locating median paths on connected outerplanar graphs

Locating median paths on connected outerplanar graphs Andrea - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Locating median paths on connected outerplanar graphs Andrea Scozzari University of Rome La Sapienza andrea.scozzari@uniroma1.it co-authors: Isabella Lari 7th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Federica Ricca Graphs and Combinatorial Ronald

  1. Locating median paths on connected outerplanar graphs Andrea Scozzari University of Rome “La Sapienza” andrea.scozzari@uniroma1.it co-authors: Isabella Lari 7th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Federica Ricca Graphs and Combinatorial Ronald Becker Optimization Università degli Studi di Milano Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  2. Median-path in the Literature Path-Median Problem is polynomial on trees: Without restrictions on the With restrictions on the length of the path length of the path Morgan and Slater, J. of Alg. (1980) Minieka, Networks (1985) Becker, Quaest. Math. (1990) Peng and Lo, J. of Alg. (1996) Peng, Stephens and Yesha, J. of Alg. Becker, Chang, Lari, Scozzari and (1993) Storchi, DAM (2002) Alstrup, Lauridsen, Sommerlund and Thorup, Tech. Rep. (2001) Path-Median Problem with restricted length is NP-complete on networks: Hakimi, Schmeichel and Labbé, Networks (1993) [planar g. with vertex deg. ≤ 5] Richey, Networks (1990) [series-parallel graphs] [grid graphs] Becker, Lari, Scozzari , Storchi, Annals of Operations Research (2007) The path-median problem without restrictions on the length of the path has not been studied yet on networks with cycles. 2 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  3. The median path problem in connected outerplanar graphs Given • a connected outerplanar graph G = (V,E), |V| = n, |E| = m • weights equal to 1 assigned to each edge • weights w(v) ≥ 0 associated with each vertex v • distances d(u,v) = shortest path from u to v on G, for each pair of vertices u, v • distances d(v,P) from v to the closest vertex in P Problem: find in G a path P* (of any length) which minimizes the sum of the weighted distances from each vertex in G to P* (the distsum of P*): W(P*) = min P ∈ П Σ v w(v) d(v,P) 3 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  4. Outerplanar graphs An outerplanar graph is a planar graph that can be embedded in the plane in such a way that all the vertices lie on the boundary (outercycle). Chord face outercycle 4 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  5. The median path problem in connected outerplanar graphs Biconnected outerplanar graph 5 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  6. The median path problem in connected outerplanar graphs Biconnected outerplanar graph Note: A hamiltonian path always exists 6 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  7. The median path problem in connected outerplanar graphs Biconnected outerplanar graph Connected outerplanar graph 7 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  8. The median path problem in connected outerplanar graphs Biconnected outerplanar graph Connected outerplanar graph 8 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  9. The median path problem in connected outerplanar graphs Biconnected outerplanar graph Connected outerplanar graph 9 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  10. Decomposition into blocks and bridges A connected outerplanar graph A block is a maximal subgraph of G with with n vertices can always be no cut vertices. decomposed into k ≤ n blocks and bridges. A bridge is an edge of G whose removal increases the number of components of G. A cut vertex is a vertex whose removal (and the removal of all its incident edges) increases the number of components of G. 10 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  11. Representation tree Root block H Connected outerplanar G Rooted representation tree of G (k=9 blocks or bridges) 11 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  12. Properties Let P* be an optimal solution to the median path problem on G. Property 1. Let P * be the path in T given The end vertices by the set of blocks and bridges of P * are not traversed by P*. necessarily leaves of T. EXAMPLE Suppose each vertex has weight W(P) = 2 equal to 1. W(P) = 4 12 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  13. Properties Let P* be an optimal solution to the median path problem on G. Property 1. Let P * be the path in T given The end vertices by the set of blocks and bridges of P * are not traversed by P*. necessarily leaves of T. EXAMPLE Suppose each vertex has weight W(P) = 2 equal to 1. W(P) = 3 13 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  14. Property 2. Properties Every optimal path P* has a double-hook shape, that EXAMPLE is, all the vertices Suppose each vertex has included in the end blocks weight equal to 1. of P * belong to P*. Let A and B be the two end blocks of P *. P 1 W(P 1 ) A B P 2 A B W(P 2 ) = W(P 1 )-1 14 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  15. Root Idea of the algorithm block H Connected outerplanar G Rooted representation tree T H we root T at a block or bridge and search for optimal paths among Property 2 those paths having one end block in the root of T. we must root T at each possible Property 1 block or bridge. 15 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  16. For a given representation Some notation tree T H rooted at block H Let F B be the number of faces in B Block B and V(B) the set of vertices of B. c B =13 1 In each block B ≠ H we denote by c B the cut vertex that B shares with 12 2 its parent in T H . We number the vertices of B from 1 to |V(B)| such 11 3 that c B has the largest number. f’ 10 t f = 4 We assign a number f = 1, ..., F B to the faces of B such that c B is in F B and each face f is adjacent r f = 9 f 5 to exactly one face f’ > f (f has the chord (r f ,t f ) in common with f’) 8 6 B 1 B 2 7 B 1 and B 2 are children of B in T H and in T B 16 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  17. For a given representation Preprocessing tree T H rooted at block H In a preprocessing phase, in each block B of T H , we compute the following quantities associated to the vertices of G: S cB the sum of the weighted distances to c B from all the vertices of G belonging to the blocks in T B W cB the sum of the weights of the vertices of G belonging to the blocks in T B S rf the sum of the weighted distances to r f from all the vertices of G belonging to V(T B )\[V(B)\V(r f ,t f )] that are closer to r f than to t f (vertices assigned to r f in f) W rf the sum of the weights of the vertices of G belonging to V(T B )\[V(B)\V(r f ,t f )] that are assigned to r f in f S tf and W tf are defined similarly. Actually, we compute the quantities W u and S u for all the vertices u ∈ V 17 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  18. For a given representation The algorithm tree T H rooted at block H Once all the quantities have been computed in the preprocessing, the algorithm is performed through a visit of T H in a BFS order. At block H the algorithm computes the distsum of an hamiltonian path in H. At each block B ≠ H the algorithm visits B face by face from f=F B to f=1. In each face f, and for each vertex v in f: it computes the distsum of a best path from H to v in f, D H (v,f) At the end of the visit of T H the algorithm records the best distsum found so far: D H = min v in f D H (v,f) The algorithm applied to T H runs in O(n) time. 18 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  19. For a given representation Formulas tree T H rooted at block H The complexity result is due to the fact that we exploit the structure of our outerplanar graph G in order to arrange an efficient computation of the distsum D H (v,f), for all v in each face f. At the beginning we compute distsum of any hamiltonian path in H, and initialize D H at this value. Going down in the BFS visit of the blocks B ≠ H in T H , in each visited face of a block B the distsum of a best path from H to v in f, D H (v,f), is computed by updating the distsum of the best path from H to r f’ or t f’ of the unique face f’>f in B. The updating is performed basically by computing the saving in the distsum obtained by attaching to the current path a new edge 19 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  20. For a given representation Formulas tree T H rooted at block H The complexity result is due to the fact that we exploit the structure of our outerplanar graph G in order to arrange an efficient computation of the distsum D H (u), for all u in each face f. Actually, since every vertex v lies in a face of G, when the algorithm visits c B face f, for each v in f, it computes the following two quantities: 3 D H L (v) the minimum distsum of a path from H to u that visits f in a 10 counterclockwise order t f =4 (counterclockwise path); r f =9 D H R (v) f 5 D H R (v) the minimum distsum of a D H L (v) path from H to u that visits f in a 8 6 clockwise order (clockwise path). B 1 V=7 B 2 20 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  21. The algorithm By repeating both the preprocessing and the algorithm for each possible representation tree T H , we are able to compute the distsum of an optimal median path P* as follows: D* = min H in T D H The overall time complexity (preprocessing + algorithm for all the possible T H ) runs is O(kn), where k is the number of blocks and bridges in which G can be decomposed. 21 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008

  22. The median path problem in biconnected outerplanar graphs with fixed end vertices Suppose the two vertices s and t are fixed. Finding the median path with end vertices in s and t is not trivial even on biconnected outerplanar graphs. EXAMPLE Suppose each s vertex has weight equal to 1. t 22 7th CTW - Gargnano, Italy, May 13-15, 2008


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