life in the universe the science of astrobiology

Life in the Universe: The Science of Astrobiology Carl B. Pilcher - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Solar System Ambassadors+ August 22, 2016 Life in the Universe: The Science of Astrobiology Carl B. Pilcher Former Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 1 What is Astrobiology? Study of the

  1. Solar System Ambassadors+ August 22, 2016 Life in the Universe: The Science of Astrobiology Carl B. Pilcher Former Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 1

  2. What is Astrobiology? Study of the potential of the Universe to harbor life beyond Earth 2

  3. This has been pondered by philosophers... “ There are infinite worlds both like and unlike this world of ours...We must believe that in all worlds there are living creatures and plants and other things we see in this world. ” Epicurus (c. 300 B.C.)

  4. …and theologians St. Thomas Aquinas (13th Cent.) “ When it is said…that many worlds are better than one, … this sort of better…does not belong to the intention of God…because for the same reason it could be said that if he made two, it would be better that there were three; and thus ad infinitum. ”

  5. Today astrobiology addresses three fundamental scientific questions • How does life begin and evolve? • Does life exist elsewhere in the universe? • What is the future of life on Earth and beyond? 5

  6. Five Interconnected Areas of Science 1. Diversity of life on modern Earth 2. The co-evolution of life and our planet 3. Diversity of Solar System environments 4. Planetary environments around other stars 5. The origin of life a. Where and how the raw ingredients for life are made b. How a world may transform from non-living to living 6

  7. 1. The Diversity of Life on Earth

  8. 1. The Diversity of Life on Earth You are here

  9. Metabolic Diversity Most Energy Worst (chocolate!) Oxidant Reductants Least Best Energy Oxidant (celery!)

  10. 2. Co-evolution of life and the Earth Stromatolites: Ancient and modern 10

  11. Cyanobacteria

  12. History of Oxygen Multi-cellular Life � 1 � “ Modern ” O 2 � 0.1 � PO2(atm) � levels � First � 0.01 � Eukaryotic � Life � 0.001 � Prokaryotic Life � 0.0001 � 0.00001 � 4.5 � 4 � 3.5 � 3 � 2.5 � 2 � 1.5 � 1 � 0.5 � 0 � 12 Time before Present (billion yrs) �

  13. 3. The Diversity of Solar System Environments Mars Lakes on Titan Jets on Enceladus Europa 13

  14. Mars – Juventae Chasma 14

  15. Enormous dry river systems indicate that large volumes of water flowed across Mars billions of years ago 50 km Mangala Valles region ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

  16. Opportunity Rover Lands on Mars (2004) 16

  17. “Blueberry Bowl” (enhanced color) 17

  18. Ice under Phoenix Lander 18

  19. Liquid (saline) droplets on Phoenix lander strut

  20. Curiosity “Selfie” (2016)

  21. Streambed Deposits 21

  22. Mt. Sharp Foothills

  23. Europa (moon of Jupiter) 24

  24. Europa

  25. Titan (moon of Saturn) Titan

  26. A Hidden World

  27. Jets of H 2 O (+salts, organics) on Enceladus

  28. 4. Planets Around Other Stars Doppler Method Keck Observatory Mauna Kea, Hawai’i 29

  29. 4. Planets Around Other Stars Transit Method Kepler Planet Candidates 30

  30. The Habitable Zone 31

  31. 32

  32. 5. Origin of Life Raw materials from space? 33

  33. Could Life Have Arisen at a Hydrothermal Vent? 34

  34. Or in a tide pool? 35

  35. Slide courtesy C. McKay

  36. Abiotic distributions are smooth Biotic distributions are spiked McKay 2004 PLoS Biol 2(9)1260-12623

  37. Abiotic distributions are smooth Biotic distributions are spiked alien � McKay 2004 PLoS Biol 2(9)1260-12623

  38. QUESTIONS? Questions? 39


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