learning focused strategies

Learning-Focused Strategies www.LearningFocused.com Bonnie - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Learning-Focused Strategies www.LearningFocused.com Bonnie Albertson Adapted from Chris Evans, DRWP and Aleta Thompson, DWP What is the Learning-Focused Model? A model that provides a planning framework that focuses on learning Albertson,

  1. Learning-Focused Strategies www.LearningFocused.com Bonnie Albertson Adapted from Chris Evans, DRWP and Aleta Thompson, DWP

  2. What is the Learning-Focused Model? • A model that provides a planning framework that focuses on learning Albertson, 2011

  3. Planning for Instruction What are the essential components of Learning Focused Solutions [LFS] unit/lesson planning? • Begin with standards and Essential Questions • Deconstruct the standards (KUD charts) • Develop meaningful ASSESSMENTS • Develop STUDENT LEARNING MAPS • Develop LESSONS and UNITS Albertson, 2011

  4. Develop The Student Learning Map The Student Learning Map is a plan for the unit of instruction. It… • Works as part of a unit launch • Identifies the key vocabulary of the unit • Works as an advance organizer • Links to or builds prior knowledge Albertson, 2011

  5. SLM - Literacy and Technology in Urban Schools Unit Essential Question : How can teachers integrate technology into culturally responsive literacy classroom ? Literacy Technology Culturally Classroom Responsive Management Pedagogy Lesson EQ : What Lesson EQ Lesson EQ: Lesson EQ : Lesson EQ :How Lesson EQ : What are the non- How can I use How can What are some can incorporating are the some negotiable technology for technology to online resources culturally classroom components of a BEFORE, DURING improve student I should know responsive management research-based & AFTER reading writing ? about and use? pedagogy improve techniques that literacy classroom? lessons? student learning? facilitate learning KEY KEY VOCABULARY KEY KEY VOCABULARY KEY VOCABULARY KEY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY - Skill/strategy - Premack Princl. -WGRD -SR classroom -Guided Release Mode -PBS -“Text” -Ratio /Interval appropriateness reinforcement -Diff. Inst. ** LFS Albertson, 2011

  6. Clearly communicate what students should… Know Understand Do • Facts • Principles • Skills Vocabulary Generalizations “Dos” start with a • • • • Terms • “Big Ideas” verb! • Phrases e.g. Persuasive writing e.g. Analyze e.g. The components of is used to influence the perspectives related to a persuasive essay thoughts and actions of an issue the reader. Albertson, 2011

  7. Partial KUD for Lit & Tech in Urban Schools KNOW UNDERSTAND DO - Create a school wide PBS - Optimal learning occurs when classroom - Premack Principle - Post a few rules in class that express positive behavior management systems are data- -SR classroom behaviors based and consistently implemented. -PBS - Implement and monitor consistent interventions - Research-supported tenants of -Ratio & Interval reinforcement for “target” students that are data-based effective instructional practice are - Skill/strategy - Explicitly teach literacy skills along with essential for student learning -WGRD WGRD strategies for applying skills - Utilizing LFS principles of lesson/unit -Guided Release of Responsibility Model - Consistently utilize the guided release of design promotes strong alignment - Principles of Learning Focus [LFS] lesson responsibility model between instruction and standards, design -Use LFS lesson template to create lessons facilitates effective instruction for all -“Text” appropriateness indicators and -Select texts that are appropriate for instructional students, and encourages teacher guidelines goals and student population metacognition -Principles of Differentiated Instruction [DI] -Use student data to select appropriate DI -Using a full range of text types and strategies to accommodate needs of all learners formats that are appropriate for students and instructional goals supports student learning -Differentiating instruction through a range of instructional activities - including process, product and materials – supports student learning. * Class for March 3 * Class for March 3 * Class for March 3 Albertson, 2011

  8. Standards-driven Common Assessments The KUD Organizer shows WHAT to assess; you need to think about HOW you will assess it. Knowledge can be Understanding can be Skills (Do) can be assessed through: assessed through: assessed through: Multiple choice Constructed response Observations Performance task Short answer Checklists Product Work samples Presentation Portfolios Constructed Responses Essays Albertson, 2011

  9. Acquisition Lesson A lesson designed to help learners acquire new knowledge regarding important concepts and skills as directed by state standards. During the lesson the student will be given opportunities to link prior knowledge, create meaning, and internalize skills. Albertson, 2011

  10. The Learning-Focused Acquisition Lesson Plan Follows a Simple Framework 1. E ssential Question for the Lesson 2. A ctivating Strategy 3. T eaching Strategies (be careful…these more instructional activities that facilitate a learning strategy) 4. S ummarizing Activity Albertson, 2011

  11. Acquisition lesson for March 3 class Essential Question: (What question—from your Student Learning Map and based on your standards/grade-level expectations—will direct and focus this lesson?) What are e the e no non-neg egotiable e componen ents of a res esea earch-base ased l literac acy classr assroom? KUD: What must students know, understand and do to achieve learning goals? “KNOW” (noun phrases – literal level knowledge) WGRD; S Skill vs. vs. Str trate ategy, G Guided Release se of Responsib ibilit ility Model; LF LFS t temp mplate “DO” (verbs: range from low level skills to critical thinking skills) - Explicitly te teac ach l lite teracy sk skills al s alon ong w with th WGRD str strate ategies f s for or ap applying sk skills s - Con Consi siste stently uti tilize th the guided r release se of of resp spon onsi sibility mod odel -Use se LFS lesson sson te template to to create l lesson ssons “UNDERSTAND” (the enduring understanding that gets at Essential Question) - Rese sear arch-su supported te tenan ants ts of of effective instr struction onal p prac actice ar are esse ssenti tial f for or stu student l lear arning - Uti tilizing L LFS principles of s of lesson sson/unit desi sign prom omote otes str s stron ong al alignment betw tween i instr struction an and stan standar ards, s, fac acilitate tes e effective i instr struction on f for or al all stu students, s, an and encou ourages te teac acher metac tacognition on Albertson, 2011

  12. March 3 class Acquisition lesson - continued Formative Assessment Prompts: (How will you know students are making progress toward learning goals? BRIEFLY list the assessment topic you will embed within this lesson. For a shorter lesson, only 1 AP may be necessary; for longer lesson, 3 or more may be appropriate) AP #1 topic: NA AP #2 topic: AP #3 topic: Standards: CCSS literacy standard (spell out – do not just list a number) NA Albertson, 2011

  13. March 3 class Acquisition lesson - continued Activating: ( How will you hook students at the beginning of Key Vocabulary to preview : (What the lesson and activate and/or build the necessary prior content-specific vocabulary will knowledge? This would generally be a BEFORE reading students need to know in order to activity) make meaning of the learning in the lesson? ) Have ave stu students s read ad Cr Creol ole f fai airy tal tale and nd - Skill/st strat ategy “Evol olution/mutation on” ar arti ticle. Have ave stu students ts -What at G Good ood Reade ders rs D Do shar sh are f feelings s ab abou out d t difficulties s -Guided ed R Relea ease o e of com omprehending an and what at it t feels l s like to to In Instr struction on M Mod odel “str struggle” as as a a read ader. Albertson, 2011

  14. March 3 class Acquisition lesson - continued Strategic Learning Activities: (What specific, research-based teaching practices will you use to engage students in their learning? e.g. distributed guided practice, numbered heads, collaborative pairs, think-pair-share, jigsaw, exit tickets, note to absent student, writing-to-learn strategies, etc.) Thin ink-pair ir-share, ga gallery walk, k, ex exit t tick cket et Graphic Organizer(s) Used: (What graphic organizers or other organizational tools will you use to help students organize their learning?) SLM LM, LF LFS temp mplate Materials Needed: (What specific materials – from annotated bibliography – will you need to present this lesson?) Creol Cr ole fai airy tal tale, A Albertso son, et t al al ar arti ticle, p pow ower poi oint, t, L LFS te template Albertson, 2011


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