italian defense general staff

Italian Defense General Staff C4I Systems and Transformation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 1 23 Italian Defense General Staff C4I Systems and Transformation Division SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO PROGRAMME DIVISION Madrid, May 23 rd 2018 Lt.Col. (Army) Alfonso Aiello Releasable to public 2 SCOPE 2 23 SDR Tactical Communications

  1. 1 1 23 Italian Defense General Staff C4I Systems and Transformation Division SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO PROGRAMME DIVISION Madrid, May 23 rd 2018 Lt.Col. (Army) Alfonso Aiello Releasable to public

  2. 2 SCOPE 2 23 SDR Tactical Communications Workshop The ITALIAN SDR Programme National vision on future Operational Scenarios Releasable to public

  3. 3 AGENDA 3 23  Introduction  National Operational Requirement  National SDR Projects  International SDR Cooperation Releasable to public

  4. 4 4 23  Introduction  National Operational Requirement  National SDR Projects  International SDR Cooperation Releasable to public

  5. 5 INTRODUCTION 5 23 Information Information Management Superiority Information Decision Knowledge Superiority C4 ISTAR FLEXIBILITY SCALABILITY SECURITY AVAILABILITY ROBUSTNESS Releasable to public

  6. 6 6 23  Introduction  National Operational Requirement  National SDR Projects  International SDR Cooperation Releasable to public

  7. 7 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENT 7 23 Joint & Multinational Projection of the assets Interagency Land Maritime Air Releasable to public

  8. 8 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENT 8 23 Littoral Environment Releasable to public

  9. 9 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENT 9 23 Portability Upgradability Scalability flexibility Interoperability Reconfigurability SDR - N NATO – EU COAL DATA stream Gateway Information Assurance Releasable to public

  10. 10 10 23  Introduction  National Operational Requirement  National SDR Projects  International SDR Cooperation Releasable to public

  11. 11 National SDR Projects 11 23 HF SINCGARS HCDR ESSOR Phase 1 TACSAT DAMA 2018/2019 HQ I/II 2015/2017 2014 SBW EASY II 2013 2012 Hardware = Radio platform Software= OE + Waveform Releasable to public

  12. 12 National SDR Projects 12 23 Future Soldier legacy & future VHF-UHF SWB WF HF WF VLOS WF ESSOR HDR WF SINCGARS WF HCDR WF HQ I/II WF SWB WF TACSAT WF VLOS WF Releasable to public

  13. 13 National SDR Programs 13 23 F NEC x AN/PRC -148 AN/PRC-152 SRT-651 TSM 305 II / III CNR 2000 Capacità non SINCGARS I prevista 635/V HCDR TST- 211B RH4/RH5 SINCGARS 634/V SINCGARS 633/P PRR IPR PRR IPR Dismounted Vehicular Tipo G-A-G SATCOM Band UHF VHF VHF UHF HF UHF UHF X - Ku Releasable to public

  14. 14 National SDR Programs 14 23 F NEC x TSM 305 II / III I TST- 211B VEHICULAR MANPACK 4 CH 2 CH DISMOUNTED SOLDIER Dismounted Vehicular Tipo G-A-G SATCOM Band UHF VHF VHF UHF HF UHF UHF X - Ku Releasable to public

  15. 15 National SDR Programs 15 23 Naval Program OSV LSS LHD Navy new naval programs foresee full deployment of SDR technology:  Unique Naval SDR HW platform (external COMSEC) for: • “HF house” (voice/data with 2G & 3G ALE) • VHF: fixed frequency voice / data • UHF: LOS fixed freq., EPM ( Have Quick / Saturn ), Wideband (SBW, future HDR)  Land SDR HW platform Releasable to public

  16. 16 National SDR Programs 16 23 Littoral Environment SBW HDR SBW HDR safeguard legacy systems Releasable to public

  17. 17 17 23  Introduction  National Operational Requirement  National SDR Projects  International SDR Cooperation Releasable to public

  18. 18 International SDR Cooperation 18 23 European Secure SOftware defined Radio interoperability through portability PHASE 1 HDR WF (R&D) PHASE 2 HDR WF (Operational Capability 1) Releasable to public

  19. 19 International SDR Cooperation 19 23 waveform interoperability approach NBWF/WBWF ESSOR HDR WF Soldier Wide Band (SBW) WF (national solution) legacy (SINCGARS) new waveform in cooperation Releasable to public

  20. 20 International SDR Cooperation 20 23 European Union ITA is part of the EU PESCO initiative leading 4 different Project out of 17 ITA is actively participating in the ESSOR PESCO Project Releasable to public

  21. 21 International SDR Cooperation 21 23 Certification and Standardization ITA is supporting the standardization and certification of the SDR software architecture (based on the ESSOR Architecture) in order to: • Assure interoperability • Improve WF portability • Safeguard SDR investment Releasable to public

  22. 22 International SDR Cooperation 22 23 Italian National Vision (maturity) ESSOR PESCO Cooperation HDR SDR operational HW & WF implementation 50W (feedback) Avio new/improved HW EVOLUTION new/improved WF 2011 Releasable to public

  23. 23 23 23 Thanks for your attention Releasable to public

  24. 24 24 23 Italian Defense General Staff C4I Systems and Transformation Division SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO PROGRAMME DIVISION Madrid, May 23 rd 2018 Lt.Col. (Army) Alfonso Aiello Releasable to public

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