luxembourg guidance system

LUXEMBOURG GUIDANCE SYSTEM Providing meaningful guidance in a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LUXEMBOURG GUIDANCE SYSTEM Providing meaningful guidance in a multicultural context New Skills Agenda in Upskilling Pathways Euroguidance Ireland Study Visit - Dublin 19-21 February 2019 1 Service de coordination Maison de lorientation GUID

  1. LUXEMBOURG GUIDANCE SYSTEM Providing meaningful guidance in a multicultural context New Skills Agenda in Upskilling Pathways Euroguidance Ireland Study Visit - Dublin 19-21 February 2019 1

  2. Service de coordination Maison de l’orientation

  3. GUID IDANCE IN IN LUXEMBOURG The House of Guidance is placed under the authority of the ministry of Education, Children and Youth National strategy : Legal basis (June 2017) : Simplify access to information and advice by  grouping together a full range of services related to education and labour Assist people in shaping their career paths  Facilitate cooperation among stakeholders in  the field of guidance

  4. Service de coordination Maison de l’orientation

  5. MEASURES TO FACILITATE OFFERS ACC CCESSIB IBILITY • Adult education  Reduced registration fees • Literacy, basic IT skills, languages • Basic skills (French& German) • Each Trimester • Free of charge • To all adults • Everywhere in the country  Individual training leave  Linguistic leave • Formal adult education • Welcome and Integration  Free of charge contract  Vouchers for language courses

  6. Skill you up up Implemented by the Agency for the Development of Employment (ADEM) – Luxembourg’s public employment service, co-financed by the European Social Fund Target Audience +30 year-old unemployed people wishing to undertake a professional transition Training available in French, Luxembourgish, English (12 weeks) Objectives  Identify and value professional skills, abilities and motivations  Skills assessment + individual meeting with a professional coach  Work on ability of resilience and on definition of a realistic professional project  Optimise presentation and master the tools needed to carry out a job search  Formalise a personalised professional action plan

  7. FIT4 Green & Build Jobs – trainings for NEETs in the construction sector Implemented by the Agency for the Development of Employment (ADEM) – Luxembourg’s public employment service, co-financed by the European Social Fund Target Audience 18-30 year-old unemployed people, no diploma requirement Training available in French, translation provided if needed Objective Facilitating the integration into the labour market through technical training adapted to the requirements of employers within the construction sector. After training, the trainee is awarded a contract as an assistant worker with a company which participates in the programme. 80% of the trainees found sustainable employment in the construction sector after the completion of the training.

  8. Fit4Digital Future Implemented by the Agency for the Development of Employment (ADEM) – Luxembourg’s public employment service, co-financed by the European Social Fund Target Audience 18-30 year-old unemployed people with secondary school diplom Training available in French & English (3 weeks) Objective Prepare to digital evolution by developing digital skills needed for the current and future job market in Luxembourg

  9. Thank you! For further information, please contact: Maison de l’Orientation 58, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte L-1330 Luxembourg

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