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J u t t i a l lndio's No. I locol seorch engine February - PDF document

J u t t i a l lndio's No. I locol seorch engine February 12,2020 To BSE Limited National Stock Excha Metropolitan Stock Exchange of lndia Limited of lndia Limited Department of Corporate Services 4th Floor, Vbgyor Towers, Listing

  1. J u t t i a l ① lndio's No. I locol seorch engine February 12,2020 To BSE Limited National Stock Excha Metropolitan Stock Exchange of lndia Limited of lndia Limited Department of Corporate Services 4th Floor, Vbgyor Towers, Listing Department Listing Department P J Towers, Exchange Plaza, Plot No. C 62, Dalal Street, Plot no. C/1, G Block, G Block, Opp. Trident Hotel, Mumbai - 400001 Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra Kurla Complex, Scip Code: 535648 Bandra (East), Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051 Mumbai - 400098 Dear Sir/Madam, Sub.: Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of lndia (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 lntimation of lnvestor Meeting ln accordance with the provisions of the Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of lndia (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we would like to inform that the representative of the Company will attend investors meeting viz. - Edelweiss lndia Conference 2020 on Thursday, February 13,2O2O at Mumbai. The Schedule may undergo change due to exigencies on part of lnvestor/Company. List of participants and copy of presentation to be shared with investors in the above conferences are enclosed. This is for your information and records please. Thanking You, Yours truly, Jusl Diol Limited CIN NO: L74l40MH l993PLC 150054 Regislered & Colporole Oflice . Polm Coud Building M. 501/8. 5lh Floor New Link Rood. Besides Oorcgoon Sports Complex, Molod Wesl. Mumboi - 400064 Iel.: 022-28884O60 I 66976666 Fox 022-28893789 Mumboi. Delhi. Kolkoto. Chennoi, Bongolore, Pune, Hyderobod, Ahmedobod, Coimbolore, Joipr.[ ond Chondigorh f 88888-88888 | www.justdial.mm

  2. ― : ― F e b r u a r y 1 3 , 2 0 2 0 J u s t [ ) i a : L i r n i t e d n v e s t o r s M e e t i n g S r . N o . Name of the Participants A S H M O R E U K 1 2 Burgundy Asset Management Ltd 3 Edelweiss Tokio Life lnsurance Companv Ltd 4 Elephant Asset Manaoement 5 lDBl Federal Life lnsurance 6 l D F C A I F 7 Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company Ltd 8 Old Bridqe Capital Manaqement 9 Sanlam Asset Management Global 1 0 Solitude Capital Manaqement Limited Steadview Capital Manaqement つ乙 T a l y o C a p t a l 1 3 Tara Emerqinq Asia Liquid Fund 1 4 T P C C a p l a l 1 5 V.E.C. Alternative lnvestment Fund


  4. D I S C L A I M E R This Presentation has been prepared by Just Dial Limited (“Just Dial”) for investors, shareholders, analysts and other relevant stakeholders, solely for informational purposes. The information set out in this Presentation, including business overview, traffic related numbers, products related information, historical financial performance and any forecasts should not be considered as advice or a recommendation to investors or potential investors in relation to holding, purchasing or selling securities or other financial products. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to these matters, any relevant offer document and in particular, you should seek independent financial advice. This presentation may contain forecasts/ forward looking statements based on facts, expectations, and/or past figures relating to the business, financial performance and results of the Company. As with all forward-looking statements, forecasts are connected with known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to deviate significantly from the forecast. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward looking statements. Forecasts prepared by the third parties, or data or evaluations used by third parties and mentioned in this communication, may be inappropriate, incomplete, or falsified. Neither the Company or any of its subsidiaries or any of its Directors, officers or employees thereof, provide any assurance that the assumptions underlying such forward-looking statements are fully free from errors nor do any of them accept any responsibility for the future accuracy of the opinions expressed in the Presentation or the actual occurrence of the forecasted developments. Neither the Company nor its directors or officers assumes any obligation to update any forward -looking statements or to confirm these forward-looking statements to the Company’s actual results. The contents of this presentation are confidential, and they must not be copied, distributed, disseminated, published or reproduced, in whole or in part, or disclosed by recipients directly or indirectly to any other person. Just Dial makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of this information and shall not have any liability for any representations (expressed or implied) regarding information contained in, or for any omissions from, this information or any other written or oral communications transmitted to the recipient in the course of its evaluation of the Company. Any information provided in this presentation is subject to change without notice. Q3 FY20 means the period Oct 1, 2019 to Dec 31, 2019 FY20 or FY 19-20 or FY 2020 means the Financial Year starting Apr 1, 2019 and ending Mar 31, 2020

  5. B U S I N E S S O V E R V I E W

  6. C O M PA N Y O V E R V I E W Justdial’s services connect High user engagement, 105.9 sellers of products & services million ratings & reviews with potential buyers/ users 157 million quarterly unique Database of 28.6 million visitors in Q3-FY20 listings Scalable and profitable 534,960 active paid business model campaigns Figures as on Dec 31, 2019

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  8. N AT I O N W I D E P R E S E N C E Chandigarh Delhi NCR (Noida) Nationwide coverage, branches in Jaipur 11 cities across India Ahmedabad Kolkata Corporate Headquarters in Mumbai, Technology operations and R&D division in Bengaluru Mumbai Pune Hyderabad 4,202 employees in tele-sales, 5,671 feet-on-street salesforce Chennai Bengaluru Coimbatore On-the-ground presence in 250+ cities pan India, covering 11,000+ pin codes

  9. P L AT F O R M S Traffic 81% Share Q3 FY20 M O B I L E 157 million^ Mobile Site & Apps 14% D E S K T O P/ P C www.justdial.com 5% V O I C E 88888-88888 ^ Unique visitors are aggregated across various mediums – Voice, Desktop/ PC, Mobile; these may not necessarily be mutually exclusive

  10. M O B I L E Android, iOS & Windows Apps Predictive Auto-Suggest Company, Category, Product Search Map View of Category Search Location Detection Voice Search App Notifications JD Pay JD Social Maps & directions Location-based search service Ratings & Reviews Friends’ Ratings Favorites Search Plus

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  12. V O I C E 88888-88888 Operator-assisted Hotline Number One number across India 24 Hours a day x 7 Days a week Multi-lingual support Zero-ring Pickup Personalized Greeting Multiple queries in one call Instant Email & SMS

  13. VA L U E P R O P O S I T I O N F O R S M E s LISTING OWN WEBSITE PAYMENTS RATINGS REACH Every SME should Justdial can create SMEs can accept Ratings are key to JD Social, a social be listed on websites for SMEs digital payments users’ decision - media platform Justdial - India's instantly, which are from their making, JD Ratings with curated leading local mobile-ready, customers - via JD tool helps SMEs content, provides search engine & dynamic & have Pay, an online gather more great visibility to online marketplace transactional payment ratings & reviews businesses rated capabilities mechanism by users

  14. U S E R E N G A G E M E N T 105.9 million Ratings & Reviews Mobile-verified, unbiased ratings Friends’ Ratings 10-Point Rating Scale Facebook & Twitter-shareable Photos Upload with Review Ratings shared on JD Social Robust Audit Mechanism

  15. T R A F F I C / V I S I TO R S Quarterly Unique Visitors (million) 175 161.3 157.0 156.1 150 139.1 134.2 131.3 125.2 125 111.6 107.6 100 75 50 25 0 3Q FY18 4Q FY18 1Q FY19 2Q FY19 3Q FY19 4Q FY19 1Q FY20 2Q FY20 3Q FY20

  16. T R A F F I C / V I S I TO R S Quarterly Unique Visitors split (million) 175 150 125 100 129.8 125.1 127.9 110.4 105.3 100.5 75 92.3 79.0 73.6 50 25 25.0 23.5 24.0 21.8 22.3 23.3 20.3 20.6 21.6 9.0 9.4 8.9 8.6 8.6 8.1 8.7 8.1 7.6 0 3Q FY18 4Q FY18 1Q FY19 2Q FY19 3Q FY19 4Q FY19 1Q FY20 2Q FY20 3Q FY20 Voice Web Mobile Unique visitors are aggregated across various mediums – Voice, Desktop/ PC, Mobile; these may not necessarily be mutually exclusive


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