Evolution M ihai Eminescu Trust (MET) was established in 1987 in London. At that time MET helped Romanian intellectuals who were oppressed by the communist regime stay in touch with their peers in Wes- tern Europe, especially in Oxford and Cambridge. In 1989, when of Mihai Eminescu Trust- Nicolae Ceauşescu planned to demo- Romania. MET was under HRH lish thousands of historical villages, Price of Wales’ patronage for 14 years. the Foundation stepped in and took Across the years MET has action for the first time asking continuously implemented more for the support of His Royal than 1200 projects focusing on the Highness the Prince of Wales. preservation and revitalisation of T he support was granted and Transylvania’s cultural and natural after several visits to Romania, heritage bringing the values forward. Mihai Eminescu Trust London’s focus shifued towards the conservation and MET’s work was awarded on seve- regeneration of villages in ral occasions. A few of the awards Transylvania and Maramures. are Europa Nostra award received in 2006, several awards from Civil I n 2 0 0 0 t h e R o m a n i a n Society Gala and awards from or- Branch of Mihai Eminescu Trust ganisations that evaluate the most w a s e s t a b l i s h e d . To d a y significant social contributions in Caroline Fernolend is the president Romania.
ME T in Transylvania and proved itself to be sustainable and efficient over time. Today, M ET focuses its activities in the Mihai Eminescu Trust’s activities Saxon villages of South-Eas- are renowned and appreciated as tern Transylvania representing an example of good practice. The an area of rich historical, recognition comes from bodies at all cultural and natural heritage. levels such as Romania’s Ministry of Although the Foundation is Culture, the European Coun- strongly involved in Transylva- cil and national and international nia, MET’s expertise and projects Organisations. focusing on heritage value were implemented and most welcomed in other areas such as Maramureş. All of the projects implemented by MET are designed to preserve and enhance the value of the local heritage as a contribution to the development of communities through a series of interconnected and sustainable plans meant to function on a long term. MET aims to make an impact Tie manner in which MET conducted on two major levels: heritage and work has been constantly improving its communities. The focus is based on the fact that our authenticity lays within us and it is not a thing of the past. With this idea in mind, MET focuses on the revitalisation of the cultural and natural heritage fjrstly by using traditional techniques in restoring key historical monuments, identifying ecological soluti- ons, and rehabilitating authentic Transylvanian elements in order to improve the quality of life among the members of the community. In the same time, MET focuses on the em- powerment of communities through the revival and support of ancient craft and trades, the development of cultural tourism and plans for the conservation of nature. This way, MET encourages people to keep their traditional way of life in harmony with nature and local customs.
MET’s Work Ethic as the revival of Transylvania’s traditional craft. Another im- O ne of the basic princi- portant line that MET is fo- ples that leads the Foun- cusing on is encouraging and dation’s work is the thorough motivating people to continue im- analysis of the project selection. plementing traditional agricultural Before getting involved in any acti- practices. The communities ons supporting a certain community, where the Foundation is present are MET’s team will first discuss encouraged to keep their traditional and identify what represents a priority farms and households while other for the community members. members are encouraged to Tie understanding of priorities will start small rural businesses whe- help in knowing and preparing the re they can do the work they type of response and actions that are know best. Within this context, needed and will be tailored to each local tourism based on cultural and situation. Once decided, the project historical heritage is one of the will be implemented by MET Foundations’ priorities. In this regard, with the help of the community MET supports tourism growth that will benefit from the actions. in these communities by The involvement of locals who are organising guest house management directly interested in the success and English courses for local of the project contributes greatly people as well as by offering to the long-term sustainability of relevant advice based on the the project. In the same time, the team’s know-how and expertise. community members will be- MET constantly promotes the come more responsible with authentic destinations both an impact on the long-term nationally and internationally throu- success of the finalised project. gh tour operator partnerships and specialised websites. From day one, all communities in which MET activates are encouraged to participate in shaping their own future. Tie workers come from these communities and use traditional construction techniques solely. Tie materials used in restorations are the ones that were always used in Transylvania for hundreds of years. Tiis way, the building’s architectural authenticity is kept and extra jobs are created in the area. Furthermore, the manner in which MET works, contributes to the preservation as well
Some of Met’s most important projects Alma Vii - Interpretation Centre of Traditional Culture- A lma Vii is a well-hidden jewel Interpretation Centre of Traditional and one of the few villages that Culture-Alma Vii- the Rehabilitati- was founded by Saxons, hundreds of on and Functional Conversion of the years ago. Today, the village still has Fortifjcation. Tie value of the project an active population and a well pre- was approximately 6,3 million RON served cultural and natural heritage. and it was funded through a SEE Grant with the co-fjnancial support MET started to get involved in the of MET and Horizon Foundation. village in 2008 when 9 wooden Tie project started as a result of va- bridges were repaired with the rious studies and a natural follow- support of the council and the up of all meetings and discussions contribution of local craftsmen. In with the community members of the years to follow, several facades Alma Vii. It turned out that the of private houses were renovated, locals value the Evangelical Chur- the local shop and the local medi- ch greatly and it proved to be a cal practice were consolidated, fjxed strong pillar of this community. and equipped. MET also organised professional training and offered The Church was built in the XV support through consultancy to locals Century and it was extended and who wanted to start small businesses. fortified 200 years later. During this project, the fortification went In April 2015, MET and its partner Tie through various and complex Norwegian Institute for Cultural restoration works focusing on the Heritage Research started a ma- fortified wall and its towers. The jor revitalisation project called interior parts of the fortifjed wall were also restored and transformed into a local cultural centre able to host spe- cial events, community celebrations. When restoration works were com- pleted, the project entered a very important phase: the harmonious integration of the project in the life of the community. Tie newly resto- red interior spaces were decorated with traditional, authentic objects donated by members of the community transforming these
spaces into an exhibition for the visitors to understand the multicultu- rality of the place. Visitors also have the opportunity to buy beautifully crafted local objects and try the traditional food both created and pre- pared by members of the community. their current quality of life while keeping their traditional lifestyle. In order to make local tourism fmou- One of the main objectives was to rish, MET organised hospitality and generate a sustainable economic English courses for the locals of Alma development and strengthen a Vii. Before completing the project, community that would continue Mihai Eminescu Trust had started thriving after the project is over. encouraging tourism by promoting Therefore, frequent meetings with the architectural and cultural herita- representatives of the 400 people li- ge of Alma Vii on various specialised ving in Alma Vii were organised. websites, through travel partners and The purpose was to strengthen the by promoting 10 short movies crea- social cohesion and motivate peo- ted during the implementation of the ple to work together in improving project in Alma Vii.
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