneto-Rotational Instability: Anomalous Angular Momentum Transport What: Redistribution of angular momentum through instabilities and turbulence. Why important: Key to determine stellar evolution and accretion rates to power the brightest sources. Challenge: Quantitative understanding of angular momentum transport based on plasma instabilities.

  11. Does reconnection play a key role in MRI (Magneto-Rotational Instability)? • Astro: Supermassive black holes are enormously bright because they accrete matter quickly. How to remove angular momentum? • Plasma: Turbulence in shear flow, dissipation via heating and outflows together determine the transport efficiency. Lab experiments. Light from a SMBH outshines 3D general relativistic MHD its host galaxy Simulation around a SMBH

  12. Gamma ray flares in Crab Nebura Reconnection could explain high energy gamma ray emission from the center of Crab Nebula (J. Arons, R. Blandford, et al) Uzdensky et al 2011

  13. Maximum particle energy in astrophysical and laboratory systems [by K. Makishima] Tokamaks MRX

  14. Magnetic Reconnection in the Sun • Flux freezing makes storage of magnetic energy easy at the photo surface • Magnetic reconnection occurs when flux freezing breaks • Magnetic reconnection causes conversion of magnetic energy => radiation, particle acceleration, the kinetic energy of the solar wind.

  15. A. Local Reconnection Physics 1. MHD analysis 2. Two-fluid analysis

  16. Sweet Model • Sweet considered magnetic reconnection in solar flares

  17. Sweet-Parker Layer

  18. How do magnetic field line reconnect? (1) ~10 6 years for solar coronae

  19. How do magnetic field lines reconnect? (2D) • In 2D picture, magnetic field lines should reconnect faster because newly reconnected field lines move out of the diffusion region quickly due to a tension force E + v × B = η j ∂ B ∂ t = ∇ × ( v × B ) + η ∂ B ∇ 2 B ∂ t = −∇ × E => µ 0 ∇ × B = µ 0 j

  20. The Sweet-Parker 2-D Model for Magnetic Reconnection Assumptions: V in • 2D • Steady-state V out • Incompressibility • Classical Spitzer resistivity B is resistively annihilated τ reconn << τ SP ~ 6 − 9 months in the sheet ∂ B ∂ t = ∇ × ( v × B ) + η V in B = η Spitz B ∇ 2 B V in = 1 µ 0 µ 0 δ V A S ≈ δ V L V Mass conservation: in out S = µ 0 LV A 2 η Spitz 1 B ρ 2 ≈ ⇒ ≈ Pressure balance: V V V out out A µ 2 2 0 S=Lundquist number

  21. Magnetic Reconnection Experiments What physics can we learn?

  22. Dedicated Laboratory Experiments on Reconnection Device Location Start Investigators Geometry Issues 3D-CS Russia 1970 Syrovatskii, Frank Linear 3D, heating LPD, LAPD UCLA 1980 Stenzel, Gekelman Linear Heating, waves TS-3/4 Tokyo 1990 Ono, Inomoto Merging Rate, heating MRX Princeton 1995 Yamada, Ji Toroidal, Rate, heating, merging scaling SSX Swarthmore 1996 Brown, Grey Merging Heating VTF MIT 1998 Egedal Toroidal Trigger with guide B RSX Los Alamos 2002 Intrator Linear Boundary RWX Wisconsin 2002 Forest Linear Boundary 24

  23. Magnetic Reconnection Experiment (MRX) 25

  24. Objectives of Magnetic Reconnection Experiment We learn from plasmas the fundamental physics of magnetic reconnection by generating this elementary process in a controlled laboratory environment The primary issues; • Study non-MHD effects in the reconnection layer; [two-fluid physics, turbulence, new physics] • How magnetic energy is converted to plasma flows and thermal energy, • How local reconnection determine global phenomena - Global 2-D and 3-D MHD effects on reconnection - Effects of boundary • Why does reconnection occur so fast?

  25. Plasma Production in MRX 1) Gas is injected into the vacuum vessel. 2) Currents through the “flux cores” ionize plasma and drive reconnection.

  26. Pull Reconnection in MRX I PF

  27. Pull Reconnection in MRX I PF I PF

  28. Experimental Setup and Formation of Current Sheet Experimentally measured flux evolution n e = 1-10 x10 13 cm -3 , T e ~5-15 eV, B~100-500 G,

  29. Agreement with a Generalized Sweet-Parker Model (Ji et al. PoP ‘99) • The model modified to take into account of – Measured enhanced resistivity G-SP – Compressibility model – High plasma pressure in downstream than upstream

  30. Resistivity increases as collisionality is reduced in MRX Effective resistivity η * ≡ E θ + V R × B Z = η j E θ θ j θ But the cause of enhanced η was unknown.

  31. Local Reconnection Physics 1. MHD analysis 2. Two-fluid analysis

  32. Descriptions of Fast Reconnection Two-fluid MHD model in which electrons and ions decouple in Generalized Sweet-Parker the diffusion region (~ c / ω pi ). model with enhanced resistivity E + V × B = η J + J × B − ∇ p + m e d V e E + V × B = η J * e 2 en d t

  33. Extensive simulation work on two-fluid physics carried out in past 10 years Sheath width ~ ρ i --Different motions of ions and electrons => in-plane Hall current and out-of-plane magnetic field. J. Drake et al, J. Birn et al GEM challenge, R. Horiuchi et al, A. Bhattcharjee, M. Hesse, P. P. L. Pritchett, J.G.R 2001 Pritchett, W. Daughton… Out of plane magnetic field is generated during reconnection

  34. MRX with fine probe arrays Linear probe arrays • Five fine structure probe arrays with resolution up to ∆x= 2.5 mm in radial direction are placed with separation of ∆z= 2 -3 cm

  35. Evolution of magnetic field lines during reconnection in MRX e Measured region Electrons pull field lines as they flow in the neutral sheet

  36. Neutral sheet Shape in MRX Changes from “Rectangular S-P” type to “Double edge X” shape as collisionality is reduced Rectangular shape Collisional regime: λ mfp < δ Slow reconnection No Q-P field X-type shape Collisionless regime : λ mfp > δ Fast reconnection Q-P field present Yamada et al, PoP 2006

  37. First Detection of Electron Diffusion Layer Made in MRX: Comparison with 2D PIC Simulations MRX: 2D PIC Sim: δ e = 1.6 c/ ω pe δ e = 8 c/ ω pe All ion-scale features reproduced; but electron-layer is 5 times thicker in MRX Þ importance of 3D effects

  38. Enhanced resistivity: MRX Scaling: η * vs (c/ ω i )/ δ sp A linkage between space and lab on reconnection Nomalized by η Spitz Breslau 2 Fluid (c/ ω pi )/ δ sp simulation ~ 5( λ mfp /L) 1/2 η * ≡ E θ j θ Yamada et al, PoP, 2006 MRX scaling shows a transition from the MHD to 2 fluid regime based on (c/ ω pi )/ δ sp


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