J. Susy Peterson, Coordinator 386-506-0014
To meet the online credit graduation requirement. To accelerate. To recover credit through credit retrieval and/or credit recovery. To participate in a course not offered by the school. To participate in extracurricular activities offered during the school day. To have flexibility to work at anytime of day and at any place with internet access.
Full-time virtual Part-time virtual eLearning Labs at the High Schools Credit Retrieval Credit Recovery
100% online, distance education. Open Enrollment, April 23 rd through July 22 nd . Three options: 1. Volusia Online Learning – Grades 6-8 2. K12, Inc. – Grades K -12 3. Pasco eSchool – Grades K-5 Students can still participate in extra- curricular activities through their zone school. Required to take district and state assessments.
Supplemental Online Course, as part of or in addition to their school schedule. VCS instructors are able to provide personalized instruction. VOL is able to offer courses that zone school doesn’t offer (ex. Vet Assisting, Drivers Ed for permit, African American History, etc.). Required to take state and district assessments.
Instructor created online courses through Canvas Learning Management System Professionally created courses using: o Edgenuity o Apex o FuelEd o Florida Virtual School 2016-17, VOL online course enrollments > 7,500.
High school virtual learning labs Meet the needs of the ELEARNING school’s students LABS Flexible schedule Fewer courses at a time
1 2 School based credit Course work retrieval labs. completed for a grade change.
Online course that is taken to forgive credit for course previously taken. Student earns a ½ elective credit in addition to course credit.
VCS & VOL For the 2018-19 school year, Volusia County Schools & Volusia Online Learning will become a franchise of Florida Virtual School. Student Florida Virtual FLVS = professionally built Success School courses and supported learning management system to provide more learning opportunities for our students. Rigorous, VOL = use VCS teachers to supported provide personalized, local content with local teachers instruction to increase student engagement and success.
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