lartpc testbeam captain and lariat

LArTPC Testbeam: CAPTAIN and LArIAT Jason St. John, University of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LArTPC Testbeam: CAPTAIN and LArIAT Jason St. John, University of Cincinnati On behalf of the LArIAT Collaboration and for the CAPTAIN Collaboration NuFact 2015, Rio de Janeiro Outline miniCAPTAIN (neutrons) & LArIAT (charged species) -

  1. LArTPC Testbeam: CAPTAIN and LArIAT Jason St. John, University of Cincinnati On behalf of the LArIAT Collaboration and for the CAPTAIN Collaboration NuFact 2015, Rio de Janeiro

  2. Outline miniCAPTAIN (neutrons) & LArIAT (charged species) - Liquid Argon TPC Test Beams for Neutrino Physics - Physics goals - R&D goals - Experimental Setups - Incident Beams - Inside the cryostat - Beautiful data - Future plans 2

  3. LArTPCs Test Beams for Neutrino Physics Liquid argon time projection ICARUS chambers (LArTPCs) capture neutrino interaction final products in MicroBooNE unprecedented detail Dedicated calibration effort needed DUNE SBND 3

  4. MiniCAPTAIN Cryogenic Apparatus for Precision Tests of Argon Interactions with Neutrinos 4

  5. MiniCAPTAIN The mini- CAPTAIN cryostat 1m Ø LArTPC in neutron beam at Weapons Neutron Research facility Physics goals: Ar* nuclear de-excitations Neutron scatters at known E n Neutron-induced π ± production 5

  6. Los Alamos National Lab Los Alamos Neutron Science Center 6

  7. Incident Beam Known neutron energy from Time of Flight - Beam on target starts clock - Cryogenic PMTs stop it Neutron beam energy spectrum will be closely matched to cosmic-induced neutron energy spectrum 7

  8. Inside the cryostat The time projection chamber - MicroBooNE cold electronics - 3 planes @ 3 mm pitch - Drift field ~500 V/cm Wire/anode planes 1 m 32 cm Readout Cathode ASICs wires - 16 x 1” PMTS 8

  9. LArIAT Liquid Argon In A Testbeam 9

  10. LArIAT The ArgoNeuT/LArIAT “Table-top” (170L) LArTPC in a test beam TPC and cryostat at Fermilab Test Beam Facility - Repurposed ArgoNeuT detector - Physics goals: - π -Ar interactions 40 cm - e / γ shower ID - μ -Ar capture 90 cm - non-magnetic charge determination - kaon studies 47 cm - Geant4 validation - R&D goals: Optimize PID algorithm, calorimetry with charge & light, and 2D/3D event reconstruction 10

  11. Fermilab Test Beam Facility Linac Booster Main Injector 11

  12. Beamline Plan View Primary Target (Al) Primary 120 GeV p Tunable 8 - 64 GeV π ± Secondary Target (Cu) Tertiary Beamline & LArIAT TPC 12

  13. Beamline Plan View Primary Target (Al) Primary 120 GeV p next slide Tunable 8 - 80 GeV π ± Secondary Target (Cu) Tertiary Beamline & LArIAT TPC 13

  14. Tertiary Beamline Aerogel collimator Cu target counters Time of flight μ range scintillators stack Cryostat & TPC Secondary beam 8-64 GeV π ± Multi-wire proportional μ punch- Bending chambers through dipole magnets (MWPCs) paddles 14

  15. Tertiary Beamline 15

  16. Incident Particle Beam MWPCs + bending magnet - Charge-selected beam 200 - 1200 MeV/c - Single-particle momentum measurements Downstream MWPCs Upstream MWPCs Δθ Momentum windows in J. St. John excellent agreement with simulation 16

  17. Incident Particle Beam MWPCs + bending magnet I.Nutini Full and Half momentum settings/magnet currents cover MicroBooNE neutrino event secondary momentum range 17

  18. Incident Particle Beam Time of flight (TOF) for separation between π ’s/ μ ’s π / μ and protons ~2:1 ratio of π / µ to p J. Ho p J. Ho p K π/μ TOF vs reconstructed momentum 18

  19. Incident Particle Beam Aerogel Cherenkov counters for further PID Possible π vs. μ discrimination using Fast E. Iwai combination of thresholds particles and pulse height Effective for TPC-contained π/µ range: 230-400 MeV/c Slow particles 19

  20. Incident Particle Beam Muon range stack for discrimination of through- going muons/pions Effective for high-p π/µ range: 400+ MeV/c Some commissioning still π +/- ongoing μ +/- 20

  21. Inside the cryostat The time projection chamber - Repurposed from ArgoNeuT Wire/anode - New wire planes, 240 wires each planes - shield - induction - collection - Drift field ~500 V/cm Cathode plane Pulse Shaping & 40 Amplifying cm 9 0 ASICs c m 47 cm 21

  22. Inside the cryostat Light collection system - 2 PMTs + 3 SiPMs - VUV scintillation light wavelength- shifted at TPB-coated reflector foils lining field cage Photoelectron yield: ~40 p.e./MeV at zero E-field TPB reflector Field cage 22 wall

  23. First data ▪ April 30, 2015 – TPC turned on, first cosmic-triggered track! LArIAT 23

  24. First data …and first beam events soon after… LArIAT 24

  25. Tired, Happy Scientists 25

  26. Primer on beam events e m i t t f i r d drift time y U z U wire Incident Beam Direction e m drift time i t t f i r d y V LArIAT V wire z 26

  27. Some event topologies seen by LArIAT π +/- single charge exchange γ p π +/- p γ γ p π +/- p γ LArIAT 27

  28. Some event topologies seen by LArIAT Stopping/decaying π +/- π - absorption on Ar e +/- p π +/- π - μ +/- p e +/- p π - π +/- μ +/- p LArIAT LArIAT 28

  29. Some event topologies seen by LArIAT e +/- -initiated shower Photon-initiated shower Distinguishable using dE/dx at start of shower LArIAT LArIAT 29

  30. Some event topologies seen by LArIAT K +/- → π +/- π 0 γ γ K - e - π - µ - γ γ K - e - π - µ - LArIAT 30

  31. Some event topologies seen by LArIAT K +/- → π +/- π 0 γ γ K - Monte Carlo e - π - µ - γ γ K - e - π - µ - LArIAT 31

  32. Summary of Run I Beam data taking ran about 2 months Low-E Beam-taking source running 32

  33. A few ongoing analyses… 33

  34. Eye scan of a small fraction of the data Topology breakdown among the unambiguous, single-track events A rich physics program will emerge from analyses! N. Birrer K. Nelson S. O’Neil 34

  35. Reconstruction status MWPC1 Rapid progress in MWPC2 reconstructing both Wire chamber beamline & TPC TPC tracks volume ionization tracks MWPC3 M. Smylie MWPC4 A. Olivier Pion Cosmic μ scatter R. Acciarri T. Yang I. Nutini 35

  36. N 2 levels with scintillation light N 2 content in LAr suppresses scintillation light Nitrogen contamination Comparison with model from WArP From fits to scintillation Slow component decay time (/ns) light extract “late” light time component and determine N 2 concentration Results agree with gas analyzers P. Kryczynski A. Szelc Nitrogen concentration (/ppm) 36

  37. Electron lifetime / O 2 levels with cosmic μ ’s Dedicated paddles μ for cosmic- μ triggers Fit to charge vs. drift time for measurement of electron lifetime Able to calculate O 2 concentration below sensitivity of our gas analyzers Current results show O 2 < 1ppb, agreement with gas analyzers R. Acciarri 37

  38. Pion interactions I – elastic scattering absorption charge pion inelastic scatter on Ar exchange production Pion-Argon elastic scattering Look for kinks in incoming pion-tagged tracks LArIAT I. Nutini 38

  39. Pion interactions II – absorption Pion absorption - Incident tagged π , no π ’s in final state - Often accompanied by protons/neutrons LArIAT LArIAT 39

  40. Pion single charge exchange π + + n π 0 + R. Linehan p γ γ Reconstructed “clusters” Active effort to ID and reconstruct π 0 mass peak from m γγ - - Cross section MC studies to understand containment of these events in TPC J. Ho J. Ho 40

  41. Michel electrons Ideal e +/- spectrum for decaying free μ LAr scintillation-based trigger to record stopping/decaying cosmic μ ’ LArIAT s Decay time of LArIAT Michel candidates (~10 hrs data) Initial reconstruction focused on light signals only Preliminary - Track/shower algorithms to follow Eventual use as energy calibration source and measurement of μ - nuclear capture rate ns 41

  42. Summary LArTPC test beams are getting underway! MiniCAPTAIN has just seen its calibration laser track - Neutron beam running will begin soon LArIAT’s run 1 was a success – lots of new data to analyze - Offline event reconstruction actively evolving day-by-day - Several analyses underway with more to come - Actively preparing for Run II this Autumn Detailed calibration, cross sections, etc. on the horizon! 42

  43. Thank you! 43

  44. Backup 44

  45. Beam commissioning Installation of beamline detectors and TPC-less running to test them (and characterize the beam) Completed summer 2014 45

  46. Cryogenic Ultra-Pure LAr 46

  47. Powerful, flexible trigger system 47

  48. Incident Beam Time of Flight → E n - Beam on target starts clock - Cryogenic PMTs stop it Time structure of n beam: - 625 µs macropulses of sub-ns micropulses @ 1.8 µs - 40 Hz macropulse rate Neutron beam closely matched to cosmic-induced neutron spectrum 48

  49. Time Structure of the Beam abort gap 1.8 ns buckets 18.8 ns peak-to- peak 84 buckets per bunch 7 bunches per orbit 4.2 seconds of beam per spill = 380k orbits * 18.8 ns * 7 * 84 1 spill every 60.8 seconds 49


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