#isoscope @maptimeBER @martinvonlupin 17.02.2015
Martin von Lupin Interfacedesign at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam martinvonlupin.de @martinvonlupin
Flavio Gortana Sebastian Kaim Till Nagel fmaviogortana.com sebastiankaim.com tillnagel.com
Isoscope - intention - design process - demo - user feedback - future work
our journeys through the city? How do restrictions impact Bildquelle: http://www.wallpaperstravel.com/wallpapers/seoul-night-traffic-for-us-1920x1200.jpg
affect urban mobility? How do traffjc jams Bildquelle: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-QYZDua7aT_8/UXMV86umUaI/AAAAAAAAATM/baOarSHe4js/s1600/Kreuzung%2Bvoll.jpg
+ = Location Time How far can you go Range from ? in ? minutes depending on daytime
5 3,7 km 1,4 km 10:00 Uhr 17:00 Uhr min Wenig Verkehr Feierabendverkehr low traffjc rush hour
Demo time!
Isoscope uses: - modern browser -> leaflet.js (map framework) -> here map tiles -> isoline API (here) -> d3.js (svg rendering and styling)
Something nice about isoscope - let‘s you dive right in - easy interaction - easy access via browser - no location restrictions - creates curiosity because everyone is addressed - let‘s you find your own stories
What is isoscope for?
discussion at livehacker.com
#isoscope at twitter.com
Future work - make it mobile friendly - smoothen user inferface - smoothen interaction - possibility to compare areas easily - include public transit - more flexible time selection
Use the power of maps!
Use the power of maps! Tell your story to the world and create curiosity!
Thanks. Explore your own city: isoscope.fh-potsdam.de Give feedback: kontakt@martinvonlupin.de @martinvonlupin
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