learning outcomes

Learning Outcomes to Your Goals Define assessment , student - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Connecting Learning Outcomes to Your Goals Define assessment , student learning assessment , and learning Describe the relationship between student learning assessment and Division of Student Life goals and values Define student

  1. Connecting Learning Outcomes to Your Goals

  2.  Define assessment , student learning assessment , and learning  Describe the relationship between student learning assessment and Division of Student Life goals and values  Define student learning outcomes (SLOs) and describe their format and desired characteristics  Where to go from here  Questions  Brief Assessment

  3.  Define student learning outcomes (SLOs) and describe their format and desired characteristics  Describe how assessment can help you in your work  Write an effective student learning outcome using the SWiBAT format

  4.  “Any effort to Who Uses Our gather, analyze, and Programs & Services Comparison Student to Other interpret evidence Satisfaction Institutions that describes Student What We Cultures & Comparison institutional, Campus to National Can Assess Environ- Standards ments departmental, Cost divisional, or agency Student Effective- Needs ness effectiveness” (Upcraft & Student Learning Schuh, 1996, p. 18)

  5. Cognitive (knowledge) Psycho- Affective Motor (attitude) (skills) DOMAINS OF LEARNING

  6. What should  Goals that describe “the knowledge, students be skills, attitudes, and habits of mind able to do as a that students take with them from a result of the learning experience” (Suskie, 2009, p. 75) programs and services we provide? EXPERIENCE Time 1 Time 2

  7.  Determine which SLOs are nice and which SLOs are needed  Your program or service works in concert with others in the department – it does not need to do it all  Aim for 3-5 SLOs per program or service

  8. University Mission Division Mission Departmental Goals General Align to Departmental Upward Specific Objectives Outcomes for programs

  9. “To educate students for success and fulfillment in a diverse world…” “To support student success…through educationally purposeful activities” “OSL provides diverse social, cultural, and educational programs…” “Students participating in Dance Marathon will list at least 3 types of family support funded by DM.”

  10.  What really has to happen for you to know that program or service did its job?  What must occur for you to know that the time and energy devoted to that program or service was well spent?

  11.  SWiBAT: Students will be able to ________.  Examples: ▪ Students will be able to successfully discuss accommodation needs with their instructors (Student Disability Services) ▪ Students who work as intramural officials will be able to demonstrate appropriate conflict resolution skills in an emotional environment (Recreational Services) ▪ Students who participate in The Path will be able to identify at least two academic support resources on campus (Residence Life)

  12. Keeling & Associates, 2007

  13.  Align with department, division, and institution goals  Describe a behavior that is:  meaningful,  specific,  measureable, and  attainable  Describe a single behavior  Describe knowledge, skills, attitudes, and habits of mind (i.e., learning)

  14.  Using “action words” that are hard to measure (appreciate, be aware of, understand)  Multiple outcomes in one  SLOs that aren’t really about learning

  15.  Students will be able to…  …appreciate the benefits of exercise  …value exercise as a stress reduction tool  …identify at least 3 benefits of exercise  Students will be able to…  …access resources at The University of Iowa  …develop and apply effective problem solving skills that would enable one to adequately navigate through the proper resources within the university  …identity the university resource most pertinent to their concern

  16.  Begin with the end in mind: What is your goal?  What should a student know or be able to do to respond to that goal? (Outcomes)  Next, what content will support these outcomes? (Content)  After that, what methods will effectively deliver this content? (Methods)  Finally, how will we know if students have achieved the outcomes (Assessment)

  17. Provide learning experience Compare Establish established/ learning actual outcomes learning outcomes Use findings to improve learning


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