lign li gniox iox li lign gnin in oxidation idation

Lign Li gniOx iOx - Li Lign gnin in oxidation idation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BBI Innov novat ation ion Act ction ion Lign Li gniOx iOx - Li Lign gnin in oxidation idation technology chnology fo for r ve vers rsatile atile lignin gnin dispersant persants This project has received funding from the

  1. BBI Innov novat ation ion Act ction ion Lign Li gniOx iOx - Li Lign gnin in oxidation idation technology chnology fo for r ve vers rsatile atile lignin gnin dispersant persants This project has received funding from the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking General ral present ntation ation under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 745246.

  2. Bac ackground ground - Sustai taina nabl ble e produc ducts ts an and new ew busine iness ss oppor portunitie tunities s from m ligni nin • Lignoc nocell llul ulosi osic bioref orefin ineri eries es are looking for opportunities to valor lorise se the e lign ignin n by-prod roduc ucts ts in high gh-value ue produc ucts ts instead Ligni nin n is the e of direct energy production to improve rove cost st-compet ompetit itivene eness ss. mos ost t impo import rtant nt • Chemi mica cal l indus ustry ry is looking for sust staina nable, e, low w cos ost t raw w by-prod by roduc uct t materi terials s for repla lacem emen ent t of oil il-based produc ucts ts. from om lingo ngo- cellu ellulos osic c • Technically, economically and sustainably viable ligni gnin n bioref orefine ineri ries es upgra radin ing g proces ocess tech chno nolo logie gies s that t are e adapta table le to lign gnin in side-str trea eams ms origi iginati nating ng from om diffe fferent rent proces ocesses es and raw w materi terials s need ed to be urgently commercialised. 2 10/09/2018

  3. LigniO niOx tec echn hnology ology for ver ersatil atile e ligni nin n dispersants ersants • LigniO iOx technolo logy y based d on alkali li-O 2 oxidat datio ion n is cost- effici ficient nt and enviro ronm nmentall ally y frie iendl ndly y way to convert rt lignin in into versat satile ile dispe spersant rsants • Wide range of application possibilities with high market volumes (over 10 MMT/a) • LigniOx concrete plasticizers provide: No plasti Superpla plasti ticizer, 0.2% ticize zer Higher performance compared to lignosulfonate • admixtures Comparable performance with synthetic superplasticizers at • higher dosage • Good performance also as gypsum plasticizer and dispersant of various inorganic pigments and fillers (e.g. for paints and LigniOx x lignin , 0.4% Lign gnos osulfon onate, te, 0.4% coatings) Patent nts: • Safe and low-cost bulk chemicals (O 2 , NaOH) used, enabling FI20135986, , US9676667 (gran anted) WO2015/049424 (pendin ing) g) integration into biorefineries WO2017/077198 A1 (pendin ing) 3 10/09/2018

  4. Mai ain objectives ectives of LigniO niOx To d demonstrat rate e the techno-ec economi omic c viabil ility of alkali kali-O2 O2 oxidatio ion technology ogy (LigniO iOx) for the conversio sion of variabl iable e lignin-ric ich side-st stream eams s into versatile le dispersa sants, s, especia ially ly high-perfor forma manc nce e concrete e and mortar r plastic icize izers • Demonstrate both the oxidation technology and the end-product performance at operational conditions • Enable industrial process installations integrated into the lignocellulosic biorefineries or stand-alone units operated by chemical industry • Enable market entry of novel lignin based concrete and mortar plasticizers to replace the current synthetic superplasticizers and lignosulphonate products • Create new business opportunities for the lignocellulosic biorefineries, technology providers and chemical industry 4 10/09/2018

  5. Main act ctivi iviti ties es 10/09/2018 5

  6. Expecte cted d 1-3 YEARS S AFTER R THE Versat atil ile high- PROJEC ECT perform rformanc ance LigniO iOx results lts dispe spersan rsants s for r wide Sustai ainable nable and cost- and range of applicat licatio ions competi etitive ive lignin in AFTER R THE PROJEC ECT based high- impac acts ts perform rformanc ance concre rete plast sticiz cizer r on the Techno-eco conomica ically ly market viable ble & envir vironm nmentally ally frie iendl ndly y lignin in upgradin rading technolo logy y ready ady for r commercial rcial scale le instal allat lations 10/09/2018 7

  7. LigniOx niOx Consorti sortium um Technology Chemical Biorefineries providers industry 10/09/2018 9

  8. LigniO niOx in figures res • Dura rati tion on: 4 years (May 2017- April 2021). • Fund ndin ing: 4.3 M€ BBI -JU • Partn rtners: rs: 10 partners (5 large companies; 3 SMEs; 2 RTOs). • From: om: 6 EU member countries (Finland, Germany, UK, Italy, France and Belgium). • Progra ogramm mme: H2020 BBI-2016-D03: Valorization of lignin and other side - streams to increase efficiency of biorefineries and increase sustainability of the whole value chain. • Coord rdina nator: or: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd Tiina Liitiä 10 10/09/2018


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