EDF Lab, Saclay, 20 th March 2018 Kobe + DICEA + code_aster: Creating a framework for the validation of procedures with engineered masonry
Su Summar ary 00: about us 01: archetypal masonry elements 02: epistemic uncertainty reduction 03: dynamic identification 04: nonlinear dynamics
Me Member bers Kobe is an approved spin-off at the Michele e Betti DICEA-UNIFI associate professor University of Florence Founder | Scientific coordination Vladim imir ir Cerisan sano Kovačević Department of Civil Civil engineer and resarcher Founder | Coordination and Environmental Gianni i Bartoli oli DICEA-UNIFI associate professor Engineering. Founder | Scientific mentorship Riccar cardo o Coraz azzi zi Civil engineer and researcher Founder | Technical Area Luca Facch chin ini DICEA-UNIFI associate professor Scientific mentorship
Cultural Masonry Heritage Composite RC Timber Steel Kob obe Structural Structural Health Design Monitoring Various levels of expertise are offered through the knowledge and Wind Modeling experience of the Engineering & Simulation members and the partners. Seismic Software Engineering Development
Risk Ri sk expo ex posu sure Existing constructions are exposed to heavy risks because: 1) they weren’t meant to resist to extraordinary events 2) their initial status is unknown
Ma Maso sonr nry y Archet hetypes ypes “Engineered” masonry vs chaotic masonry. Main structural elements: 1) columns 2) walls 3) arches and vaults
Vaul ult Full-scale laboratory test on a vault subject to a corner settlement. Phase 1: unreinforced Phase 2: reinforced with FRP strips
f mt =0.15 N/mm 2 Vaul ult 1) quasi-static loading (corner settlement) 2) different f mt =0.25 constitutive laws N/mm 2 (MAZARS and ENDO_ISOT_BETO N) 3) sensitivity analysis 4) experimental test data validation f mt =0.35 N/mm 2 s=5.0cm s=0.5cm s=2.0cm s=3.0cm
Wall ll Laboratory tests for static, cyclic and dynamic behaviour of masonry wall elements.
Wall ll 1) homogenization techniques (Lourenço et alii) 2) elastic modulus sensitivity analysis 3) cyclic behaviour (Naraine and Sinha)
? Epistem Ep istemic ic un uncer ertain tainty ty What can Reverend Thomas Bayes do with masonry related uncertainties? We can update and reduce the uncertainty level using the Bayes theorem.
Dy Dyna namic ic identi entific icatio ation Identification of the free height and the elastic modulus of the Becci tower. Assessment of the fragility curves based on the sensitivity of the compressive and tensile strength. Bartoli G., Monchetti S., Betti M., Marra A. M. (2017). Robu obust st se seismi smic fra ragi gility curves for or ma mason sonry tow owers and their Baye yesi sian updating using experimen mental data. Proceedings of ANIDIS 2017, Pistoia, September.
Non onlin linear ear dy dyna namics mics Procedures have been set. We believe that 3d analysis will be the future in the assessment of historical and existing buildings, not only in the masonry field. Facchini L., Betti M., Corazzi R., Cerisano Kovačević V . (2017). Non Nonlinear se seismi smic behaviou viour of of hist stori orical ma mason sonry towe owers by by means of of di different numeri merical mod odels. Proceedings of EURODYN 2017, Roma September 11-13.
Thank you for the kind attention! www.kobe-ie.com info@kobe-ie.com
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