large cardinals and basic sequences

Large cardinals and basic sequences J. Lopez-Abad Instituto de - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Large cardinals and basic sequences Large cardinals and basic sequences J. Lopez-Abad Instituto de Ciencias Matem aticas. CSIC. Madrid, Spain. LC2011, July 2011 Large cardinals and basic sequences Introduction The intend of this talk is to

  1. Large cardinals and basic sequences Large cardinals and basic sequences J. Lopez-Abad Instituto de Ciencias Matem´ aticas. CSIC. Madrid, Spain. LC2011, July 2011

  2. Large cardinals and basic sequences Introduction The intend of this talk is to present a combinatorial approach to the study of the structure of a Banach space. In particular, we will focus on the existence of certain sequences, for example unconditional sequences.

  3. Large cardinals and basic sequences Introduction Problems: (1) The separable quotient problem. (2) Subspaces. (3) Special sequences: basic, unconditional, subsymmetric...

  4. Large cardinals and basic sequences Introduction Tools: (1) Structural Ramsey theorems. (2) (Not so) large cardinal numbers. (3) Forcing.

  5. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results Definition A Banach space ( X , � · � ) is a vector space X (over the real numbers) endowed with a norm � · � (N.1) � λ x � = | λ |� x � (N.2) � x + y � ≤ � x � + � y � (N.3) � x � = 0 iff x = 0 which is complete , i.e. Cauchy sequences are convergent.

  6. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results Examples: • R n with the euclidean norm � ( a i ) i < n � 2 = ( � 1 i < n | a i | 2 ) 2 , • the infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space 1 i ∈ N | a i | 2 ) ℓ 2 = { ( a i ) i ∈ N : ( � 2 < ∞} , with the euclidean norm 1 i ∈ N | a i | 2 ) 2 , � ( a i ) i ∈ N � 2 = ( � 1 i ∈ N | a i | p ) p < ∞} , • the ℓ p spaces, for p ≥ 1, ℓ p = { ( a i ) i ∈ N : ( � 1 p , i ∈ N | a i | p ) with the p -norm � ( a i ) i ∈ N � p = ( �

  7. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results • c 0 = { ( a i ) i ∈ N : lim i →∞ a i = 0 } , with the sup-norm � ( a i ) i ∈ N � ∞ = sup {| a i | : i ∈ N } , • ℓ ∞ = { ( a i ) i ∈ N : sup i →∞ | a i | < ∞} , with the sup-norm � ( a i ) i ∈ N � ∞ = sup {| a i | : i ∈ N } , • for a compact space K , the space C ( K ) of continuous functions on K , endowed with the sup-norm, � f � = sup {| f ( x ) | : x ∈ K } . In particular, C ([ 0 , 1 ]) .

  8. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results While ( R n , � · � p ) are all isomorphic, the infinite dimensional versions are very much different:

  9. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results Basic notions • A Banach space is infinite dimensional if it is not finite dimensional. • The density of a space X is the topological weight, i.e. the smallest cardinality of a dense subset of X . • A subspace Y of X will be understood as a linear subspace of X , which is in addition closed . In particular Y with the norm � · � is also a Banach space. • Given a subspace Y of X , the quotient space X / Y is the Banach space over the linear quotient, endowed with the norm � x + Y � := d ( x , Y ) .

  10. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results • An operator T : X → Y between two spaces X and Y is a linear mapping which is continuous, or equivalently bounded , i.e., such that � T � := sup {� Tx � : x ∈ X , � x � ≤ 1 } < ∞ . • An isomorphic embedding T : X → Y is a 1-1 operator such that T ( X ) is a closed subspace of Y and the inverse U : T ( X ) → X is bounded. • The dual X ∗ of a Banach space X the space of all operator f : X → R . This is a Banach space with the norm � f � := sup {� f ( x ) � : � x � ≤ 1 } . The elements of X ∗ are called functionals . • A space X is called reflexive when X ∗∗ is canonically identified with X .

  11. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results Special sequences • A sequence ( x γ ) γ<κ in a Banach space ( X , � · � ) , indexed in some cardinal number κ is called a biorthogonal sequence if for every α < κ there is a functional f α ∈ X ∗ such that f α ( x β ) = δ α,β . Notice that in particular biorthogonal sequences are linearly independent sequences. • A normalized sequence ( x γ ) γ<κ in a Banach space ( X , � · � ) , indexed in some cardinal number κ is called a (Schauder) basic sequence when there is a constant C ≥ 1 such that � � � a γ x γ � ≤ C � a γ x γ � γ ∈ s γ ∈ t for every sequence of scalars ( a γ ) γ ∈ s and every t ⊑ s ⊆ κ . It follows easily that ( x α ) α is a biorthogonal sequence.

  12. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results • A normalized sequence ( x γ ) γ<κ in X is a (Schauder) basis of X if it is basic, and the closed linear span of ( x α ) α is X . Equivalently, every x ∈ X has a unique representation as � x = a γ x γ . γ<κ

  13. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results • ( x γ ) γ is called an unconditional basic sequence when there is a constant C ≥ 1 such that C ≥ 1 such that � � � a γ x γ � ≤ C � a γ x γ � γ ∈ s γ ∈ t for every sequence of scalars ( a γ ) γ ∈ s and every t ⊆ s ⊆ κ . • ( x γ ) γ is called subsymmetric when there is a constant C ≥ 1 such that � � � a k x γ k � ≤ C � a k x ξ k � k ∈ l k < l for every sequence of scalars ( a k ) k < l and every γ 0 < · · · < γ l − 1 , ξ 0 < · · · < ξ l − 1 .

  14. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results • ( x γ ) γ is called weakly-null when the set { γ < κ : | x ∗ ( x γ ) | ≥ ε } is finite for every x ∗ ∈ X ∗ and every ε > 0.

  15. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results Examples: ( n ) The unit basis ( u n ) n , u n = ( 0 , 0 , ..., 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , ... ) , is a Schauder basis of each ℓ p or c 0 . Indeed it is an unconditional and subsymmetric basis. For p > 1 it is also weakly-null.

  16. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results Basic results about special sequences • ( Banach-Mazur ) Every infinite dimensional Banach space has a basic sequence. • ( Mazur ) Every normalized weakly-null sequence has a basic subsequence. • ( Enflo ) There are separable Banach spaces without bases. • ( Bessaga-Pelczynski ) The structure of subspaces of a Banach space with a basis ( e n ) n is determined by block subsequences of the basis ( e n ) n . • ( James ) The reflexivity of a space with a basis is determined by the basis. • ( James ) A space with an unconditional basis is reflexive iff it does not contain an isomorphic copy of c 0 or ℓ 1 . • ( Krivine ) c 0 or ℓ p are finitely block representable in any Banach space.

  17. Large cardinals and basic sequences Basic definitions and results • ( Tsirelson ) There is a space T without isomorphic copies of c 0 or ℓ p , p ≥ 1. Indeed T does not have subsymmetric basic sequences. ( n + 1 ) • The summing basis s n = ( 1 , ..., 1 , 0 , 0 , . . . ) ∈ c 0 does not have unconditional subsequences, and it is not weakly-null. • ( Rosenthal ) Every norm-bounded sequence ( x n ) n has a subsequence which is either equivalent to the unit basis of ℓ 1 or a weakly-Cauchy, i.e., ( f ( x n )) n is a numerical Cauchy sequence for each f ∈ X ∗ . • ( Maurey-Rosenthal ) There is a weakly-null basic sequence without unconditional subsequences. • ( Gowers-Maurey ) There is a reflexive Banach space without unconditional basic sequences.

  18. Large cardinals and basic sequences The problems: Uncountable sequences Main goal: Existence of uncountable special sequences on a given Banach space. Theorem (Amir-Lindenstrauss) Every reflexive space of infinite density κ has a normalized weakly-null sequence of length κ . Question Is it true that a non-separable space has an uncountable biorthogonal sequence? Question Is it true that a non-separable space has an uncountable basic sequence?

  19. Large cardinals and basic sequences The problems: Uncountable sequences Theorem (Kunen) CH implies that there is a non-metrizable scattered compactum K such that C ( K ) does not have uncountable biorthogonal sequences. Theorem (Todorcevic) b = ω 1 implies that there is a non-metrizable scattered compactum K such that C ( K ) does not have uncountable biorthogonal sequences.

  20. Large cardinals and basic sequences The problems: Uncountable sequences Theorem (Shelah) the ♦ principle implies that there is a non-separable Gurarij space without uncountable biorthogonal sequences. Theorem (Johnson-Lindenstrauss) There is a non-separable space without uncountable basic sequences.

  21. Large cardinals and basic sequences The problems: Uncountable sequences By the method of forcing it is possible to build generic spaces as direct limits of finite dimensional polyhedral spaces and isometries between them, providing a large variety of examples of spaces having certain nice uncountable sequences and not others, as well as nice geometrical properties. Applications: 1 Lindenstrauss spaces (preduals of L 1 ) 2 Gurarij spaces 3 Distinction between different uncountable substructures of the generic Banach space (e.g. biorthogonal-like systems).


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