japan s experience in incentivizing the development of

Japans experience in incentivizing the development of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Japans experience in incentivizing the development of high-efficiency coal-fired power plants 13 November , 2012 SAKANASHI, Yoshihiko Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (J-POWER) Contents 1.Japans High-Efficiency Technology 1-1

  1. Japan’s experience in incentivizing the development of high-efficiency coal-fired power plants 13 November , 2012 SAKANASHI, Yoshihiko Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (J-POWER)

  2. Contents 1.Japan’s High-Efficiency Technology 1-1 Energy Efficiency of Coal-Fired Power Plants 1-2 SOx and NOx emissions of Coal-Fired Power Plants 1-3 J-POWER’s Thermal Efficiency Development 1-4 Maintaining Thermal Efficiency at its Designed Level 2.Power Mix before Fukushima 3.Power Mix after Fukushima 3-1 Power Mix after Fukushima 3-2 Opposition to the “Strategy” and Reaction of the Cabinet 4.J-POWER’s challenges 4-1 Coal-Fired Power to be Re-valued in Japan 4-2 Future Technology Development for High-Efficiency 4-3 Technology Development for CCS-Ready 4-4 Contribute to Worldwide CO2 Emissions Cut through CCTs 5.Summary

  3. 1-1 Energy Efficiency of Coal-Fired Power Plants Thermal Efficiency of Coal-Fired Power Generation 45% ( LHV basis ) 43% J-POWER 41% Japan 39% Germany 37% UK+Ireland 35% United 33% States China 31% India 29% 27% 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 Source: Ecofys International Comparison of Fossil Power Efficiency and CO2 Intensity 2010 3

  4. 1-2 SOx and NOx emissions of Coal-Fired Power Plants 〔g/kWh〕 5.0 Sulfer Oxide (SOx) 4.5 Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) 4.0 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.5 J-POWER’s Isogo Power Station 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.5 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.6 1.0 0.2 0.06 0.5 0.2 0.01 0.0 USA Canada UK France Germany Italy Japan Isogo (2005) (2005) (2005) (2005) (2005) (2005) (2007) (2007) Source: Federation of Electric Power Companies, Japan (and actual data for Isogo) 4

  5. 1-3 J-POWER’s Thermal Efficiency Development Development of Coal Power plant steam conditions 石炭火力 蒸気条件の推移 Designed energy 45 Efficiency (%) Sub-Critical ( Drum type ) Super-Critical ( SC ) Ultra-Super-Critical (USC ) (Gross / HHV) Isogo New #1 Tachibanawan ( 600MW ) ( 1050MW × 2U ) Improved Thermal Efficiency through 600 / 610 ℃ 600 / 610 ℃ 41 ~ 43 % ■ Upgrading steam condition 25.0MPa 25.0MPa ■ Scale-up Isogo New #2 ( 600MW ) 600 / 620 ℃ 蒸気条件 25.0MPa Matsuura #2 40 ~ 42 % ( 1000MW ) 40 593 / 593 ℃ Matsuura #1 24.1MPa ( 1000MW ) 538 / 566 ℃ 38 ~ 40 % 1,050 MW Matsushima 24.1MPa ( 2000 ) ( 500MW ) Takehara #1 1,000 MW 538 / 538 ℃ ( 250MW ) ( 1990 ) 24.1MPa 566 / 538 ℃ 500 MW 16.6MPa Transition of single unit capacity ( 1981 ) 35 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1965年 1970年 1975年 1980年 1985年 1990年 1995年 2000年 2005年 2010年 Vertical Line: Steam Condition ; primary/ reheat temperature & pressure 5

  6. 1-4 Maintaining Thermal Efficiency at its Designed Level Thermal Efficiency (%, HHV) 40 39 Takasago Power Station Unit 1(red) & Unit 2(blue) 38 37 36 Designed Efficiency 35 Efficiency Degradation 30 Coal-fired Plant in Country-X 20 0 10 20 30 40 Year since Commissioning Source: Federation of Electric Power Companies, Japan (actual data for Takasago) 6

  7. 2. Power Mix before Fukushima After Oil Crisis (1973,1979)  Away from Oil : Development of Nuclear and Renewables  High-efficiency power technology development • Kyoto Protocol (1997) : CO2 emissions 6% cut from 1990 level • Law of Alternative Energy (2009) : Non-fossil power portfolio regulation • “Basic Energy Plan” (June 2010) : 2009 2030 CO2 emissions ( compared to1990 ) ▲ 6% (~ 2012 ) ▲ 30% Power mix Renewable 9% 21% Nuclear 29% 53% Coal-fired 25% 11% LNG-fired 29% 13% Oil-fired 7% 2% 7

  8. 3-1 Power Mix after Fukushima Japan’s “Innovative Energy and Environment Strategy” (Sep 2012) - Realization of a society without nuclear power → Mobilize all policy resources to enable zero operation of nuclear power plants in the 2030’s 2010 2030’s Power mix Renweable 10% 35% Nuclear 26% 0% Coal-fired 24% 21% LNG-fired 29% 38% Oil-fired 10% 6% 8

  9. 3-2 Opposition to the “Strategy” and Reaction of the Cabinet  Oppositions from Keidanren and other organizations • Jeopardizes stable power supply • Inconsistency with economic growth strategy • Loss of contribution opportunities to peacefully use of nuclear energy worldwide  Concerns from various countries • USA: Nuclear proliferation problems • France: Nowhere to go for the fuel reprocessed in France The Cabinet in disarray • “Strategy” failed to be endorsed by the Cabinet. • Retardation of formulating new “Basic Energy Plan” Uncertainty of Japan's energy policy 9

  10. 4-1 Coal-Fired Power to be Re-valued in Japan Energy-Mix to be ■ Well-balanced-mix ■ Flexibility and Substitutability Time for Coal to be Re-valued in Japan Critical Path: Demonstrate Potential of Coal for Climate Change Issue Continuous efforts for; ・ Development of High-Efficiency Coal Power ・ Readiness for CCS ・ Contribution to worldwide CO2 emissions reduction through CCTs 10

  11. 4-2 Future Technology Development for High-Efficiency Future Technology Development Ageing coal-fired Latest coal-fired Next generation coal-fired power plant IGCC IGFC USC A-USC Sub-Critical (Integrated Coal (Integrated Coal (Ultra Super Critical) (Advanced-USC) Gasification Combined Gasification Fuel Cell Cycle) Combined Cycle) Efficiency: 36% Efficiency: at least Efficiency: 41% Efficiency: 46% Efficiency: 46 ~ 48% 55% (Net / HHV basis) ( Pulverized coal-fired ) ( Coal gasification ) Osaki project ~Oxygen-blown Coal Gasification~  Demonstration project for large scale IGCC[170MWe]  Construction starts in 2013, demonstration from 2016  J-POWER and Chugoku-Electric joint project Osaki (Hiroshima Pref.) F iscal Y ear 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 O ptim ization Prepa ration O ptim ization Su rvey R e seach Environm ental P repa ra tio n E nvironm ental A ss ess me nt Assessm ent IG CC D esign & C onstruction D em ons tration T est Construction & Dem onstration T est CO 2 separation & recovery D e m o ns tration D esign & C onstruction T es t 11

  12. 4-3 Technology Development for CCS-Ready 1. Osaki Project  Demonstration project for large scale IGCC  CO2 capture Demo. Site 2. Australia Callide Project (Oxy-Fuel and CCS) Potential site for CO2 storage: about 300 km west of the power station  Demonstration project for oxy-fuel CO2 capture and storage  Japan and Australia joint project (J-POWER Power plant site: participates) Callide A Power Station (30 MW) 3.Japan CCS Co., Ltd.  Established in 2008 by Japanese leading companies (J-POWER participates)  Investigating the operability of large-scale CCS demonstration projects in Japan  Conducting surveys and studies on 3 sites 12

  13. 4-4 Contribute to Worldwide CO 2 Emissions Cut through CCTs Japan Further CCTs Development of Commercialization CCTs Government Proven CCTs with Bilateral Cash Return, Preferred Finance, /Multilateral agreement Technical Transfer, CO2 Credit etc. Support Joint Venture etc. Government Coal saving and Wide Major CO2 emissions deployments Coal-use reduction of latest CCTs Countries Project Location: New Coal-fired Project in Indonesia 250 km east of Jakarta  Large scale base-load power plant in Central Java  1000MW X 2units, one of the largest scale Asian IPP  USC for the first time in Indonesia 13

  14. 5 Summary Before Fukushima : Nuclear Energy-Mix to be Dependency / Coal-Phasing-out ■ Well-balanced-mix After Fukushima : Nuclear-Phasing- ■ Flexibility and Substitutability out, Confusion Time for Coal to be re-valued in Japan Demonstrating the potential of coal • Development of Higher-Efficiency Coal Power • Development of CCS technology • Dissemination of High-Efficiency technology to the world 14

  15. Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. http://www.jpower.co.jp/ http://www.jpower.co.jp/


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