A351910 Labour Dimensions of Human Trafficking: Understanding the Issue & Effective Responses – Lessons from the Greater Mekong Sub-Region • Learning Objectives • Content
Objectives The training aims at: - enhancing an advanced understanding of trafficking for labour exploitation; and - building capacity among ILO constituents and key stakeholders to ensure more effective responses in the Mekong-Sub-Region.
Specifically the Training Course aims at: - Clarifying conceptual framework and increasing understanding of migration and trafficking of children for labour; - Sharing knowledge about international strategies and responses to address migration and trafficking of children for labour; - Preparing the participants for their development of strategies to address migration and trafficking of children for labour in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region.
At the end of the course participants will be able to identify gaps in current responses and remedial action and it is expected that the workshop will leave participants with: - An advanced understanding of trafficking: legal and conceptual frameworks. - An understanding of action interventions from an international perspective. - An understanding of action interventions from a Sub- regional perspective. - Ideas for anti-trafficking initiatives (prevention, protection and prosecution) and mainstreaming into current plans.
Content The main subject areas to be covered in the workshop are: Understanding trafficking: - Understanding Risk factors and vulnerability at source, in transit and at destination. - Learning from victim profiles; targeting the target group; reaching the hardest to reach; addressing risk factors, vulnerability and root causes incl. Demand side perspectives.
Content The main subject areas to be covered in the workshop are: Understanding trafficking: - Review of concepts of forced labour, worst forms of child labour, exploitation. Core Labour Standards (rights/discriminations). - Review of concepts Trafficking, Human Smuggling, and migration and the interconnectedness. - Review the GMS legal and policy framework.
Content (…) Action at policy and outreach level : - Learning Prevention strategies such as: - Employment, livelihood and skills training - Awareness raising and advocacy; Public/Behaviour change campaigns addressing exclusion, discrimination; Travel Smart – Work Smart - Safe, legal migration & Decent work; Monitoring recruitment, movement & exploitation; Mekong Guidelines on Recruitment
Content (…) Action at policy and outreach level : - Reviewing counter trafficking and labour exploitation strategies related to Labour monitoring, factory raids, Victims identification Migrant outreach, and complaint mechanisms. - Review Victim Assistance – recovery, rehabilitation & reintegration incl. The Guiding principles; the stages of the rehabilitation process; what packages/services are needed; Child friendly guidelines; Multi-disciplinary approach, referral mechanisms and Economic - Empowerment of returned victims of Trafficking. - Review Law Enforcement incl. Punishment of traffickers and recording cases
Content (…) Matters of process: - Advocacy, mobilization and building partnerships – including with communities, media, workers’ (e.g. in transport sector, judiciary) and employers organizations; - Discuss Partnerships and Cooperation incl. tripartism, Stakeholder analysis & social mobilization. - Monitoring, impact & documenting learning. Are we making a difference?; Indicators of impact; Documenting good practices & weaknesses. - Discuss next steps. What can we do? Strategic counter- trafficking measures by Governments, Employers and Workers Organisations and Civil Society.
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