Jewish Pluralism in Israel: The condition in which Jews of different social classes, ideologies, religious streams, levels of belief and practice, genders, and ethnic backgrounds have equal opportunity to legitimately exercise their differences in the public sphere.
How comfortable do you feel being yourself in Israel? 10% 90% Not Comfortable Comfortable 2
How comfortable do you feel being yourself in Israel? 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% .0% Not Comfortable Quite Quite Very Comfortable Uncomfortable Comfortable Totally Secular Secular Traditional Traditional Religious Liberal Religious Nationalist Haredi Haredi 3
How comfortable do you feel being yourself in Israel? (On a Scale of 1-4: 1 = "Not Comfortable"; 4 = "Very Comfortable“) Totally Secular 3.27 Average 3.47 Secular Traditional 3.50 Traditional 3.51 Haredi 3.56 Religious Liberal 3.63 Nationalist Haredi 3.64 Religious 3.66 4
How comfortable do you feel being yourself in Israel? 70.0% % of Respondents by Political Orientation 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% .0% Not Comfortable Quite Quite Very Comfortable Uncomfortable Comfortable Left Moderate Left Center Moderate Right Right 5
How comfortable do you feel being yourself in Israel? (On a Scale of 1-4: 1 = "Not Comfortable"; 4 = "Very Comfortable“) Left 2.8542 Moderate Left 3.2430 Center 3.4656 Average 3.47 Moderate Right 3.5442 Right 3.5822 6
Positive Opinion Statements in Order of Agreement (On a Scale of 1-4: 1 = “Totally Disagree"; 4 = " Totally Agree“) Average Totally Secular Secular Traditional Traditional Religious Liberal Religious Nationalist Haredi Haredi Women should be allowed to put on tefillin at the Western Wall (Kotel) 4.00 3.50 3.00 Secular, Traditionalists, and I want non-Jewish students 2.50 the Religious are all equally to attend the same school 2.00 good Jews. as my children 1.50 1.00 .50 .00 Civil marriage should be The State should allow Jews allowed in Israel to marry non-Jews The government of Israel should consider a lot more 7 the minority opinion
Negative Opinion Statements in Order of Agreement (On a Scale of 1-4: 1 = “Totally Disagree"; 4 = " Totally Agree“) 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 .50 .00 Prefer that homosexuals Reform Jews are not There is too much not be members of really Jews freedom of expression in Knesset Israel Average Totally Secular Secular Traditional Traditional Religious Liberal Religious Nationalist Haredi Haredi 8
“I want non -Jewish students to attend the same school as my children” (by age cohort) 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% .0% Disagree Agree 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 Plus 9
Percent of Respondents Who Indicated "Very Important" by Location Criteria Well maintained with quality services and good education 75.8% Where most people have your level of religiosity 26.4% As diverse as possible 23.4% Where most people have your level of education 16.2% Where most people share your economic status 11.7% Where most people are your age 9.4% Where most people share your political views 8.8% Where most people share your ethnic background 8.5% .0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 10
Perceived Contribution to the Success of Israel (On a Scale of 1-4: 1 = "Negative Contribution“; 4 = "Positive Contribution") Soldiers 3.84 Ashkenazim 3.46 Seculars 3.44 Mizrachim 3.37 kibbutzniks 3.36 Religious Nationals 3.33 French Immigrants 3.24 The Druze 3.20 Russian Immigrants 3.20 Right-Wingers 3.15 Ethiopia Immigrants 3.04 The Average 2.95 Jews Living in the Diaspora 2.93 North Tel Avivians 2.84 Settlers 2.80 Reform Jews 2.62 Yeshiva Students 2.61 Israelis Living Abroad 2.51 Christian Arabs 2.50 Left-Wingers 2.46 Haredim 2.39 Muslim Arabs 1.73 .00 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50
Disagreements and Consensus Average Score by Religious Orientation of Perceived Contribution (On a Scale of 1-4: 1 = "Negative Contribution“; 4 = "Positive Contribution") 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 .50 .00 Reform Jews Yeshiva Students Soldiers Totally Secular Secular Traditional Traditional Liberal Religious Religious Haredi
Most Positive and Negative Contributors Reported by Each Religious Affiliation (On a Scale of 1-4: 1 = "Negative Contribution“; 4 = "Positive Contribution") Soldiers 3.81 Soldiers 3.89 Soldiers 3.85 Seculars 3.71 Seculars 3.52 National Religious 3.40 Kibbutzniks 3.66 Kibbutzniks 3.44 Mizrachim 3.33 Muslim Arabs 1.99 Yeshiva Students 2.25 Haredim 2.34 Yeshiva Students 1.99 Haredim 2.16 Left-Wingers 2.11 Haredim 1.69 Muslim Arabs 1.84 Muslim Arabs 1.63 Secular Secular Masorti Masorti Soldiers 3.83 Soldiers 3.87 Yeshiva Students 3.90 National Religious 3.66 National Religious 3.71 Haredim 3.85 Kibbutzniks 3.50 Right-Wingers 3.61 Soldiers 3.81 Reform Jews 2.49 Christian Arabs 2.28 Christian Arabs 1.79 Left-Wingers 2.46 Reform Jews 1.83 Muslim Arabs 1.22 Muslim Arabs 1.68 Muslim Arabs 1.60 Reform Jews 1.15 Liberal Religious Religious Haredim
Women should be allowed to put on teffilin at the Western Wall (Kotel) Totally Secular Secular Traditional Totally Totally Disagree Disagree 12% Totally 20% Agree Somewhat Disagree 31% 10% Somewhat Somewhat Totally Disagree Agree Agree 25% 17% 61% Somewhat Agree 24% 14
The State should allow Jews to marry non-Jews Totally Secular Secular Traditional Positive Positive Contribution Contribution 6% 11% Somewhat Positive Contribution Negative 12% Contribution 27% Somewhat Positive Contribution Negative 21% Contribution Somewhat 56% Negative Somewhat Negative Contribution Contribution 26% 41% 15
Haredi Contribution to Success of Israel Totally Secular Secular Traditional Positive Contribution 6% Positive Contribution Somewhat Negative 11% Positive Contribution Contribution 27% 12% Somewhat Positive Contribution Negative 21% Contribution Somewhat 56% Negative Somewhat Contribution Negative 26% Contribution 41%
Settlers’ Contribution to Success of Israel Totally Secular Secular Traditional Negative Positive Contribution Negative Contribution Contribution 15% 18% Positive 31% Contribution 30% Somewhat Somewhat Positive Negative Contribution Contribution 19% 23% Somewhat Somewhat Negative Positive Contribution Contribution 32% 32% 17
National Religious’ Contribution to Success of Israel Negative Somewhat Contribution Negative Totally Secular Secular Traditional 2% Contribution 8% Negative Contribution 8% Somewhat Negative Contribution 18% Positive Contribution 39% Positive Somewhat Contribution Positive 51% Somewhat Contribution Positive 39% Contribution 35% 18
JPPI Sample Breakdown By Religious Affiliation Haredi 10% Nationalist Haredi 1% Totally Secular Religious 31% 10% Liberal Religious 4% Traditional 23% Secular Traditional 21% Totally Secular Secular Traditional Traditional Liberal Religious Religious Nationalist Haredi Haredi 19
How do you define yourself politically? 5% 11% 26% 28% 23% 7% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Left Moderate Left Center Moderate Right Right Don't Know 20
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