Jason Murrey Prevention Specialist jm urrey1@ doe.in.gov317- 966-5408 Working Together for Student Success @EducateIN @EducateIN
The act of inhaling and exhaling the aerosol, often referred to as vapor, which is produced by an E -Cigarette or similar device. The substance being inhaled contains more than water vapor. The inhaled substance contains carcinogens. (substances known to cause cancer) @EducateIN @EducateIN
Different Sizes and Shapes Different Methods of Function (Activation and Vapor Cloud) Marketed as “Stealth” or “Discreet” @EducateIN @EducateIN
Juul Blu O ff-Brand Rechargeable and Pods Disposable Cases/Wraps Advertised as a “Lifestyle” Brand Looks Sim ilar to a Flash Variety of Flavors Drive @EducateIN @EducateIN
NJOY SUORIN - AIR Marketed as Rechargeable and Discreet and Easy Disposable to Hide Variety of Sm allest Device Flavors When You You Can Buy Need to Variety of Hide It Avoid Attracting Nicotine Levels Attention @EducateIN @EducateIN
Pods, Pens, Batteries, Aromatherapy Allows for Custom ization Variety of Flavors and Levels of Nicotine Rokin ● Marketed as a Weed Vaporizer ● Used with Arom atherapy Devices Not Not Nicotine or Tobacco Products @EducateIN @EducateIN
Not impacted by Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act ● Com panies Can Sponsor Sporting Events ● Free Sam ples to Social Media Influencers The Healthier Alternative to Sm oking Com bustible Cigarettes Hollywood Ambassadors @EducateIN @EducateIN
Assumed Safe Normalcy Through Targeting Normalcy Through Targeting *Image Credit: National Institute on Drug Abuse *Image Credit: National Institute on Drug Abuse *Image Credit: Indiana State Department of Health @EducateIN @EducateIN
Johns Hopkins Medicine E-Cigarettes are as Vaping Exposes Users to Vaping is Bad for Addictive as Traditional Fewer Toxic Chemicals Your Health Cigarettes Tobacco cigarettes contain 7,000 Nicotine is a known toxic substance The majority of vaping products chemicals, many of which are toxic. that causes withdrawal symptoms if contain more nicotine than cravings are ignored. traditional E -Cigarettes. Although all chemicals are not There is exposure to chemicals known, it is known that fewer toxic where harmful long -term side chemicals exist in E -Cigarettes than effects are not known and likely combustible tobacco. exist. Source: Michael Blaha, Director of Clinical Research at John Hopkins Medicine https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness -and-prevention/5 -truths -you-need-to-know-about-vaping @EducateIN @EducateIN @EducateIN
Johns Hopkins Medicine A New Generation is E-cigarettes are Not Not Approved Smoking Cessation Tool in the U.S. Getting Hooked Studies have found a nine -hundred percent increase A recent study found that most people who intend to in nicotine product use by high school students and a use E -Cigarettes to kick the nicotine habit end up four-hundred percent increase in students who have continuing to smoke. stated they would never have used tobacco products or have never used traditional tobacco products. Although all chemicals are not known, it is known A three-year study from Boston University shows that that fewer toxic chemicals exist in E -Cigarettes than teenagers engaged in E-Cigarette use are m ore likely combustible tobacco. to initiate in sm oking com bustible cigarettes. Source: Michael Blaha, Director of Clinical Research at John Hopkins Medicine https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness -and-prevention/5 -truths -you-need-to-know-about-vaping @EducateIN @EducateIN @EducateIN
Policy Creation, Communication, and Enforcement Youth and Adult Education Programs Cessation Programs and Connection to Local Tobacco -Free Coalitions @EducateIN @EducateIN
● Confiscation of Tobacco Products Offense 1 Offense 1 ● Notification of Parent(s)/Guardian ● Student Meeting with Designated O fficial - Discuss Policy and Im pact of Tobacco and E- Cigarette Use ● Provide Student with Cessation Materials and O ffered the O pportunity to Participate in a Tobacco Education Program Discipline ● Confiscation of Tobacco Products Offense 2 Offense 2 ● Notification of Parent(s)/Guardian Model ● Student Meeting with Designated O fficial - Discuss Policy and Im pact of Tobacco and E- - Cigarette Use ● Provide Student with Cessation Materials Students ● Student is Required to Participate in a Tobacco Education Program Student is Required to Participate in a Tobacco Education Program ● Confiscation of Tobacco Products ● Notification of Parent(s)/Guardian Offense 3 Offense 3 ● Student Meeting with Designated O fficial - Discuss Policy and Im pact of Tobacco and E- Cigarette Use ● Provide Student with Cessation Materials ● Student is Required to Participate in a Tobacco Education Program ● Additional Consequences Put in Place Additional Consequences Put in Place @EducateIN @EducateIN
Staff Staff Visitors Visitors Will Be Asked to Adhere to Stated Policy Consult LEA Legal and Contract Language Failure to Adhere to Policy May Result in Individual May be Referred to Cessation Expulsion from School Property or Programs School - Sponsored Event Multiple Violations May Result in Multiple Violations May Result in Being Disciplinary Actions Banned from School Grounds @EducateIN @EducateIN
in.gov/quitline Indiana Tobacco Quitline Indiana Tobacco Quitline Smoking Cessation Smoking Cessation lung.org/stop -smoking (American Lung Association) teen.smokefree.gov/ Smoke Free Teen Smoke Free Teen @EducateIN @EducateIN
Youth Tobacco Cessation Youth Tobacco Cessation youthtobaccocessation.org Collaborative Collaborative Youth: Text ‘ DITCH JUUL ’ to This is Quitting This is Quitting , Truth 88709 Initiative’s Text Messaging Adult: Text ‘ QUIT ’ to (202) Program 899 -7550 @EducateIN @EducateIN
Vape Free Indiana (Indiana State Department of Health) Vape Free Indiana (Indiana State Department of Health) in.gov/isdh/tpc/2775.htm Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e - cigarettes/about -e-cigarettes.html Truth Initiative Truth Initiative truthinitiative.org @EducateIN @EducateIN
CATCH My Breath Vaping Prevention Program for Students CATCH My Breath Vaping Prevention Program for Students catchinfo.org/modules/e -cigarettes/ United States Surgeon General United States Surgeon General e-cigarettes.surgeongeneral.gov American Academy of Pediatrics American Academy of Pediatrics aap.org/en -us/advocacy -and -policy/aap -health - initiatives/Richmond -Center/Pages/vaping -juul -e-cigarettes -toolkit.aspx @EducateIN @EducateIN
www.catch.org Enrollment Test Curriculum Overview @EducateIN @EducateIN
Questions? Jason Murrey Prevention Specialist jmurrey1@doe.in.gov 317 - 966 -5408 @EducateIN @EducateIN
IDOE and the 2020 Census IDOE and the 2020 Census ● Academic Support ● Special Education Your students’ future depends on the c Your students’ future depends on the c ensus. ensus. ● Educator Development ● School Lunch Programs ● Head Start → Early Resources Resources Learning https://www.doe.in.gov/INCensus2020 https://www.doe.in.gov/INCensus2020 ● After-School Programs @EducateIN #INCensus2020
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