Chair of Software Engineering Languages in Depth Series: Java Programming Prof. Dr. Bertrand Meyer Java Fundamentals Marco Piccioni
Course Goals Teach Java to programmers having previous programming knowledge/experience Show (hopefully!) useful stuff Illustrate some dark corners Practice (exercise sessions, project) Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 2
Roadmap Java language basics GUI Testing framework: JUnit Enterprise framework: Spring Eclipse/Jazz Threads Reflection Sockets Persistence: serialization, RDBMS, OODBMS Dynamic loading, byte code, JIT compilation Java Virtual Machine Middleware Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 3
Useful info Assistant pool Christoph Angerer Tomas Hruz Adriana Ispas Andrei Vancea Lectures: Thursday 14:15-16:00 Room ML E12 Exercise sessions: Wednesday 16:15-17:00 Exercises will be corrected, not graded Please sign-up during the break or at end of lecture Rooms: IFW D42, LFV E41, LFW C4, LFW E15 Final exam: May 29th 50% grade: written exam (yes books/notes, no electronic devices) 50% grade: project Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 4
Course Docs Slides Lecture slides Exercise sessions slides Lecture notes Course Web page Links to reading material Course wiki Q & A Project-related material Create an account and send it to your assistant Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 5
Different isn’t always better, but better is always different Initially was “Oak” (James Gosling, 1991), then “Green” Ruled out by the trademark layers Twelve people locked in a room together with a “naming consultant” “How does this thing make you feel?” “What else makes you feel that way?” After listing and sorting, 12 names were sent to the layers #1 was “Silk” Gosling’s favorite was “Lyric” (#3) “Java” was # 4 Version 1.0: 1995 Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 6
Intended language goals Write Once, Run Anywhere Built-in security Automatic memory management API + documentation generation Object-Oriented (mostly) Familiar C/C++ syntax Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 7
Write once, run anywhere .java .class compiler .jar network JVM Class loader H Interpreter Bytecode w verifier JIT compiler Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 8
Byte code Intermediate format resulting from Java compilation Instruction set of a stack-oriented, capability architecture 1 bytecode instruction = 1 byte Executed by any platform-specific Virtual Machine (VM) Code generation can either happen via an interpreter or a JIT compiler Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 9
JVM overview .java .class compiler .jar network JVM Class loader H Interpreter w Bytecode verifier JIT compiler Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 10
Built-in security Language 1. Restricted: no pointers, no explicit memory de-allocation, checked type casts, enforced array bounds Security API (XML digital signature and cryptographic services from 6.0) Class loaders 2. Take care of files and file systems Locate libraries and dynamically load classes Partition classes into realms and restrict what they can do Verifier checks bytecode using a theorem prover 3. Branches always to valid locations Data always initialized and references always type-safe Data and methods access checked for visibility Arbitrary bit patterns cannot get used as an address Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 11
JVM: code generation .java .class compiler .jar network JVM Class loader H Interpreter Bytecode w verifier JIT compiler Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 12
Code generation: HotSpot An interpreter is the software CPU of the JVM Examines each bytecode and executes a unique action A JIT “compiler” converts the interpreted bytecode into native code just before running it Keeps a log of the native code that it has to run to interpret each bytecode Then optimizes substituting a short set of instructions with a shorter/faster one It’s like the back end of a traditional compiler, the java compiler being the front end HotSpot is the default SUN JVM since 2000 Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 13
JVM Overview .java .class compiler .jar network JVM Class loader H Interpreter Bytecode w verifier JIT compiler Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 14
JVM: more features Automated exception handling Provides “root cause” debugging info for every exception Responsible for garbage collection Ships as JRE (VM + libraries) Can have other languages run on top of it JRuby (Ruby) Rhino (JavaScript) Jython (Python) From 6.0 scripting languages can be mixed with Java Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 15
Encoding and formatting Uses unicode as encoding system: Free format Blanks, tabs, new lines, form feeds are only used to keep tokens separate Comments Single line: //Single line comment Multiple lines: /* not nested, multi-line comment*/ Javadoc comment: /** extracted by javadoc*/ Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 16
Identifiers No restriction on length Case sensitive Cannot start with a digit Cannot include “/” or “-” Cannot be a keyword Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 17
Keywords abstract double int super boolean else interface switch break extends long synchronized byte final native this case finally new throw catch float package throws char for private transient class (goto) protected try (const) if public void continue implements return volatile default import short while do instanceof short Literals null , true , false are also reserved Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 18
Operators Access, method call: ., [], () Postfix: expr ++, expr-- Other unary: ++ expr, --expr, +, -, ~, !, new, ( aType ) Arithmetic: *, /, % Additive: +, - Shift: <<, >>, >>> Relational: <, >, <=, >=, instanceof Equality: ==, != Logic (precedence from left to right): &, ^, |, &&, || Ternary: condition ? ( expr1 ):( expr2 ) Assignment: =, +=, -=, *=, /=. %=, &=, ^=, |=, <<=, >>=, >>>= Precedence: from top to bottom Tip: don’t learn precedence rules: use parenthesis ;) Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 19
A non-uniform type system Primitive types boolean, byte, short, int, long, char, float, double Reference types class , interface , [] null Automatic widening conversions (no precision loss) byte to short to int to long char to int, int to double, float to double Automatic widening conversions (precision loss) int to float, long to float , long to double A cast is required for narrowing conversions int i = 3; long j = 5; i = (int)j Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 20
Quiz What will be printed? double double d1=4.0; double double d2=3.1; System. out .println("4.0 - 3.1 =" + (d1 - d2)); Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 21
Quiz solution double double d1=4.0; double double d2=3.1; System. out .println("4.0 - 3.1 =" + (d1 - d2)); // 4.0-3.1=0.8999999999999999 Negative powers of 10 cannot be represented exactly as finite length binary fractions float and double provide good approximations, but are not suited for exact calculations Tip: Use BigDecimal instead Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 22
Wrapper types and autoboxing For each primitive type there is a wrapper type Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Character, Float, Double Starting from 5.0, autoboxing provides automatic conversions between primitive and wrapper types Pro: reduces code complexity Cons: not efficient, sometimes unexpected behavior Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 23
Quiz Let’s suppose we are using the 1.5 compiler. What will be printed? Integer i1 = 123; Integer i2 = 123; Integer i3 = 1234; Integer i4 = 1234; System.out.println(i1==i2); System.out.println(i3==i4); Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 24
Quiz solution Normally JVM creates a new object. For some special cases, like int between -128 and 127, the JVM reuses the same object. Integer i1 = 123; Integer i2 = 123; Integer i3 = 1234; Integer i4 = 1234; System.out.println(i1==i2); //true System.out.println(i3==i4); //false Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 25
Packages A hierarchical namespace mechanism Map to file system pathnames Influence class visibility Even if a default anonymous package exists, realistic class names include the package: Tip: notice the useful name convention Languages in Depth series: Java Programming 26
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