live editing and pair programming with eclipse cloud

Live editing and pair programming with Eclipse Cloud Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Live editing and pair programming with Eclipse Cloud Development top projects Sun TAN @sunsengdavidtan Serli Socit de conseil et dingnierie Innovation, Ingnierie, Formation 70 personnes Contribution des projets OSS Membre du

  1. Live editing and pair programming with Eclipse Cloud Development top projects Sun TAN @sunsengdavidtan

  2. Serli Société de conseil et d’ingénierie Innovation, Ingénierie, Formation 70 personnes Contribution à des projets OSS Membre du JCP Poitou charentes JUG leader @JUGSummerCamp La Rochelle, 18th September 2015 @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  3. Sun TAN Java Developer My job Location ● ● Java developer Paris, France ○ ○ Eclipse che commiter ○ Team leader ○ @sunsengdavidtan Scrum master ○ Trainer ○ Previously ● Eclipse RCP developer, ○ Nuxeo, Eclipse Apogee, ○ Eclipse Apricot @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  4. Agenda ● Introduction to Eclipse Flux ● Demo 1 ○ Eclipse Flux running on a Eclipse Che docker runner. ○ Pair programing with Orion and Eclipse IDE ● Demo2: Eclipse Che extension ○ Pair programing with Orion, Eclipse IDE and Che @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  5. Eclipse Flux Eclipse flux ○ By Pivotal ○ Message based architechture ○ Connect developer tools in the Cloud ○ Available demos: ■ Real time live edit ■ (v)fs synchronization ■ Eclipse JDT on Eclipse Orion @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  6. Eclipse Flux Communication Eclipse flux ○ Communication ■ Central NodeJS Web socket (socketio) server ■ Exchanging well known messages between each participant. ■ Request-response model or broadcast ■ Anyone can respond @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  7. Eclipse Flux Websocket Flux Websocket communication (Google Chrome dev tools) @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  8. Eclipse Flux FS sync @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  9. Eclipse flux Eclipse Flux server: ○ NodeJS ○ RabbitMQ ○ ○ (Mongo DB) ○ Npm @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  10. Running Flux in Che Demo Demo 1 ■ Eclipse Flux running on a Eclipse Che docker runner ■ Launch embedded Orion and Eclipse IDE Start to pair program :) @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  11. Running Flux in Che Dockerfile FROM sunix/flux CMD sudo service rabbitmq-server start && npm start @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  12. Running Flux in Che Dockerfile FROM codenvy/jdk7 RUN sudo -E bash -c "echo \"deb testing main\" >> /etc/apt/sources.list" RUN sudo wget RUN sudo apt-key add rabbitmq-signing-key-public.asc RUN sudo apt-get update RUN sudo apt-get install -y rabbitmq-server nodejs-legacy npm EXPOSE 3000 ENV CODENVY_APP_PORT_3000_HTTP 3000 RUN wget && unzip RUN sudo npm install ENV VCAP_APP_HOST RUN wget https://gist.githubusercontent. com/sunix/a9a1037e257da5d0a600/raw/3ff8a910f3400d19775bb562c89524518ac6f2d2/startup-all-in-one.js.patch RUN patch -p1 < startup-all-in-one.js.patch CMD sudo service rabbitmq-server start && npm start @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  13. Che extension Demo2 Demo2: Eclipse Che extension ○ Connect che editors to flux ○ Detect running Docker flux runner Screen cast of the demo Starting pair programing session as easy as Sharing a Che URL! @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  14. Che extension GWT and Inject socketio.js SocketIOResources ioresources = GWT. create (SocketIOResources. class ); ScriptInjector. fromString (ioresources.socketIo().getText()).setWindow (ScriptInjector. TOP_WINDOW ).inject(); GWT JSNI and overlay to talk to native javascript public static native SocketIOOverlay getSocketIO()/*-{ return $; }-*/; @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  15. Che extension GWT and Javascript overlay public class SocketOverlay extends JavaScriptObject { protected SocketOverlay() {} public final native void emit(String type, JavaScriptObject json) /*-{ this.emit(type, json, function(answer) {}); }-*/; public final native void on(String eventName, Runnable runnable) /*-{ this.on(eventName, function() { handler.@java.lang.Runnable::run()(); }); }-*/; @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  16. Che extension Connect to flux Connect to flux protected void connectToFlux( ApplicationProcessDescriptor descriptor, String host, String fluxPort) { SocketIOOverlay io = getSocketIO (); String url = "http://" + host + ":" + fluxPort; socket = io.connect(url); socket.emit("connectToChannel", JsonUtils. safeEval ("{\"channel\" : \"USER\"}")); … } @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  17. Che extension Listen to Che runners Listen to Che runners start events eventBus.addHandler(RunnerApplicationStatusEvent. TYPE , runner -> { ApplicationProcessDescriptor descriptor = runner.getDescriptor(); connectIfFluxMicroservice(descriptor); }); private boolean connectIfFluxMicroservice(ApplicationProcessDescriptor descriptor) { String fluxPort = descriptor.getPortMapping().getPorts().get("3000"); if (fluxPort == null ) { return false ; } String host = descriptor.getPortMapping().getHost(); if (descriptor.getStatus() == ApplicationStatus. RUNNING ) { connectToFlux(descriptor, host, fluxPort); return true ; } return false ; } @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  18. Che extension Receive change events Receive change events socket.on("liveResourceChanged", fluxChangedEvent -> { Document document = liveDocuments.get( "/" + fluxChangedEvent.getProject() + "/" + fluxChangedEvent.getResource()); isUpdatingModel = true ; document.replace(fluxChangedEvent.getOffset(), fluxChangedEvent.getRemovedCharCount(), fluxChangedEvent.getAddedCharacters()); isUpdatingModel = false ; } ); @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  19. Che extension Send change events eventBus.addHandler(DocumentReadyEvent. TYPE , docReadyEvent -> { liveDocuments.put(docReadyEvent.getDocument().getFile().getPath(), docReadyEvent.getDocument()); docReadyEvent .getDocument().getDocumentHandle().getDocEventBus() .addHandler(DocumentChangeEvent. TYPE , docChangeEvent -> { String fullPath = docChangeEvent.getDocument().getDocument().getFile().getPath().substring(1); String project = fullPath.substring(0, fullPath.indexOf('/')); String resource = fullPath.substring(fullPath.indexOf('/') + 1); String text = JsonUtils. escapeValue (docChangeEvent.getText()); String json = "{" + "\"username\":\"USER\"," + "\"project\":\"" + project + "\"," + "\"resource\":\"" + resource + "\"," + "\"offset\":" + docChangeEvent.getOffset() + "," + "\"removedCharCount\":" + docChangeEvent.getRemoveCharCount() + "," + "\"addedCharacters\":" + text + "}"; if (isUpdatingModel) { return ; } socket.emit("liveResourceChanged", JsonUtils. unsafeEval (json)); }); }); @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  20. Che extension Connect on open eventBus.addHandler(OpenProjectEvent. TYPE , openProjectEvent -> { runnerService.getRunningProcesses(openProjectEvent.getProjectName(), newAsyncCallback() .success( processes -> { for (ApplicationProcessDescriptor process : processes.asIterable()) { if (connectIfFluxMicroservice(process)) { break ; } } }) .failure(e -> Log. error (GetRunningProcessesAction. class , e)) .build()); }); @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse

  21. Next ... ● Improve Che extension ○ add messages “live session started” ○ implement (v)fs sync ○ cursor positions ○ actions by other participants ○ chat ● Publish the extension ○ default che packaging ○ add a contribute button to the github project @sunsengdavidtan @serlifr #eclipseche #eclipseflux #orion #eclipse


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