lpsc university grenoble alpes uga in2p3

LPSC: UNIVERSITY GRENOBLE ALPES (UGA)/ IN2P3 Laboratoire de Physique - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Grenoble LPSC ESRF ILL LPSC: UNIVERSITY GRENOBLE ALPES (UGA)/ IN2P3 Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de cosmologie (include now the LSM Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane) LPSC 70 researchers, 90 engineers/technicians scientific

  1. Grenoble LPSC ESRF ILL LPSC: UNIVERSITY GRENOBLE ALPES (UGA)/ IN2P3 Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de cosmologie (include now the LSM Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane)

  2. LPSC 70 researchers, 90 engineers/technicians scientific activities: particle and nuclear physics (ATLAS, ALICE), astro particles, cosmologie and neutrinos (PLANK, AUGER, LSST), reactor physics and medical applications. Technical services: mechanics, electronics, detectors, computing (LHC tier 2) Large mounting Halls, clean rooms. Platform: neutron generator, low activity laboratory, underground laboratory (LSM)

  3. NEUTRINO GROUPE 3 permanents (1 faculty, 2 CNRS) 2019: 3 Phds, 1 postdoc Sterile neutrino search at the ILL reactor (10 m from core) : Stereo (2016-2020) Electronics analog and digital, DAQ, MUON veto, LED calibration system, mounting, day/ day operation. characterisation, simulation and offline rejection of the cosmic background Neutrino simulation, analysis and rates extraction (official one of the collaboration)

  4. PERSPECTIVES REGARDING DUNE 1permanent: J.S. Real. Mid term: Join DP prototype activities (mounting, analysis, simulation) Long term: data analysis… Resources : 2019: 0.2 FTE, 2020-: 0.8 FTE (Phd, other permanent, postdoc) Financial resources: National project (IN2P3/CNRS), Enigmass label with LAPP group.


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