Itinerary • A brief history of THA achievements • Phase 6 update • Aros Park Development update • Buying the pontoons, Solum of Ledaig carpark & boat park. • EGM – to present and vote on the proposed changes Tobermory Harbour Association to the Company’s Articles of Association (i.e. the EGM & Project Presentation Constitution). Monday 13 th August 2018 • History of Ledaig carpark – End of THA Business Aros Hall, Tobermory • Open discussion on parking 7.30pm-8.30pm
1983 1985 2001 2006 1991 1996 1999 2004 1 st visitor Tobermory Small landing THA help develop Approvals Ledaig park Moorings Small landing Harbour & moorings stage added, new sewage obtained completed. reorganised and stage replaced by Fairways installed landscaping and 5 system, water to create Based on our new visitor 20 berth pontoons quality Committee clear committees' moorings 1 st compounds added and visitor formed for local throughout he bay fairway report and staff were numbers doubled businesses to hire now transformed recommenda employed tions. 2008 2011 2014 2015 2017 Taigh Solais Opens THA take exhibition Mull Aquarium concept Costal Communities Harbour Empowerment order providing showers, space inhouse and devised. opened its projects included; 8 new approved. Appointed new toilets, laundry facilities, doors in Mar 2015 as open our own moorings installed, new harbour master. Passenger as well as rentable office Europe’s first catch and Marine Visitor shelters, costal Path landing pontoon added to and exhibition space Centre release aquarium constructed, boatpark separate out cruise ship developed passengers
MKA’s ambitious Forestry Commission Feasibility work carried out A feasibility study, carried out Scotland (FCS) have in 2016/17 (funded by the recommendations for by MKA Economics estimated Scottish Land Fund) found renovation and development been in discussions with that the development could strong local support for were beyond the current the THA for several bring in a potential 1.5m for capacity of the THA, we could years regarding the community ownership and the local economy, and could transfer of the pier and the restoration of these not evidence a plan for help safeguard another 28 associated buildings at assets. development to the SLF, the jobs in the area’s tourism project was therefore put on Aros Park to the THA. economy. hold. Aros Park Update /
April – July 2018 August 2018 Mar 2018 Sept 18 – March 19: Submitted 2 nd stage If 2 nd stage approved, then legal Issues around Articles of A THA sub group met Association were resolved application to SLF with FSC who were still work will progress to transfer to fit with SLF criteria keen for us to proceed. ownership. Land valued at £55K SLF stated they would New community SLF will cover 95% consultation took place with welcome a Stage 2 70% overall support for the application if supported purchase. Tonight’s meeting to approve by a realistic business plan new articles of association. – even if development takes place over several THA decide to go ahead with SLF application with an years. Aros Park Update open ended development plan.
Purchase of the Pontoons • This is the buying back of all the Tobermory Pontoons. • At present owned by the Crown Estate • Run by the THA under a complex management and prior charge agreement. Lease runs until 2057 • Scottish land fund (SLF) could fund up to 95% of the purchase price. Buying the Pontoons & Solum up/
Why do do we e want to to Pur urchase the Pontoons? Benefit Ben its of of Pur urchasin ing th the Pon ontoons? • Each year we pay the Crown Estate a prior charge By purchasing this asset we will make considerable (rent) and a share of the profits. savings. This will create; • We currently have to maintain and replace the assets • 1x FTE new permanent staff position • Pontoons are over 10 years old ( 2007 for the (instead of seasonal position) 1 st extension, 2011 extension of hammerhead) • Training and development of existing staff • They require yearly maintenance and now to satisfy our statutory obligations now we reaching the stage where elements have to be are a harbour authority. upgraded. • Paying for the maintenance and upgrade of • Insurance: As a Harbour Authority our element of facilities. Risk has increased. • Administration costs involved in • Staffing costs to manage and maintain the maintaining asset register. pontoons and ensure safety. Buying the Pontoons & Solum up/
Purchase of the Solum • This is the purchase from Crown Estate Scotland of the old seabed under the Ledaig car park & boatpark. (area in orange opposite) • This land is leased to A&B council, who own and manage the carpark • THA sub-let a small section of this land from A&B council and have built the boatpark on top. Buying the Pontoons & Solum up/
Why do do we e want to to Pur urchase the Solu Solum? Benefit Ben its of of Pur urchasin ing th the Solu Solum? • This will make the THA the landlord of Argyll and • THA will receive a rental from A&B council for Bute Council who run and will continue to run and carpark estimated at least £1,900 p.a. maintain the carpark. • Save the £361p.a. for sub-letting the boat park • To simplify the complex sub-let arrangement with • Rental income may offset the loss of council the boatpark. A&B council may be willing to give us funding on toilets . the complete ownership. • This would be a 2 nd hand subsidy allowing us to • A&B council subsidised the Taigh Solais toilets continue providing the community with this public under a service agreement, which included winter facility all year round. opening – • If the council implement car parking charges, we as • 2009-2014 - £9,900 per annum landlords, could increase the rent accordingly. This • 2014-2017 - £8,000 per annum income could be used for direct community • 2018 – £0 benefit. • A&B no longer subsidise the Toilets. There is no business case for keeping the toilets opened during the winter months as we make a loss during this time. Buying the Pontoons & Solum up/
What next? Valuations Legal work Public Stage 1 Scottish land Stage 2 application & and consultation fund application deadline 7 th business transfer Please fill in a plans September questionnaire. Buying Pontoons & Solum /
Extraordinary General Meeting The EGM will start now Only members can vote in this part of the meeting! See Mary: Apply for membership or if you have a proxy vote instruction on behalf of someone else.
Main points are: • The membership was unduly complex and not totally open to all • These changes are to bring the THA in line with the latest thinking by the Scottish Government and by Funders on the Governance and conduct of Community Companies • The Community is now specified and includes all from the North of Mull. Specifically, postal code areas PA72, PA73, PA74, PA75 • Categories of membership have been re-defined – non residents can become members but do not have voting rights. • All the complex categories of Directors from Stakeholder Groups to formally Constituted Groups has been stripped out. • The term ‘stakeholder director’ will now cease to exist and the new term ‘member director’ will be used from now on. • The number of directors (now referred to as ‘member directors’) have changed from 10 to 9, Executive Directors have increased from 2 to 3. • The secretary must now maintain a register of Directors Interests Changes to the Articles /
Dis iscussions? The Vote! Changes to the Articles /
End of Tobermory Harbour Business
1990 1979 1987/88 LEDAIG HISTORY 2004 1991 2014
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