AGENDA • Summary of Last Meeting - What We Heard • Future needs and overall planning • Play Area Concepts A B C What things do you want in the park? ¿ Qué cosas desea en el parque? 13th Avenue Family Activities I Actividades para la familia D E F C H J Picnic area BBQ Grill Lighting Shade Bulletin Board Benches Mariposa Street G Osage Street Área de Picnic Asador Luces Área de Sombra Tablero para Bancos Anuncios G H I Natural Elements B Elementos naturales F E D J K L A L K Flowers Trees Boulders 11th Avenue Flores Árboles Rocas A B What things do you want in the park? La Alma / Lincoln Park La Alma / Lincoln Park ¿ Qué cosas desea en el parque? Public Meeting #1 Public Meeting #1 July 8, 2015 G July 8, 2015 Sports Deportes C D F H C D A E Basketball Court Volleyball Kickball 4 Square Soccer area Handball Cancha de Básquetbol Cancha de Voleibol Patear el balón 4-Cuadrado Área para fútbol Balonmano B E F Play Equipment Equipamiento de juego G H Swings Skate elements Climbing structure Slides Play equipment (for 2-5 and 6-12 Columpios Elementos de Estructura para Escalar Resbaladera year olds) skateboarding Equipo de Juego (para 2-5 y 6-12 años) La Alma / Lincoln Park La Alma / Lincoln Park Playground Public Meeting #1 July 8, 2015 Public Meeting #1 July 8, 2015 LA ALMA/ LINCOLN PARK PLAY AREA RENOVATION
SUMMARY OF LAST MEETING - WHAT WE HEARD • Plan for more than just the south play area - i.e. “masterplan” • Address safety and personal comfort • Make the park and play areas serve all age groups (young, teens, adults) • Preserve the amphitheater - but reduce undesirable activity • Distribute activity areas to encourage use of the whole park • Make play areas complement each other • Integrate nature play/adventure based elements to augment traditional play areas • Increase seating for parents LA ALMA/ LINCOLN PARK PLAY AREA RENOVATION
ADDRESS SAFETY AND PERSONAL COMFORT Use CPTED Principles Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design “The proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the fear of crime and incidence of crime, and to an improvement in quality of life.” Refuge and Prospect – Provide sense of protection and visual access Surveillance – Allow for the natural surveillance by public (i.e. no hiding places) Maintenance – Promote a positive message that the park is well cared for Access control – Create a sense of risk for criminals and safe egress for others CLEAR SIGHT LINES - source: LIGHTING -source: LA ALMA/ LINCOLN PARK PLAY AREA RENOVATION
SERVE ALL AGE GROUPS • Make play areas comfortable for children and guardians. • i.e. seating and shade • Provide “Universal Activities” - i.e. things to do for more ages and abilities • Loop trails (away from roads) • Contemplative areas and ������������� • Exercise, nature, and adventure activities for all ages • Activate the “spine” of the park LA ALMA/ LINCOLN PARK PLAY AREA RENOVATION
PROVIDE BETTER ACCESS AND CONNECTIONS • Enhanced routes and connections to, through, and around the park • Stronger hierarchy for main activity areas (i.e. entrance to rec ctr.) • More access = more eyes! LA ALMA/ LINCOLN PARK PLAY AREA RENOVATION
FUTURE NEEDS AND OVERALL PLANNING 13th Avenue 3’ crushe h r r ��� ���� � ��� � � Add diti ition iti iti iti iti it iti t t ona ona n l seatin ti g a g g t nor or or orth h Exis Existing Exist Exist ing ing ing T Tot/M Tot/M Tot/M Tot/M Tot/ Tot/ Tot/ T t/ Tot/ t/M t ixe ixed ixed ixed Play Play Play Play Play Play y R alig Rea Rea ligned lig ig ned ned ne ned ne ned ed e ed ed ed “spine “sp ne” t ” t ” t ” t ” rai t rai rai ra rai rai rai rai rai a l R Rem Rem em em em o e ove ov ov e Exist Exist Exist Existing i g ing ing Meado Meado Meado adow Mariposa Street Ball Ball Ball B Field Field Field Fi d existi exi exi sti sti ing ng pic pic pic pic pic pi p nic ic ic c Osage Street tab t tab ab ab les les le es es al al al a ong o ong n ng Maripo Mar iposa po po sa 3’ cru 3’ cr she cru she h er r �� ������ ��� ���� ��� ��� �� � � Modify i y to fy y t to to to All All ll ll ag ag ag g ges es pl pl la la ay a y remove ve ve ve ve e 1 nod no od o es: od es es: es s: fen en en e ce n ce ce ce ce ce e • Adv A v ent ent ent ent enture t ure ure ure ur re • Ska Ska ate te te e e � ��� �� ��� �� ��� ��� �� � ��� ��� �� ���� �� �� �� � �� � • Nat N Nat ur ur re re re e par par a a kin kin ing in in E i Exist Exist Exis Exist Exist E xist xi i ist st st s ing ing ing ing n n ng ng a d se an and an ervi rvi ice ce ce e Tenni Tenni Tenn Tenni Tenni enn enn enn en enn enn enn enn nni nn nni n s ��� ��� �� ����� � ��� ��� ��� � ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� � ��� �� �� � �� are r a w a w a w with w ith it th th th h ent ent ent n ry ry ry pla pla p pla pla za za a mounta mou nt ble nta ble ble ble ble le le le cur cu cu cu ur urb Existing Rec Center New N New ag ag ge e separa sep sep ara ate te ted ted ted ted ted ed pl d pl pl play ay ay ay y New New pl New New New ew p az aza za z za a at at at at at amp amp am mp mp mp phit thea hea ea ater ter te ter ter er er er er r ��� ��� ���� ��� � ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� �� �� �� �� �� � and and and ex e pan ex x pan pan panded ded ded ded de e ed d M Mo Mo Mod Mod Mod ify ify fy y wa wall wa wa wa a ll ll l par p par ar ar r kin in ng Play Play Play Play Play Play lay ay y for or o be be b tte tte tt tte er vis visib ibi ibi i bi lit lit lity New New ga e w ga g tew tew tew way ay ay ay ent entry ry y Exist xis xis xist xis xist xist xis xis xist is i s ing ing ing g Imp Im m rov rov ov ov ve e e P o Pool Pool Pool Poo Pool Pool ol ol o ol ol lig lig ight hti t ting ng ng ng 11th Avenue LA ALMA/ LINCOLN PARK PLAY AREA RENOVATION
SOUTH PLAY AREA RENOVATION CONCEPTS Both concepts provide: • Variety of play experiences - climbing, swinging, sliding, spinning and imaginative play. • Natural materials, shade, and boulders. • �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� • Age separated play for ages 2-5 and 5-12. • Preservation of large existing mature elm tree. Concept A Concept B Planting bed with shade trees, Existing walk typical and curb wall Seating plaza with small Nature play balance shade shelters Existing tree Existing tree circuit 5-12 Reuse existing “blocks” New planting Play Area 5-12 bed within Play Area Existing walk and curb existing play pit Proposed new wall picnic shelter 2-5 Existing basketball Play Area court 2-5 Fitness Play Area Fitness Zone Zone Sod Sod 11th Avenue 11th Avenue LA ALMA/ LINCOLN PARK PLAY AREA RENOVATION
SOUTH PLAY AREA RENOVATION CONCEPTS Concept A 1. Reuses existing walks and curbing = less spent on infrastructure => more spent on play elements 2. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3. Existing basketball court remains in place. 4. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Existing walk and curb wall Seating plaza with small shade shelters Existing tree 5-12 Reuse existing “blocks” New planting Play Area bed within Existing walk and curb existing play pit wall 2-5 Existing basketball Play Area court Fitness Zone Sod LA ALMA/ LINCOLN PARK PLAY AREA RENOVATION
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