LIQUIDITY FOR UNLISTED SECURITIES The Trading and Investment Platform for Unlisted Securities Series 2 Capital Raising July 2020 Strictly Confidential
2 Legal Disclaimer General: The information provided in this presentation pertaining to PrimaryMarkets Limited (“ PrimaryMarkets " or the " Company "), its business assets, strategy and operations is for general informational purposes only and is not a formal offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, options, futures, or other derivatives related to securities in any jurisdiction and its content is not prescribed by securities laws. Information contained in this presentation should not be relied upon as advice to buy or sell or hold such securities or as an offer to sell such securities. This presentation does not take into account nor does it provide any tax, legal or investment advice or opinion regarding the specific investment objectives or financial situation of any person. While the information in this presentation is believed to be accurate and reliable, PrimaryMarkets and its agents, advisors, directors, officers, employees and shareholders make no representation or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of such information and PrimaryMarkets expressly disclaims any and all liability that may be based on such information or errors or omissions thereof. PrimaryMarkets reserves the right to amend or replace the information contained herein, in part or entirely, at any time, and undertakes no obligation to provide the recipient with access to the amended information or to notify the recipient thereof. The information contained in this presentation is intended only for the persons to whom it is transmitted for the purposes of evaluating the Company. The information contained in this presentation supersedes any prior presentation or conversation concerning the Company. Any information, representations or statements not contained herein shall not be relied upon for any purpose. Neither we nor any of our representatives shall have any liability whatsoever, under contract, tort, trust or otherwise, to you or any person resulting from the use of the information in this presentation by you or any of your representatives or for omissions from the information in this presentation. Additionally, the Company undertakes no obligation to comment on the expectations of, or statements made by, third parties in respect of the matters discussed in this presentation. US transactions to be offered on PrimaryMarkets platform will only be offered through a U.S. FINRA/SIPC broker dealer. All transactions in non-U.S. jurisdictions are facilitated by PrimaryMarkets. Confidentiality: This presentation is confidential and is intended, among other things, to present a general outline of the Company. The contents are not to be reproduced or distributed to the public or press. Each person who has received a copy of this presentation (whether or not such person purchases any securities) is deemed to have agreed: (i) not to reproduce or distribute this presentation, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Company, other than to legal, tax, financial and other advisors on a need to know basis, (ii) if such person has not purchased securities, to return this presentation to the Company upon its request, (iii) without the prior written consent of the Company, not to disclose any information contained in this presentation except to the extent that such information was (a) previously known by such person through a source (other than the Company) not bound by any obligation to keep such information confidential, (b) in the public domain through no fault of such person, or (c) lawfully obtained at a later date by such person from sources (other than the Company) not bound by any obligation to keep such information confidential, and (iv) to be responsible for any disclosure of this presentation, or the information contained herein, by such person or any of its employees, agents or representatives. Strictly Confidential
3 Our Mantra – Delivering Liquidity for Unlisted Securities End-to-end solution for trading securities and raising capital with full transaction management and seamless execution from trading through to registry. OLD WAY THE PRIMARYMARKETS WAY BUYERS BUYERS No Own Investments Research Expensive Bad Takes Time Gatekeepers Investments Missing Know- Private Trading Hubs | Secondary Share Sales | Capital Raising | High Fees How Investor Centres | Corporate Advisory | Research | Cap Table Management Paperwork High Minimums Lack of Diversification SELLERS SELLERS COMPANIES FUNDS Strictly Confidential
4 Executive Summary Offer Size Raising A$5M @ pre-money EV A$15M To empower Issuers in a more compelling regime by providing liquidity and access to unlisted markets by Our Mission directly connecting companies/Funds, shareholders and investors. • Securities in private companies and Funds are an attractive and sought-after investment. Investing in unlisteds is difficult to source, transact and inefficient. Why PrimaryMarkets? • 100,000+ global investor network (40% Australian) PrimaryMarkets: • Is the only Private Trading Hub platform in Australia and is consolidating the secondary trading in Strategy securities in unlisted/private companies and Funds. • Has a proven, fully scalable business model with significant valuation upside. • Is looking to expand into Hong Kong and Singapore. Key to Success Clear and precise roadmaps for enhanced Technology, Products and Expanded Market Reach. • Expansion capital to grow proven business model. • Develop and implement Platform/App technology. Use of Funds • Capitalize on PrimaryMarkets current progress to grow in Australia and into Asia. • Funds will enable delivery of immediate and scalable revenue growth. Structure Australian unlisted public company – ordinary shares. Strictly Confidential
5 Vision, Goals and Initiatives 5 The Trading and Investment Platform VISION To be the premier platform for buying and selling securities in private unlisted companies and Funds KEY INITATIVES STRATEGIC GOALS ❖ Enhance investment AGGREGATION PLAY ❖ Provide access to trade opportunities and global ❖ Roll-up complimentary growth FinTechs deal flow channels unlisted securities to build scale and technology capabilities ❖ Activate and increase our ❖ Create end-to-end digital 110,000+ Investor Network trading Platform/App ❖ Strategic Partnerships to broaden mutual reach for our investor network ❖ Expand trading in securities ❖ Build global and offering opportunities in private and ex-listed Accredited/Wholesale companies/Funds Investor Network ❖ Exit – Trade Sale or IPO ❖ Build out end-to-end online mobile trading App Strictly Confidential
6 Our Core Products Private Investing Made Easy Secondary Trading Cap Table Investor Centres Private Trading Hubs Raising Capital Management Trading Platform for buying Multiple one-off trading Proprietary digital Connecting private Distribution of new and selling existing opportunities for securities registry companies and Funds to raisings by private securities in private securityholders in private facilitating title wholesale investors to companies and companies and Funds companies and Funds T+0 create liquidity & Funds presence ➢ New Products ➢ Enterprise TV (Sept. 2020) ➢ Investment Fund (Q2 2021) Strictly Confidential
7 Technology Roadmap - The Disruptive Evolution Technology is re-defining business from centralised institutions to decentralised ecosystems Decentralised Centralised ✓ PrimaryMarkets • Stock Exchanges ✓ Carta • Clearing Houses ✓ Forge/SharesPost • Banks PrimaryMarkets is analogous to a smart phone’s operating system providing an enabling technology platform Private Trading Hubs for each company/Fund on the PrimaryMarkets Platform are analogous to the Apps on a smart phone • Stock Exchanges such as ASX operate on a centralised model with a smorgasbord of Issuers all operating under a single set of rules – the supermarket model . • PrimaryMarkets offers separate, bespoke Private Trading Hubs specifically designed for each Issuer operating under their own rules – the speciality store model . Strictly Confidential
8 Our Core Products - Private Trading Hubs The only platform able to offer the problem-solving business model for efficient trading in private markets Examples of Private Trading Hubs Transparency, Independence Price Discovery and Trustworthy Speed of Execution (aim Liquidity from T+60 to Enabler T+0 Far-reaching global Investor Network Strictly Confidential
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