Kia Ora Club Models & Flexibility 2020
Welcome Club Models & Flexibility 2020
Jerry Norman Rotary Club of North Harbour District Governor (D9910) 2018-19
Ingrid Waugh D9920 National Training Coordinator RLI Chair, NZ and Pacific Islands District Governor (D9920) 2018-19 Assistant Rotary Coordinator (D9910 & D9930)
Flexible Clubs What does that mean?
The Rotary Shoe Store analogy Up until recently Rotary only offered one style and one size of shoe. It didn’t fit most people and limited what kind of customers we could sell to.
The Rotary Shoe Store analogy We now have permission to be flexible with what we’re offering. We can sell any kind of shoe, in any size. This means we can appeal to a much wider variety of customers – we can offer a product that suits their requirements. Some examples…
Flexible Clubs • Making your Rotary ‘product’ appeal to your target audience • Adapting your existing club or setting up a satellite club – which option is best for your club? • E-Clubs, Passport Clubs or hybrid clubs • Corporate Clubs or Corporate Members • Clubs around a theme eg ecology
Flexible Clubs Rotary Club of Maidenhead Bridge
Corporate Clubs • Rotary Club of Bentley Cheshire • Formed as a satellite club in 2016 and charted as a full Rotary Club in May 2017. • The club continues to have support from Bentley Motors – the initial members were all employees of Bentley, however the membership has now expanded to include people from the surrounding area.
Corporate Club Rotary Club of Bentley Cheshire
Passport Rotary Clubs: • Great for people who want some variety in their Rotary Experience Members meet less frequently (including • electronically), but also pick and choose other Rotary Clubs’ projects to attend and participate in . • Great for people who are nomadic (campervanners) or travellers – they can find Rotary projects and events to attend all around the world. Could be set up as a standalone club, or satellite of • an existing club.
Clubs set up around a theme Rotary E-Club of WASH • – District 9980 An electronic club • bringing together people who are interested in working on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene projects around the world, but based out of Dunedin.
ECO Clubs: Rotary with an Eco Spin Rotary Clubs or Satellite Clubs which focus • specifically on environmental projects. • Why not work with an existing group of environmentally minded people and turn them into a Rotary Club. They can work within the Rotary system to maximise their results. Rotary Eco Club of Los Osos (on right) meet • monthly for hands on eco-projects. No meals, no fines, no fundraising. Partner with other local Rotary clubs.
E-Clubs: Meet solely online • • Members usually from multiple locations • May have a theme, e.g. French speaking, cause focused (e.g. Donations In Kind Melbourne), profession focused (e.g. Silicon Valley) • Good for those with demanding jobs, travel, remote location (Grey Nomads) • Operate like all Rotary clubs – speakers, fellowship, fundraise, projects.
Rotaract: • Now a full partner with Rotary 18-30 year olds • • We need them, they want to work with us Professional development and • networking are key Service projects are integral •
Should we make our existing Club more flexible, or look to set up something separate like a satellite club? • Each Club is different – you need to assess your club’s position, consult your members, discuss the options and bring them along on the journey – however it is clear that Clubs which don’t evolve soon won’t have a secure future – so you need do something!
What is a satellite club?
So what exactly is a Satellite Club? • An extension of existing Club • Much more flexible, a different culture • Different time and venue to the main club – it may even be at a different place each time • Much more focussed around doing projects rather than meetings and meals.
The Satellite Club model may appeal to people: • Who are time poor • Can’t afford to spend a lot of money on weekly meals • Don’t fit with the current club’s culture • Want to get their hands dirty and do projects • (In other words a more diverse, younger audience) • People leaving Rotaract and not wanting to join a traditional Rotary club
District 9910 currently has 5 satellite clubs: Rotalite West (Henderson Rotary) South Kaipara (Henderson Rotary) Orewa-Millwater (Orewa Rotary) Te Hiku (North Harbour Rotary) NRG (Next Rotary Generation) North Shore (Milford Rotary) Several more are in development
What kinds of things are our Satellite Clubs doing? Orewa-Millwater Satellite Club Supporting all manner of local organisations and local • vulnerable or disabled people Running two great large fundraisers supporting local • charities; the Greek Extravaganza and Rotary Swimarathon COVID-19 lockdown Shopping and Prescription pickup • service for local elderly COVID-19 mask making •
And a heap more since…
What kinds of things are our Satellite Clubs doing? Rotalite West Focused on projects supporting West Auckland • Multiple hands on projects • • Gardens at Primary Schools Playgrounds at Kindergartens / Playcentres • Environmental projects – penguin boxes, wetlands walkway, • tree planting Community Gardens • • Supporting the operation of Challenge Camp Homeless Christmas Packs campaign •
Homeless Gift Packs - Christmas 2017, 2018, 2019
Construction of 19 Raised Garden Beds at Avondale Primary School
Construction of 19 Raised Garden Beds at Avondale Primary School
What does a meeting look like?
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He kura te tangata, he kura te taiao Our humanity is precious, so too is our natural world.
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