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L EARNER O RIENTATION B ringing B ringing E ducation & E - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

L EARNER O RIENTATION L EARNER O RIENTATION B ringing B ringing E ducation & E ducation & S ervice S ervice T ogether T ogether Learning Objective Learning Objective After participating in this session, participating residents

  1. L EARNER O RIENTATION L EARNER O RIENTATION B ringing B ringing E ducation & E ducation & S ervice S ervice T ogether T ogether

  2. Learning Objective Learning Objective After participating in this session, participating residents will be able to orient a medical student or intern to a new rotation.

  3. “ORIENT” Approach “ORIENT” Approach O rientation O rientation R esponsibilities R esponsibilities I nterchange I nterchange E ducation E ducation N eeds N eeds T iming T iming of follow-up session

  4. O RIENTATION O RIENTATION • Clarify mutual goals for this • Clarify mutual goals for this orientation session: orientation session: • What are the learner’s expectations • What are the learner’s expectations today? today? • Discuss mutual goals and • Discuss mutual goals and expectations for the rotation. expectations for the rotation.

  5. O RIENTATION O RIENTATION • Start with the learner: • Start with the learner: • What does s/he want from this rotation? • What does s/he want from this rotation? • Explore learner’s concerns and • Explore learner’s concerns and interests in detail. interests in detail. • What are his/her goals for the • What are his/her goals for the rotation? rotation?

  6. R ESPONSIBILITIES R ESPONSIBILITIES • Explain learner’s role in patient care • Explain learner’s role in patient care and other teamwork: and other teamwork: • Format for supervision and teaching • Format for supervision and teaching • Expectations regarding charting • Expectations regarding charting

  7. R ESPONSIBILITIES R ESPONSIBILITIES • Explain learner’s role in patient care • Explain learner’s role in patient care and other teamwork: and other teamwork: • Where and when learner will receive feedback • Call arrangements • Anything else s/he should know about your particular institution

  8. I NTERCHANGE I NTERCHANGE • How can the learner best balance service vs. learning goals during the rotation?

  9. E DUCATION E DUCATION • Model self-directed learning : – Ask learner to define his or her own learning goals and how s/he can best achieve them. – Offer suggestions for reading and learning during the rotation (books, articles, online resources, consultants).

  10. N EEDS N EEDS • What questions does the learner have? • Is there anything else going on that you might help with (e.g., any special needs or concerns)?

  11. T IMING T IMING OF FOLLOW OF FOLLOW- -UP SESSION UP SESSION • Any final questions or comments? • When would learner prefer to meet again to follow up on mutual goals for the rotation?


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