label free distant supervision for relation extraction

Label-Free Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction via Knowledge - PDF document

Label-Free Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction via Knowledge Graph Embedding Guanying Wang 1 , Wen Zhang 1 , Ruoxu Wang 1 , Yalin Zhou 1 Xi Chen 1 , Wei Zhang 23 , Hai Zhu 23 , and Huajun Chen 1 1 College of Computer Science and

  1. Label-Free Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction via Knowledge Graph Embedding Guanying Wang 1 , Wen Zhang 1 , Ruoxu Wang 1 , Yalin Zhou 1 Xi Chen 1 , Wei Zhang 23 , Hai Zhu 23 , and Huajun Chen 1 ⇤ 1 College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, China 2 Alibaba-Zhejiang University Frontier Technology Research Center, China 3 Alibaba Group, China Abstract Distant supervision is an effective method to generate large scale labeled data for relation extraction, which assumes that if a pair of en- tities appears in some relation of a Knowledge Graph (KG), all sentences containing those en- tities in a large unlabeled corpus are then la- Figure 1 : The mislabeled sentences produced by beled with that relation to train a relation clas- Distant Supervision. sifier. However, when the pair of entities has multiple relationships in the KG, this assump- tion may produce noisy relation labels. This with the seed triple ( Donald Trump, born-in, paper proposes a label-free distant supervision America ). method, which makes no use of the relation Previous works have tried different ways to ad- labels under this inadequate assumption, but only uses the prior knowledge derived from the dress this issue. One way named Multi-Instance KG to supervise the learning of the classifier Learning(MIL) divided the sentences into differ- directly and softly. Specifically, we make use ent bags by ( h, t ), and tried to select well-labeled of the type information and the translation law sentences from each bag (Zeng et al., 2015) or re- derived from typical KG embedding model duced the weight of mislabeled data (Lin et al., to learn embeddings for certain sentence pat- 2016). Another way tended to capture the reg- terns. As the supervision signal is only de- ular pattern of the translation from true label to termined by the two aligned entities, neither noise label, and learned the true distribution by hard relation labels nor extra noise-reduction model for the bag of sentences is needed in modeling the noisy data (Riedel et al., 2010; Luo this way. The experiments show that the ap- et al., 2017). Some novel methods like (Feng et al., proach performs well in current distant super- 2017) used reinforcement learning to train an vision dataset. instance-selector, which will choose true labeled sentences from the whole sentence set. These 1 Introduction methods focus on adding an extra model to reduce Distant Supervision was first proposed by the noisy label. However, stacking extra model Mintz (2009), which used seed triples in Freebase does not fundamentally solve the problem of inad- instead of manual annotation to supervise text. It equate supervision signals of distant supervision, marked text as relation r if ( h, r, t ) can be found and will introduce expensive training costs. in a known KG, where ( h, t ) is the pair of entities Another solution is to exploit extra supervision contained in the text. This method can generate signal contained in a KG. Weston (2013) added the large amounts of training data, therefore widely confidence of ( h, r, t ) in the KG as extra super- used in recent research. But it can also produce vision signal. Han (2018) used mutual attention much noise when there are multiple relations of KG and text to calculate a weight distribution between the entities. For instance in Figure 1, we of train data. Both of them got a better perfor- may wrongly mark the sentence “ Donald Trump mance by introducing more information from KG. is the president of America ” as relation born-in , However, they still used the hard relation label de- ∗ Corresponding author. rived from distant supervision, which also brought 2246 Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing , pages 2246–2255 Brussels, Belgium, October 31 - November 4, 2018. c � 2018 Association for Computational Linguistics

  2. Figure 2 : An instance of our label-free distant supervision method. in much noise. tion/location/contains ” as there is no relation of “ /location/country/capital ” between Mexico and In this paper, we tend to avoid supervision by Guadalajara in the KG. As both ( Turkey − hard relation labels, and make full use of prior Ankara ) and ( Mexico − Guadalajara ) will be knowledge from a KG as soft supervision signal. used to supervise the learning of the encoder for We consider the TransE model proposed by Bor- the pattern “in A, B”, it makes the embedding of des (2013), which encodes entities and relations the sentence pattern closer to the correct relation of a KG into a continuous low-dimensional space “ /location/location/contains ” instead of the wrong with the translation law h + r ≈ t , where h, r, t relation “ /location/country/capital ”. In this way, describe the head entity, the relation and the tail we do not need to label the sentences with the hard entity respectively. Inspired by TransE model, we relation labels anymore. use t − h , instead of a concrete relation label r , as The main contributions of this paper can be the supervision signal and make the sentence em- summarized as follows: bedding close to t − h . Concrete relation labels may introduce mislabeled sentences, while t − h • As compared to existing distant supervision is label-free, which is only determined by the two for relation extraction, our method makes aligned entities and the the translation law. better use of the prior knowledge derived Our assumption is that each relation r in a from KG to address the wrong labeling prob- KG has one or more sentence patterns that can lem. describe the meaning of r . For the example in Figure 2, we first replace the entity mentions in • The proposed approach tends to supervise the a sentence with the types of the aligned enti- learning process directly and softly by the ties in the KG to form a sentence pattern. For type information and translation law, both de- example, “in Guadalajara, Mexico” will be re- rived from KG. Neither hard labels nor ex- placed by “in PLACE, PLACE” to form a sen- tra noise-reduction model for the bag of sen- tence pattern “in A, B” which conveys the mean- tences is needed in this way. ing of “B contains A” and indicates the relation • In the experiments, we show that the label- contains . For this sentence pattern, there may free approach performs well in current distant be a group of sentences sharing the same pat- supervision dataset. tern but with different aligned entity pairs. In the first sentence “ The talks, in Ankara, Turkey, 2 Related works continued late into the evening ”, ( Turkey − Ankara ) implies both “ /location/country/capital ” Relation extraction is intended to find the relation- and “ /location/location/contains ” as there are mul- ship between two entities given an unstructured tiple relations between Ankara and Turkey in text. Traditional methods use artificial character- the KG. But in the similar sentence “ She raised istics or tree kernels to train a classification model the family comfortably in Guadalajara, Mexico. ”, (Culotta and Sorensen, 2004; Guodong et al., ( Mexico − Guadalajara ) only implies “ /loca- 2002). Recent works concentrate on deep neural 2247


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