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L&C Prsentation du projet Fiche didentit : Thme du projet : La - PDF document

PROGRAMME EUROPEEN ERASMUS+ Languages and cultures : a bridge among school communities L&C Prsentation du projet Fiche didentit : Thme du projet : La motivation scolaire des lves travers la dcouverte dautres

  1. PROGRAMME EUROPEEN ERASMUS+ « Languages and cultures : a bridge among school communities » L&C Présentation du projet Fiche d’identité : Thème du projet : La motivation scolaire des élèves à travers la découverte d’autres systèmes éducatifs. Objectif principal du projet : travailler à l’inclusion de tous les élèves en développant la motivation scolaire . Partenaires : - « Ziburys » gymnasium de Prienai, Lituanie - Liceo scientifico Amaldi de Bitteto, Italie Elbeyli Ortaokulu d’ Iznik, Turquie - - Lycée Jean Moulin de Langon, France Publics concernés en France : les élèves d’une classe de seconde, une équipe pédagogique (au moins 2 professeurs investis dans le projet, l’équipe de direction (+ diffusion et rayonnement du projet au niveau de tous les personnels et de tous les élèves du lycée). Durée du projet : 3 ans (2014-2015 à 2016-2017). Une classe de seconde différente et une équipe pédagogique différente chaque année. Prienai, Lituanie Bitteto, Italie Iznik, Turquie 1

  2. Des Descr criptio iption of th of the e proj project ect : The main objective of our project is to promote multiculturalism and multilingualism. Pupils, parents and teachers all live in a global world, our interests and goals should be directed towards our culture and language and at the same time to be open to the other cultures and languages. Naturally we should enhance the quality and relevance of learning offer in education and training at our schools. Due to it having the project implemented we will foster equity and inclusion in education, training, will enable learning quality for all as well as to prevent drop-out and to promote participation of disadvantaged groups in society, which is a really important and urgent issue nowadays. The responsibility of a school community is not to leave such pupils aside, but persuade them to participate in school's life, integrate them in different activities, motivate them to learn foreign languages, travel and discover the other way of life. So it is necessary to facilitate the transition of learners through different types of formal/non-formal education, modernization and reinforce education and training to response to the main challenges of today's world. All these objectives will be implemented in our project by organizing sustainable project activities, sharing the experience and promoting new ways of teaching and learning in non-traditional learning environments. The most important thing that school leaders - administration will be actively involved in organizing, implementing and evaluation the project activities, its results and impact. As if we want to make changes in educational process without active involvement of school leaders it seems complicated. The project is complementary to the Individual Pupil Mobility program which we have already implemented. Prienai "Ziburys" gymnasium and Jean Moulin Lyceum, Langon, France, have been participating in this program for two years and have had 8 French students and 10 Lithuanian pupils participated in exchange programme as well as Scientifico De Amaldi Lyceeum, Bitetto, Italy, and Prienai "Ziburys" Gymnasium, Prienai, Lithuania, have been working on this program for a year and have had 3 Italian pupils and 3 Lithuanian pupils participated in this programme. It is worth to mention that parents involvement in this project has been huge and very valuable as they had to host pupils from different countries for 3 months, introduce cultural heritage, not only country, but family traditions as well. Needless to say that teachers at such schools gained practice how to work and integrate foreign pupils in their lessons, how to make them feel comfortable and at the same time responsible being in a host country. So the project will be innovative in a way that experienced schools from Langon, Bitetto and Prienai will share their experience in pupil mobility with new involved schools in the project, also twinning between motivated and non-motivated students in participating countries will be established. The main thing which we are going to do is to promote multilingualism at school during the lessons, to have some subjects in a foreign language, to have teachers' exchange and give them possibility to teach a language in participating school for some time. Also to have individual pupil mobility, where they have a great possibility to use the language they have studied. So it means that we would like to implement not separate and short activities, but to create a programme which would be based on language learning, linguistic diversity, cultural awareness; create a solid cooperation and partnership among motivated and non-motivated students in participating countries, for example: creating e- twinning relationship between one motivated student and one non-motivated student from different countries. The partners have been chosen according to the previous cooperation among schools such as pupil exchange mobility activities between schools: Lithuania-France, Lithuania- Italy. Cooperation among schools in Prienai, Langon and Bitetto is approved by students and their parents, who have been very happy and satisfied having an opportunity to participate in individual pupil mobility program. Having this project implemented we realized that on different occasions we can build a stronger partnership if we cooperate and work on different themes involving students and teachers for a longer period of time in order to promote cultural awareness and linguistic diversity in this way preventing early school leaving; strengthening understanding of belonging to European community. It is very time we fostered European citizenship in order to build up a community of students who start working together; using the same learning tools, using the same type of assessment and evaluation but at the same time keeping their culture and traditions; common recognition of general competencies developed at schools which are involved in the project. Consequently, we decided to include the other partner from Turkey in order to enlarge communication and cooperation with a new partner school that has never been previously involved in a similar project. 2

  3. Objectif ectifs s secon econdaires ires : - Développer des compétences linguistiques. Développer les compétences dans l’utilisation des TICE. - - Développer la connaissance de la diversité sociale, linguistique et culturelle en Europe et chez nos proches partenaires. - Assurer une meilleure connaissance des compétences et qualifications attendues en Europe et chez nos proches partenaires. - Accroître la motivation et la satisfaction liée au travail quotidien. - Développer les liens et les synergies entre les établissements partenaires. Ces objectifs concernent les élèves et les personnels. Mise en œuvre du projet : Tous les ans, pendant trois ans, une équipe de professeurs volontaires et une classe de seconde s’engagent dans le projet (Le but : donner la possibilité à un maximum d’élèves et de personnels de bénéficier du projet / limiter éventuellement à un an l’investissement dans le projet afin de ne pas décourager ceux qui seraient intéressés). Lors des bilans mi- trimestres du début d’année, un repér age sera fait des élèves ayant une forte motivation et un fort investissement scolaires et de ceux qui ne sont pas investis dans leur scolarité (indépendamment du niveau atteint). Quatre niveaux d’actions (voir le calendrier ci-après) :  Mise en relation d’élèves investis/motivés avec des élèves non -investis/peu motivés (mail / e-twinning). Echanges tout au long de l’année.  Sessions de travail pour les chefs d’établissement (connaissance des systèmes éducatifs, échanges de pratiques, formations sur des thématiques liées au projet etc.)  Visite de deux professeurs et de quatre à six élèves dans un des pays partenaires (6 jours - observation de cours, connaissance des systèmes éducatifs etc.) et mise en ligne des observations faites sur un site de travail collaboratif + accueil de délégations étrangères dans notre lycée.  Mobilités longues d’élèves : deux élèves partent en immersion pour trois mois en Italie ou en Lituanie (pas de mobilité avec la Turquie) et nous recevrons des élèves Italiens et/ou lituaniens au lycée. Le projets a été conçu afin de ne pas demander un travail chronophage tout au long de l’année : il s’agit de faire des points (en AP par exemple) sur les correspondances d’élèves, d’écrire les conclusions des observations faites lors des mobilités courtes ou de recueillir les témoignages des élèves en mobilité longue. Les productions sont mises en ligne au fur et à mesure sur l’espace collaboratif et la production finale se construit ainsi au fil du temps. Les mobilités sont intégralement financées pour les élèves et les professeurs par le projet. 3


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