Creative Leadership Fostering a Mindset of I nnovation April 8 th 2 0 1 4
Curiosity is the m ost pow erful thing you ow n. — Jam es Cam eron, Avatar and Titanic
The crew needed to fit square-ended lithium hydroxide canisters into the air circulation system . They used duct tape, packaging m aterial, and other scavenged item s from the craft.
I m agine 1 0 0 people... all sm art… all hard-w orking… all good com m unicators. W hat characteristic w ill determ ine w ho gets the next prom otion? Passionate Curiosity
I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.
Look from a different perspective. Look for a different Look for a second answ er this year. right answ er. Strategic Curiosity
You’ll never get a job at DuPont!
W hen som ething goes w rong, ask w hat w ent right.
I deas com e w hen the w rong things are used in the w rong w ay at the w rong tim e by the right people. — Niels Bohr
Our beliefs “define” our box.
= ? +
Safety Speed Sim plicity Self Confidence Shared Vision
W hat slow s us dow n? W hat reduces W hat clouds our confidence? vision? W hat adds com plexity?
Our questions give us the insight to create viable solutions.
W hy? The question is the answ er. — Dr. Jonas Salk
Frequency 6 5 4 1 6 Age 5 8 4 4 Retirem ent
W e entered school as question m arks and graduated as periods. — Dr. Neil Postm an
W hat did you learn W hat questions today in school? did you ask today in school?
1 1 3 9 8 8 3 Frequency 6 5 4 1 1 1 3 2 6 2 Age 5 8 4 4 Retirem ent
Bill Cosby: 4 9 Kodak Video Program s
Prim ates are distinguished from other creatures by a physical feature know n as the opposable thum b.
The Opposable Brain Right Brain Left Brain Verbal Non Verbal Details Big Picture Logical Em otional Patient Spontaneous Sequential I ntuitive 1 0 0 0 W ords Picture Converges Diverges Yes, but… Yes, and…
Left brain reads the w ords Right brain sees the colors — Dr. Stroop Test for I nhibitory Control
W hat does the left brain read in this logo? W hat does the right brain see in this logo?
Traditional résum és are set up so that curiosity becom es invisible. Todd Carlisle, a psychologist at Google, often reads résum és “upside dow n.” I t’s a w ay of looking for flickers of brilliance that m ay register first in “off-the-job” achievem ents.
“Neu . ro . bics” The 3 0 -Day Extrem e Brain Makeover Move w atch to other arm Listen to a new radio/ TV station Drive to/ from w ork a different w ay Use m ouse w ith other hand
“W hole Brain” questions W hat is the result w e w ant to achieve? Be specific. W hy do w e w ant to achieve this? Be passionate. How are w e going to achieve this? Be bold.
Our constraints focus our efforts.
Gentlem en, w e have run out of m oney. I t is tim e to start thinking. — Sir Ernest Rutherford, Father of Nuclear Physics
Measurable Results Pleasure Change vs. Behavior Pain Affordable Value/ Benefits
Measurable Results Pleasure Change vs. Behavior Pain Affordable Value/ Benefits
Men m issing the urinal… not focused.
Measurable Results Pleasure Change vs. Behavior Pain Affordable Value/ Benefits
W here do you com e up w ith your ideas?
Top 1 0 “I dea-Friendly” Tim es 1 0 . Cutting grass 9 . Listening to a serm on 8 . W aking up in m iddle of night 7 . Exercising 6 . Leisure reading 5 . During a boring m eeting 4 . Falling asleep or w aking up 3 . Sitting on the toilet 2 . Driving 1 . Taking a bath or show er
“All new ideas m ust pass through three stages: 1 . first dism issed as nonsense, 2 . then rejected as against religion, 3 . acknow ledged as true, w ith the proviso from opponents they know it all along.” — Karl Ernst von Baer, the father of em bryology
Our cartoons w ill never go on videotape. — President, W alt Disney 1 9 7 6
Yes, and…
Yes, but…
I t’s not in the budget. W e tried that before. I t’ll never w ork! I t’ll be m ore trouble than it’s w orth. Great idea… but not for us.
W hat are the Killer Phrases that w e hear that stifle risk-taking? 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . Create a language that prom otes risk-taking?
Be Curious First… Positive Negative Opportunity 1 . Discuss w hat’s positive about the idea. 2 . Discuss w hat’s negative . 3 . “Flip” a negative into an opportunity .
W hat do w e have to be m ore open-m inded about to see m ore possibilities?
W hat’s our blind spot? W hat beliefs do w e hold to be “sacred”? W hat w ould be possible if they w ere not true?
I deas don’t travel in straight lines.
All behavior consists of opposites. Learn to see things backw ard, inside out, and upside dow n. — Lao-Tzu
Click & Mortar Group Purchase Quick Service Bricks & Mortar House Calls Creative Destruction
Mm m , invisible cola.
- + Color W ater Sugar Caffeine Carbonation Preservatives
- + Budget Resources Tim e Line Focus Collaboration Deliverable
- + Tim e W ater Greens Fee Social Equipm ent Dem ographics
W hat w ould w e never do? 1 . 2 . 3 . Then flip the never into a really cool big idea.
W hat w ould w e never do?
W hat do w e w ant to look like in 5 years? 1 . 2 . 3 . W hat w ill w e never look like in 5 years? 1 . 2 . 3 .
W hat should w e start doing? W hat W hat should w e should w e keep on do doing? differently? W hat should w e stop doing? Start/ Stop Brainstorm
Seinfeld The Opposite Episode
Selling Your Big I dea! The cookie is w hat everyone sees.
Selling Your Big I dea! The fortune is the reason w hy w e experience the cookie.
Visualizing Your Big I dea! Napkin Sketch Billboard Sign 1 5 MB of Fam e 4 -W ord Hollyw ood Pitch
2 6 – 6 3 = 1 Can you m ake this equation correct by m oving only one digit? Hint: ( -) and ( = ) are signs not digits and you can only m ove digits.
6 2 – 6 3 = 1
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