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judykirsh@aol.com 1 Aim to develop an initial understanding of the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Judy y Kirsh ESOL specialist & teacher-educator judykirsh@aol.com 1 Aim to develop an initial understanding of the links between the theory and practice of teaching and learning reading and writing at a basic level to adult ESOL

  1. Judy y Kirsh ESOL specialist & teacher-educator judykirsh@aol.com 1

  2. Aim  to develop an initial understanding of the links between the theory and practice of teaching and learning reading and writing at a basic level to adult ESOL learners Ob Objectives ctives Par artic ticipan ipants ts will:  analyse the reading process and discuss the issues that arise for beginner adult ESOL readers  demonstrate understanding of reading development and make links to teaching approaches, including ‘Language Experience’  Observe a teacher and learner using the Language Experience approach (video)  analyse skills involved in copying and examine a range of strategies to help learners with handwriting 2

  3. Talk to a partner about a learner you have taught who struggled to read and/or write. Can you agree a definition of ‘basic literacy’ in ESOL? 3

  4. A ‘basic literacy’ learner is … someone who has not yet reached Entry 1 Reading and Writing, and ➢ is learning the sub-skills or mechanics of reading and writing ➢ struggles to read and write a small number of key words, a very simple sentence and very simple text independently Adult ESOL Core Curriculum https://www.excellencegateway.org.uk/content/etf1194 4

  5. Literacy eracy in Literacy eracy in Level vel of spoke oken n first/ot t/othe her r English ish co communicati mmunication on lan angua uages ges No No From beginners to advanced From beginners Yes No to advanced

  6. The greep dawked forily prip the blortican. It snaughted preg the melidock trippicant ……… shrolled nong the cretidges. Pronubcaily, ……. greep caught up with all the other dogs. They ……. found a fresh murchil burrow and were sprool ……. and muting round it. 6

  7. The greep dawked forily prip the blortican. It snaughted preg the melidock trippicant and shrolled nong the cretidges. Pronubcaily, the greep caught up with all the other dogs. They had found a fresh murchil burrow and were sprooling and muting round it. 7

  8.  What kind of text is this, e.g. news article, email, letter, advert, story ….. How did you know?  How did you work out the missing words? What skills were you using? 8

  9. ➢ Sc Schema a act ctiv ivatio ation ➢ Clu lues s of meaning ning and context xt cues (sema manti ntic) ➢ Cl Clues s of word rd ord rder r and gr grammar mar (synt yntac actic tic) ➢ Vi Visual l recogn gnit ition ion – recogn gnis isin ing g le letter patter erns ns such ch as - ig ight (gr graphi phic) c) ➢ Phonem nemic ic awarene eness ss and phoni nics cs – sound nding ing out le letters s (phono onolog logic ical al) 9

  10. Good readers … ➢ understand and interact with what they read ➢ regress and re-read ➢ recognise a large variety of common words and parts of words ➢ use the sound system to make out unfamiliar words ➢ use context to monitor meaning

  11. What are the implications of this for beginner ESOL readers?

  12. Based on this theory, there are three stages in the acquisition of literacy: ➢ Logographic: based on crude, visual shapes and features ➢ Alphabetic: based on phoneme and grapheme awareness ➢ Orthographic: based on visual analysis (whole word grapheme sequences) – independent of sound – use of internal semantic lexicon (Frith, U. 1985; 1986) 12

  13.  Top-down wn model els: The focus is on the whole text - predicting meaning based on clues from the text and the reader’s background knowledge.  In bottom-up up model els, the emphasis is on extracting information from the text, particularly that letters and sounds form words, words form phrases and sentences; it is also concerned with how sound is represented in print.

  14. ➢ Watch tch the vi video eo clip ip - wh what at are e the e stages ages the e teacher cher works ks through? rough? ➢ What at does es the process ocess involv volve? e? ➢ What at is s the aim m of of langu nguage age exper erie ience nce work? k? ➢ What at mat ateria erials ls does es the e teacher cher use? e? ➢ Ho How w cou ould ld yo you use e this is app pproach roach in yo your r teaching ching and nd/or /or a gr group up situa tuation? tion? https:// //ww www.yo youtub utube.com com/w /watch? atch?v=gr v=gri-Or9g Or9gDrY DrY 14

  15. 3

  16. 3

  17. Discuss in small groups: ➢ How did it feel? ➢ What skills were you using / did you need? ➢ What strategies did you use? ➢ What are the implications for the classroom?

  18. W hat’s involved in (hand)writing? ➢ Fine motor control of pen – holding the pen/pencil ➢ Relationship to paper, position, pen ➢ Direction of letters – forming the letters ➢ Size of letters, ascenders, descenders ➢ Spacing 18

  19. Use the students’ words to create texts that are mean anin ingf gful l to them; em; then en, , use e these se for pract ctisi ising g and d developi veloping g readin ding g and d writin ing g skill lls, , e.g. ➢ Matchi tching sentence ntence again ainst t text ➢ Sen entenc ence e against ainst illu lustratio tration (wh where ere appli licable) ble) ➢ Word d again ainst te text ➢ Ordering ering senten ntence ces ➢ Ordering ering words ds to make e senten ntences ces ➢ As a context ntext fo for te teachin aching pho honics ics (choo hoose se sounds unds th that at occur in the e text) t) ➢ Gap-fi fill ll (wit ith h or witho thout t providin viding g the miss ssin ing g wor ords ds) ➢ Copyin pying and/ d/or wor ord-proc processin sing g text ➢ Cho hoosi osing words ds to learn arn to spell ll ➢ Inser sert t missing ssing pun unctu tuati ation 10

  20. Text Level vel Langu anguage ge exper erie ience nce Simple mple texts ts Writin ing g name ame and d address ess Senten ence/Wor ce/Word d Lev evel el Handw ndwrit itin ing g Pho honic ics Spell ellin ing g Punct nctuati uation Sent enten ence e str truc ucture ure 20

  21. Learners ‘New to ESOL’ – resources for teachers of ‘beginner’ ESOL learners  and those with basic literacy needs https://esol.excellencegateway.org.uk/learners-new-esol Engli glish sh My Way – website with resources for teachers of low level ESOL  learners, including those with basic literacy needs (includes video clips) http://englishmyway.co.uk/topics Scotla tland nd ESOL Lite tera racies cies materials – resources for teachers of ‘beginner’  ESOL learners with basic literacy needs http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/33697.html ESOL Nexus us beginners – website with resources for ESOL learners,  including those with basic literacy needs http://esol.britishcouncil.org/beginners ESOL Resources flashcards  http://www.esolresources.co.uk/#!flashcards/c1a9w Adult ESOL Core Curriculum  http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20060215185924/http://www. dfes.gov.uk/curriculum_esol (on-line version separates E1 Reading & Writing for basic lit.) Handwriting practice – letters and numbers (designed for children)  http://www.enchantedlearning.com/letters/ Learning Unlimited ESOL literacy readers  http://www.learningunlimited.co/resources/publications/acereaders 21

  22. Learnin arning g Unli limit ited ed - natio ionall lly-acclai cclaimed ed 2 or 4 day TBLE LEL L cou ourses rses htt ttps ps://w ://www.lea .learni rningu ngunli limit ited.co/t ed.co/tra rain ining ing-and-cpd/tbl cpd/tblel el Learn rnin ing g Unlimited ted – free download adab able le resour ources ces http:// //www. www.lear learni ningun ngunlimi mited ted.c .co/reso o/resour urce ces/d /downlo ownload ads


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